

  • C
  • C ++
  • C
  • C ++

运算符是任何编程语言的基础。因此, 如果不使用运算符, C语言的功能是不完整的。运算符允许我们对操作数执行不同类型的运算。在C中, 可以将操作符归类为以下类别:
  • 算术运算符s(+, -, *, /, %, 后递增, 前递增, 后递减, 前递减)
  • 关系运算符(==, !=, > , < , > =&< =)逻辑运算符(& & , ||和!)
  • 按位运算符(&, |, ^, ~, > > 和< < )
  • 赋值运算符s(=, + =, -=, * =等)
  • 其他运营商(条件, 逗号, sizeof, 地址, 重定向)
  • 加成:的‘+’运算符将两个操作数相加。例如, x + y.
  • 减法:的‘-’运算符减去两个操作数。例如, 设.
  • 乘法:的‘*’运算符将两个操作数相乘。例如, x * y.
  • 师:的‘/’运算符将第一个操作数除以第二个。例如, x / y.
  • 模量:的‘%’当第一个操作数除以第二个操作数时, 运算符将返回余数。例如, x%y.
//C program to demonstrate working of binary arithmetic operators #include < stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10, b = 4, res; //printing a and b printf ( "a is %d and b is %d\n" , a, b); res = a + b; //addition printf ( "a+b is %d\n" , res); res = a - b; //subtraction printf ( "a-b is %d\n" , res); res = a * b; //multiplication printf ( "a*b is %d\n" , res); res = a /b; //division printf ( "a/b is %d\n" , res); res = a % b; //modulus printf ( "a%b is %d\n" , res); return 0; }

C ++
#include < iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 10, b = 4, res; //printing a and b cout< < "a is " < < a< < " and b is " < < b< < "\n" ; //addition res = a + b; cout < < "a+b is: " < < res < < "\n" ; //subtraction res = a - b; cout < < "a-b is: " < < res < < "\n" ; //multiplication res = a * b; cout < < "a*b is: " < < res < < "\n" ; //division res = a /b; cout < < "a/b is: " < < res < < "\n" ; //modulus res = a % b; cout < < "a%b is: " < < res < < "\n" ; return 0; }

a is 10 and b is: 4 a+b is: 14 a-b is: 6 a*b is: 40 a/b is: 2 a%b is: 2

  • 增量:的‘++’运算符用于递增整数值。当放置在变量名称(也称为预增量运算符)之前时, 其值会立即增加。例如, ++ x.
    当将其放在变量名之后(也称为后递增运算符)时, 其值将暂时保留, 直到执行该语句为止, 并且在下一个语句执行之前对其进行更新。例如, x ++.
  • 减量:的‘– –’运算符用于减少整数值。当放置在变量名称(也称为预减运算符)之前时, 其值将立即减小。例如, - - X.
    当将其放在变量名(也称为后减运算符)之后时, 其值将暂时保留, 直到执行该语句为止, 并且在下一个语句执行之前对其进行更新。例如, X - -.
//C program to demonstrate working of Unary arithmetic operators #include < stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10, b = 4, res; //post-increment example: //res is assigned 10 only, a is not updated yet res = a++; printf ( "a is %d and res is %d\n" , a, res); //a becomes 11 now//post-decrement example: //res is assigned 11 only, a is not updated yet res = a--; printf ( "a is %d and res is %d\n" , a, res); //a becomes 10 now//pre-increment example: //res is assigned 11 now since a is updated here itself res = ++a; //a and res have same values = 11 printf ( "a is %d and res is %d\n" , a, res); //pre-decrement example: //res is assigned 10 only since a is updated here itself res = --a; //a and res have same values = 10 printf ( "a is %d and res is %d\n" , a, res); return 0; }

C ++
#include < iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 10, b = 4, res; //post-increment example: //res is assigned 10 only, a is not updated yet res = a++; //a becomes 11 now cout < < "a is " < < a< < " and res is " < < res< < "\n" ; //post-decrement example: //res is assigned 11 only, a is not updated yet res = a--; //a becomes 10 now cout < < "a is " < < a< < " and res is " < < res< < "\n" ; //pre-increment example: //res is assigned 11 now since a is updated here itself res = ++a; //a and res have same values = 11 cout < < "a is " < < a< < " and res is " < < res< < "\n" ; //pre-decrement example: //res is assigned 10 only since a is updated here itself res = --a; //a and res have same values = 10 cout < < "a is " < < a< < " and res is " < < res< < "\n" ; return 0; }

a is 11 and res is 10 a is 10 and res is 11 a is 11 and res is 11 a is 10 and res is 10

要知道运算符优先级和关联性, 请参阅这个链接:
本文由Ayush Jaggi贡献。如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者你想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请发表评论
