C++ goto语句用法

C ++ goto语句也称为跳转语句。它用于将控制权转移到程序的其他部分。它无条件跳转到指定的标签。
C ++ Goto语句示例【C++ goto语句用法】让我们看一下C ++中goto语句的简单示例。

#include < iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ineligible: cout< < "You are not eligible to vote!\n"; cout< < "Enter your age:\n"; int age; cin> > age; if (age < 18){ goto ineligible; } else { cout< < "You are eligible to vote!"; } }

You are not eligible to vote! Enter your age: 16 You are not eligible to vote! Enter your age: 7 You are not eligible to vote! Enter your age: 22 You are eligible to vote!
