
C ++中的虚函数
简而言之, Overrideing是一项功能, 它允许子类或子类提供其超类或父类之一已经提供的方法的特定实现。当子类中的方法与其父类中的方法具有相同的名称, 相同的参数或签名以及相同的返回类型(或子类型)时, 则称子类中的方法覆盖父类中的方法。类。方法重写是C#实现的一种方法
被覆盖声明所覆盖的方法称为覆盖基础方法。覆盖方法是从基类继承的成员的新实现。覆盖的基本方法必须是虚拟的, 抽象的或覆盖的。


class base_class{public void gfg(); }class derived_class : base_class{public void gfg(); }class Main_Method{ static void Main() {derived_class d = new derived_class(); d.gfg(); }}

在这里, 基类在派生类和方法中继承gfg()在两个类中具有相同签名的标记将被覆盖。
在C#中, 我们可以使用3种类型的关键字进行方法覆盖:
class base_class{public virtual void gfg(); }class derived_class : base_class{public override void gfg(); }class Main_Method{ static void Main() {derived d_class = new derived_class(); d.gfg(); base_class b = new derived_class(); b.gfg(); }}

首先, d引用类的对象派生类它调用gfg()班上的派生类然后, b引用类库的引用, 它保存派生类的对象, 并调用gfg()类的派生。这里gfg()方法获得基类的许可才能覆盖派生类中的方法。
// C# program to demonstrate the method overriding // without using 'virtual' and 'override' modifiers using System; // base class name 'baseClass' class baseClass{ public void show() { Console.WriteLine( "Base class" ); } }// derived class name 'derived' // 'baseClass' inherit here class derived : baseClass {// overriding new public void show() { Console.WriteLine( "Derived class" ); } }class GFG {// Main Method public static void Main() {// 'obj' is the object of // class 'baseClass' baseClass obj = new baseClass(); // invokes the method 'show()' // of class 'baseClass' obj.show(); obj = new derived(); // it also invokes the method // 'show()' of class 'baseClass' obj.show(); } }

Base classBase class

说明:在此程序中, 对象对象调用类baseClass两次并调用方法节目()上课baseClass。为避免此问题, 我们使用virtual和override关键字。
// C# program to illustrate the use of //'virtual' and 'override' modifiers using System; class baseClass {// show() is 'virtual' here public virtual void show() { Console.WriteLine( "Base class" ); } }// class 'baseClass' inherit // class 'derived' class derived : baseClass {//'show()' is 'override' here public override void show() { Console.WriteLine( "Derived class" ); } }class GFG {// Main Method public static void Main() {baseClass obj; // 'obj' is the object // of class 'baseClass' obj = new baseClass(); // it invokes 'show()' // of class 'baseClass' obj.show(); // the same object 'obj' is now // the object of class 'derived' obj = new derived(); // it invokes 'show()' of class 'derived' // 'show()' of class 'derived' is overridden // for 'override' modifier obj.show(); } }

Base classDerived class

这用于从派生类访问基类的成员。它基本上用于访问基类的构造函数和方法或函数。 base关键字不能在静态方法中使用。 Base关键字指定在创建派生类的实例时应调用基类的构造函数。
  • 从派生类调用基类的方法或函数。
  • 在调用基类内部的构造函数时遗产.
// C# program to show the use of 'base' // keyword in method overriding using System; // base class public class web {string name = "lsbin" ; // 'showdata()' is member method, // declare as virtual public virtual void showdata() { Console.WriteLine( "Website Name: " + name); } }// derived class // class 'web' is inherits // class 'stream' class stream : web {string s = "Computer Science" ; //'showdata()' is overridden // in derived class public override void showdata() {// Calling 'showdata()' of base // class using 'base' keyword base .showdata(); Console.WriteLine( "About: " + s); } }class GFG {// Main Method static void Main() {// 'E' is object of class stream // also works as object of // class 'web' stream E = new stream(); // it first invokes 'showdata()' // of class 'web' then it invokes // 'showdata()' of class 'stream' E.showdata(); } }

Website Name: lsbinAbout: Computer Science

// C# program to show how base keyword // specifies the calling of base-class // constructor from the derived class // when derived class instances are created using System; // base class public class clssA {int n1, n2; // default constructor public clssA() { Console.WriteLine( "Default Constructor Invoked" ); }// parameterized constructor public clssA( int i, int j) {// consturct values n1 = i; n2 = j; Console.WriteLine( "Parameterized Constructor Invoked" ); Console.WriteLine( "Invoked Values are: " + n1 + " and " + n2); } }// derived class public class DerivedClass : clssA {// This constructor will instantiate // 'clssA()' [no argument constructor] // using 'base' keyword public DerivedClass() : base () { }// This constructor will instantiate // 'clssA(int i, int j)' [parameterized // constructor] using 'base' keyword public DerivedClass( int i, int j) : base (i, j) { }// Main Method static void Main() {// invoke no argumanet constructor DerivedClass d1 = new DerivedClass(); Console.WriteLine(); // invoke parameterized constructor DerivedClass d2 = new DerivedClass(10, 20); } }

Default Constructor InvokedParameterized Constructor InvokedInvoked Values are: 10 and 20

范例3:它显示了base关键字如何指定基类建设者从派生类调用, 也使用派生类的base关键字调用方法。
// C# program to show how 'base' keyword specifies // the base-class constructor that called from // derived class and also calling a method 'swap' // from derived class using base keyword using System; // base class public class clssA {public int n1, n2; // default constructor public clssA() { Console.WriteLine( "In clssA 'no argument constructor' invoked" ); }// parameterized constructor public clssA( int i, int j) {// consturct values n1 = i; n2 = j; Console.WriteLine( "in clssA 'parameterized constructor' invoked" ); Console.WriteLine( "the invoked values are " + n1 + " and " + n2); Console.WriteLine(); }public virtual void swap() { Console.WriteLine( "swap function of base class(clssA) invoked" ); Console.WriteLine( "Before swap num1 = {0} and num2 = {1}" , n1, n2); // swapping int t = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = t; Console.WriteLine( "After swap num1 = {0} and num2 = {1}" , n1, n2); } }// derived class public class DerivedClass : clssA {// This constructor will instantiate // 'clssA' [no argument constructor] // using 'base' keyword public DerivedClass() : base () { }// This constructor will instantiate // 'clssA' [parameterized constructor] // using 'base' keyword public DerivedClass( int i, int j) : base (i, j) { }public override void swap() {// it access the swap function of // 'clssA' using 'base' keyword base .swap(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Swap function of derived class invoked" ); Console.WriteLine( "Before swap num1 = {0} and num2 = {1}" , n1, n2); // swapping int t = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = t; Console.WriteLine( "After swap num1 = {0} and num2 = {1}" , n1, n2); }// Main Method static void Main() {// invoke no argumanet constructor DerivedClass d1 = new DerivedClass(); Console.WriteLine(); // invoke parameterized constructor DerivedClass d2 = new DerivedClass(10, 20); // calling swap function d2.swap(); } }

In clssA 'no argument constructor' invokedin clssA 'parameterized constructor' invokedthe invoked values are 10 and 20swap function of base class(clssA) invokedBefore swap num1 = 10 and num2 = 20After swap num1 = 20 and num2 = 10Swap function of derived class invokedBefore swap num1 = 20 and num2 = 10After swap num1 = 10 and num2 = 20

  • 仅在派生类中才可以覆盖方法。因为在基类的派生类中重写了方法。
  • 方法必须是用于重写的非虚拟或静态方法。
  • 覆盖方法和虚拟方法都必须具有相同的访问级别修饰符。
