
Python如何创建看门狗?本文通过使用看门狗和 pygtail 库在 Python 中创建看门狗,了解如何监视和监视文件系统的事件。
我们将使用  看门狗和pygtail库来检测发生的变化,还有一个 Flask、Redis 和 SocketIO 版本,其中创建了一个 GUI 网络应用程序用于相同的目的,你可以随时参考这里。


$ pip3 install Pygtail==0.11.1 watchdog==2.1.1

# Application configuration File ################################ # Directory To Watch, If not specified, the following value will be considered explicitly. WATCH_DIRECTORY = "C:\\SCRIPTS" # Delay Between Watch Cycles In Seconds WATCH_DELAY = 1 # Check The WATCH_DIRECTORY and its children WATCH_RECURSIVELY = False # whether to watch for directory events DO_WATCH_DIRECTORIES = True # Patterns of the files to watch WATCH_PATTERN = '.txt,.trc,.log' LOG_FILES_EXTENSIONS = ('.txt', '.log', '.trc') # Patterns for observations EXCEPTION_PATTERN = [ 'EXCEPTION', 'FATAL', 'ERROR']

import datetime from pygtail import Pygtail# Loading the package called re from the RegEx Module in order to work with Regular Expressions import reclass FileChecker: def __init__(self, exceptionPattern): self.exceptionPattern = exceptionPatterndef checkForException(self, event, path): # Get current date and time according to the specified format. now = (datetime.datetime.now()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Read the lines of the file (specified in the path) that have not been read yet # Meaning by that it will start from the point where it was last stopped. for num, line in enumerate(Pygtail(path), 1): # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces including newlines. line = line.strip() # Return all non-overlapping matches of the values specified in the Exception Pattern. # The line is scanned from left to right and matches are returned in the oder found. if line and any(re.findall('|'.join(self.exceptionPattern), line, flags=re.I | re.X)): # Observation Detected type = 'observation' msg = f"{now} -- {event.event_type} -- File = {path} -- Observation: {line}" yield type, msg elif line: # No Observation Detected type = 'msg' msg = f"{now} -- {event.event_type} -- File = {path}" yield type, msg

给定目录中的任何文件更改都会触发这些事件,事件对象具有 3 个属性:
  • event_type:作为字符串的事件类型(修改、创建、移动或删除)。
  • is_directory: 一个布尔值,指示是否为目录发出事件。
  • src_path:触发??事件的文件系统对象的源路径。
Python创建看门狗示例 - 现在让我们定义我们的controller.py,首先,让我们导入库:
# The Observer watches for any file change and then dispatches the respective events to an event handler. from watchdog.observers import Observer # The event handler will be notified when an event occurs. from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler import time import config import os from checker import FileChecker import datetime from colorama import Fore, initinit()GREEN = Fore.GREEN BLUE = Fore.BLUE RESET = Fore.RESET RED = Fore.RED YELLOW = Fore.YELLOWevent2color = { "created": GREEN, "modified": BLUE, "deleted": RED, "moved": YELLOW, }def print_with_color(s, color=Fore.WHITE, brightness=Style.NORMAL, **kwargs): """Utility function wrapping the regular `print()` function but with colors and brightness""" print(f"{brightness}{color}{s}{Style.RESET_ALL}", **kwargs)

我们将使用colorama文本颜色来区分不同的事件,有关colorama 的更多信息,请查看本教程。
# Class that inherits from FileSystemEventHandler for handling the events sent by the Observer class LogHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):def __init__(self, watchPattern, exceptionPattern, doWatchDirectories): self.watchPattern = watchPattern self.exceptionPattern = exceptionPattern self.doWatchDirectories = doWatchDirectories # Instantiate the checker self.fc = FileChecker(self.exceptionPattern)def on_any_event(self, event): now = (datetime.datetime.now()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # print("event happened:", event) # To Observe files only not directories if not event.is_directory: # To cater for the on_move event path = event.src_path if hasattr(event, 'dest_path'): path = event.dest_path # Ensure that the file extension is among the pre-defined ones. if path.endswith(self.watchPattern): msg = f"{now} -- {event.event_type} -- File: {path}" if event.event_type in ('modified', 'created', 'moved'): # check for exceptions in log files if path.endswith(config.LOG_FILES_EXTENSIONS): for type, msg in self.fc.checkForException(event=event, path=path): print_with_color(msg, color=event2color[ event.event_type]) else: print_with_color(msg, color=event2color[ event.event_type]) else: print_with_color(msg, color=event2color[ event.event_type]) elif self.doWatchDirectories: msg = f"{now} -- {event.event_type} -- Folder: {event.src_path}" print_with_color(msg, color=event2color[ event.event_type])def on_modified(self, event): passdef on_deleted(self, event): passdef on_created(self, event): passdef on_moved(self, event): pass

复制在LogHandler从类继承类命名FileSystemEventHandler  的的看门狗库,主要覆盖的  on_any_event()  方法。
  • on_any_event(): 调用任何事件。
  • on_created(): 创建文件或目录时调用。
  • on_modified(): 当文件被修改或目录被重命名时调用。
  • on_deleted(): 删除文件或目录时调用。
  • on_moved(): 当文件或目录移动时调用。
  • 观察文件和目录。
  • 验证受事件影响的文件的扩展名是否在WATCH_PATTERN  内部  变量中预定义的扩展名中  config.py
  • 如果检测到,则生成说明事件或观察的消息。
class LogWatcher: # Initialize the observer observer = None # Initialize the stop signal variable stop_signal = 0 # The observer is the class that watches for any file system change and then dispatches the event to the event handler. def __init__(self, watchDirectory, watchDelay, watchRecursively, watchPattern, doWatchDirectories, exceptionPattern, sessionid, namespace): # Initialize variables in relation self.watchDirectory = watchDirectory self.watchDelay = watchDelay self.watchRecursively = watchRecursively self.watchPattern = watchPattern self.doWatchDirectories = doWatchDirectories self.exceptionPattern = exceptionPattern self.namespace = namespace self.sessionid = sessionid# Create an instance of watchdog.observer self.observer = Observer() # The event handler is an object that will be notified when something happens to the file system. self.event_handler = LogHandler(watchPattern, exceptionPattern, self.doWatchDirectories)def schedule(self): print("Observer Scheduled:", self.observer.name) # Call the schedule function via the Observer instance attaching the event self.observer.schedule( self.event_handler, self.watchDirectory, recursive=self.watchRecursively)def start(self): print("Observer Started:", self.observer.name) self.schedule() # Start the observer thread and wait for it to generate events now = (datetime.datetime.now()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") msg = f"Observer: {self.observer.name} - Started On: {now} - Related To Session: {self.sessionid}" print(msg)msg = ( f"Watching {'Recursively' if self.watchRecursively else 'Non-Recursively'}: {self.watchPattern}" f" -- Folder: {self.watchDirectory} -- Every: {self.watchDelay}(sec) -- For Patterns: {self.exceptionPattern}" ) print(msg) self.observer.start()def run(self): print("Observer is running:", self.observer.name) self.start() try: while True: time.sleep(self.watchDelay)if self.stop_signal == 1: print( f"Observer stopped: {self.observer.name}stop signal:{self.stop_signal}") self.stop() break except: self.stop() self.observer.join()def stop(self): print("Observer Stopped:", self.observer.name)now = (datetime.datetime.now()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") msg = f"Observer: {self.observer.name} - Stopped On: {now} - Related To Session: {self.sessionid}" print(msg) self.observer.stop() self.observer.join()def info(self): info = { 'observerName': self.observer.name, 'watchDirectory': self.watchDirectory, 'watchDelay': self.watchDelay, 'watchRecursively': self.watchRecursively, 'watchPattern': self.watchPattern, } return info

  • 创建watchdog.observer线程类的实例,观察者监视任何文件系统更改,然后将相应的事件分派给事件处理程序。
  • 创建一个事件处理程序的实例LogHandler,它从FileSystemEventHandler.  发生任何更改时会通知事件处理程序。
  • 为我们的观察者分配一个时间表并定义其他输入参数,如要观看的目录、观看模式等。请注意,将recursive参数设置为 时True,你必须确保你对子文件夹具有足够的访问权限。
def is_dir_path(path): """Utility function to check whether a path is an actual directory""" if os.path.isdir(path): return path else: raise NotADirectoryError(path)if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Watchdog script for watching for files & directories' changes") parser.add_argument("path", default=config.WATCH_DIRECTORY, type=is_dir_path, ) parser.add_argument("-d", "--watch-delay", help=f"Watch delay, default is {config.WATCH_DELAY}", default=config.WATCH_DELAY, type=int, ) parser.add_argument("-r", "--recursive", action="store_true", help=f"Whether to recursively watch for the path's children, default is {config.WATCH_RECURSIVELY}", default=config.WATCH_RECURSIVELY, ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", help=f"Pattern of files to watch, default is {config.WATCH_PATTERN}", default=config.WATCH_PATTERN, ) parser.add_argument("--watch-directories", action="store_true", help=f"Whether to watch directories, default is {config.DO_WATCH_DIRECTORIES}", default=config.DO_WATCH_DIRECTORIES, ) # parse the arguments args = parser.parse_args() # define & launch the log watcher log_watcher = LogWatcher( watchDirectory=args.path, watchDelay=args.watch_delay, watchRecursively=args.recursive, watchPattern=tuple(args.pattern.split(",")), doWatchDirectories=args.watch_directories, exceptionPattern=config.EXCEPTION_PATTERN, ) log_watcher.run()


