

  • C++
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
给定一个字母数字字符串str, 任务是按以下方式对字符串进行排序:如果某个位置被字母占据, 那么它必须在排序后被一个字母占据;如果一个位置被数字占据, 则在排序后必须被一个数字占据。
【对字母数字字符串进行排序,以使字母和数字的位置保持不变】输入:str =" geeks12for32geeks"
输入:str =" d4c3b2a1"
方法: 将字符串转换为字符数组,然后对字符数组c[]进行排序。对字符数组进行排序后,数字字符将占据数组的起始索引,字母将占据数组的其余部分。
数字部分将被排序,字母部分也将被排序。我们将保持两个指标在al_c字母表的起始索引部分和一个nu_c开始指数的数字部分,现在我们将检查原始字符串,如果被一个字母然后占领我们将取代它与c [al_c]和增量al_c其他我们将取代它与c [nu_c]和增量nu_c。
//C++ implementation of the approach #include < bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; //Function that returns the string s //in sorted form such that the //positions of alphabets and numeric //digits remain unchanged string sort(string s) { char c[s.length() + 1]; //String to character array strcpy (c, s.c_str()); //Sort the array sort(c, c + s.length()); //Count of alphabets and numbers int al_c = 0, nu_c = 0; //Get the index from where the //alphabets start while (c[al_c] < 97) al_c++; //Now replace the string with sorted string for ( int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {//If the position was occupied by an //alphabet then replace it with alphabet if (s[i] < 97) s[i] = c[nu_c++]; //Else replace it with a number else s[i] = c[al_c++]; }//Return the sorted string return s; }//Driver code int main() { string s = "d4c3b2a1" ; cout < < sort(s); return 0; }

//A Java implementation of the approach import java.util.*; class GFG {//Function that returns the string s //in sorted form such that the //positions of alphabets and numeric //digits remain unchanged static String sort(String s) { char []c = new char [s.length() + 1 ]; //String to character array c = s.toCharArray(); //Sort the array Arrays.sort(c); //Count of alphabets and numbers int al_c = 0 , nu_c = 0 ; //Get the index from where the //alphabets start while (c[al_c] < 97 ) al_c++; //Now replace the string with sorted string for ( int i = 0 ; i < s.length(); i++) {//If the position was occupied by an //alphabet then replace it with alphabet if (s.charAt(i) < 97 ) s = s.substring( 0 , i)+ c[nu_c++]+s.substring(i+ 1 ); //Else replace it with a number else s = s.substring( 0 , i)+ c[al_c++]+s.substring(i+ 1 ); }//Return the sorted string return s; }//Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "d4c3b2a1" ; System.out.println(sort(s)); } }/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

# Python3 implementation of the approach# Function that returns the string s # in sorted form such that the # positions of alphabets and numeric # digits remain unchanged def sort(s):# String to character array c, s = list (s), list (s)# Sort the array c.sort()# Count of alphabets and numbers al_c = 0 nu_c = 0# Get the index from where the # alphabets start while ord (c[al_c]) < 97 : al_c + = 1# Now replace the string with sorted string for i in range ( len (s)):# If the position was occupied by an # alphabet then replace it with alphabet if s[i] < 'a' : s[i] = c[nu_c] nu_c + = 1# Else replace it with a number else : s[i] = c[al_c] al_c + = 1# Return the sorted string return ''.join(s)# Driver Code if __name__ = = "__main__" : s = "d4c3b2a1" print (sort(s))# This code is contributed by # sanjeev2552

//C# implementation of the approach using System; class GFG { //Function that returns the string s //in sorted form such that the //positions of alphabets and numeric //digits remain unchanged static string sort( string s) { char []c = new char [s.Length + 1]; //String to character array c = s.ToCharArray(); //Sort the array Array.Sort(c); //Count of alphabets and numbers int al_c = 0, nu_c = 0; //Get the index from where the //alphabets start while (c[al_c] < 97) al_c++; //Now replace the string with sorted string for ( int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { //If the position was occupied by an //alphabet then replace it with alphabet if (s[i] < 97) s = s.Substring(0, i)+ c[nu_c++]+s.Substring(i+1); //Else replace it with a number else s = s.Substring(0, i)+ c[al_c++]+s.Substring(i+1); } //Return the sorted string return s; } //Driver code public static void Main() { string s = "d4c3b2a1" ; Console.WriteLine(sort(s)); } } /* This code contributed by AnkitRai01 */


时间复杂度:O(N * log(N))其中N是字符串的长度。
