


//C# program to illustrate the //concept of single threaded model using System; using System.Threading; public class Geek {//static method one public static void method1() {//It prints numbers from 0 to 10 for ( int I = 0; I < = 10; I++) {Console.WriteLine( "Method1 is : {0}" , I); //When the value of I is equal to //5 then this method sleeps for //6 seconds and after 6 seconds //it resumes its working if (I == 5) { Thread.Sleep(6000); } } }//static method two public static void method2() {//It prints numbers from 0 to 10 for ( int J = 0; J < = 10; J++) {Console.WriteLine( "Method2 is : {0}" , J); } } }//Driver Class public class GFG {//Main Method static public void Main() {//Calling static methods Geek.method1(); Geek.method2(); } }

Method1 is : 0 Method1 is : 1 Method1 is : 2 Method1 is : 3 Method1 is : 4 Method1 is : 5 Method1 is : 6 Method1 is : 7 Method1 is : 8 Method1 is : 9 Method1 is : 10 Method2 is : 0 Method2 is : 1 Method2 is : 2 Method2 is : 3 Method2 is : 4 Method2 is : 5 Method2 is : 6 Method2 is : 7 Method2 is : 8 Method2 is : 9 Method2 is : 10

说明:在这里, 首先方法1执行。在方法1, 对于当i的值等于5时, 循环从0开始, 然后该方法进入睡眠状态6秒钟, 并在6秒钟后恢复过程并打印剩余值。直到方法2处于等待状态。方法2何时开始工作方法1完成分配的任务。因此克服了单线程模型的弊端多线程介绍。
多线程是一个在单个进程中包含多个线程的进程。在这里, 每个线程执行不同的活动。例如, 我们有一个类, 此调用包含两个不同的方法, 现在使用多线程, 每个方法由一个单独的线程执行。因此, 多线程的主要优点是可以同时工作, 这意味着多个任务可以同时执行。而且, 由于多线程在分时概念上工作, 因此还可以最大程度地提高CPU的利用率, 这意味着每个线程都有自己的执行时间, 并且不影响另一个线程的执行, 该时间间隔由操作系统决定。

//C# program to illustrate the //concept of multithreading using System; using System.Threading; public class GFG {//static method one public static void method1() {//It prints numbers from 0 to 10 for ( int I = 0; I < = 10; I++) { Console.WriteLine( "Method1 is : {0}" , I); //When the value of I is equal to 5 then //this method sleeps for 6 seconds if (I == 5) { Thread.Sleep(6000); } } }//static method two public static void method2() { //It prints numbers from 0 to 10 for ( int J = 0; J < = 10; J++) { Console.WriteLine( "Method2 is : {0}" , J); } }//Main Method static public void Main() {//Creating and initializing threads Thread thr1 = new Thread(method1); Thread thr2 = new Thread(method2); thr1.Start(); thr2.Start(); } }

Method1 is : 0 Method1 is : 1 Method1 is : 2 Method1 is : 3 Method2 is : 0 Method2 is : 1 Method2 is : 2 Method2 is : 3 Method2 is : 4 Method2 is : 5 Method2 is : 6 Method2 is : 7 Method2 is : 8 Method2 is : 9 Method2 is : 10 Method1 is : 4 Method1 is : 5 Method1 is : 6 Method1 is : 7 Method1 is : 8 Method1 is : 9 Method1 is : 10

说明:在这里, 我们创建并初始化两个线程, 即thr1和thr2使用Thread类。现在使用thr1.Start(); 和thr2.Start(); 我们开始执行两个线程。现在, 两个线程同时运行, 并且thr2不依赖于thr1就像在单线程模型中一样。
  • 它同时执行多个过程。
  • 最大限度地利用CPU资源。
  • 多个进程之间的时间共享。
