
在计算机图形学中, 使用graphics.h提供直接功能以绘制不同的坐标形状(如圆形, 矩形等)。通过使用这些功能, 我们可以绘制不同的对象, 例如汽车, 小屋, 树木等。在此程序中, 我们将使用直线和圆来绘制移动的汽车。

  • delay(n):该功能用于将程序输出保留一小段时间, 因为处理速度非常快, 因此可以使用它来查看结果。
  • setcolor(n):graphics.h头文件中的函数, 用于设置指针(光标)的颜色。计算机图形中有一些预定义的颜色。这里n是色号。
  • line(x1, y1, x2, y2):来自graphics.h头文件的函数, 该函数绘制一条线, 其中(x1, y1)作为该线的第一坐标, 而(x2, y2)作为该线的第二坐标。
  • circle(x, y, r):graphics.h头文件中的函数, 该函数绘制一个以中心(x, y)和半径r为中心的圆。
//C program to draw a moving car. This //program run in gcc compiler having //graphics.h library installed #include < graphics.h> #include < stdio.h> //Function to draw moving car void draw_moving_car( void ) {int i, j = 0, gd = DETECT, gm; //Passed three arguments to initgraph //function to initialize graphics mode initgraph(& gd, & gm, "" ); for (i = 0; i < = 420; i = i + 10) {//Set color of car as red setcolor(RED); //Thease lines for bonnet and //body of car line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300); line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270); line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270); line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300); line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330); line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330); //For left wheel of car circle(65 + i, 330, 15); circle(65 + i, 330, 2); //For right wheel of car circle(145 + i, 330, 15); circle(145 + i, 330, 2); //Line left of left wheel line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330); //Line middle of both wheel line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330); //Line right of right wheel line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330); delay(100); //To erase previous drawn car, draw //the whole car at same possition //but color using black setcolor(BLACK); //Lines for bonnet and body of car line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300); line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270); line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270); line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300); line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330); line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330); //For left wheel of car circle(65 + i, 330, 15); circle(65 + i, 330, 2); //For right wheel of car circle(145 + i, 330, 15); circle(145 + i, 330, 2); //Line left of left wheel line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330); //Line middle of both wheel line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330); //Line right of right wheel line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330); }getch(); closegraph(); }//Driver code int main() { draw_moving_car(); return 0; }


//C program to draw a moving car. This //program run in gcc compiler having //graphics.h library installed #include < graphics.h> #include < stdio.h> //Function to draw moving car void draw_moving_car( void ) {int i, j = 0, gd = DETECT, gm; //Passed three arguments to initgraph //function to initialize graphics mode initgraph(& gd, & gm, "" ); for (i = 0; i < = 420; i = i + 10) {//Set color of car as red setcolor(RED); //Thease lines for bonnet and //body of car line(0 + i, 300, 210 + i, 300); line(50 + i, 300, 75 + i, 270); line(75 + i, 270, 150 + i, 270); line(150 + i, 270, 165 + i, 300); line(0 + i, 300, 0 + i, 330); line(210 + i, 300, 210 + i, 330); //For left wheel of car circle(65 + i, 330, 15); circle(65 + i, 330, 2); //For right wheel of car circle(145 + i, 330, 15); circle(145 + i, 330, 2); //Line left of left wheel line(0 + i, 330, 50 + i, 330); //Line middle of both wheel line(80 + i, 330, 130 + i, 330); //Line right of right wheel line(210 + i, 330, 160 + i, 330); delay(100); //To erase previous drawn car //use cleardevice() function cleardevice(); }getch(); closegraph(); }//Driver code int main() { draw_moving_car(); return 0; }


