
Python如何提取YouTube评论?本文了解如何在浏览器中监控网络流量以编写 Python 脚本,该脚本使用 Python 中的请求库提取 YouTube 评论。
如何在Python中提取YouTube评论?在本教程中,包含了一个完整的Python提取YouTube评论示例,我们不仅会编写一个 Python 脚本来提取 YouTube 评论,还会尝试使用浏览器开发工具中的网络实用程序来捕获正确的评论请求,从而帮助我们编写代码。
注意:如果本教程的代码不适合你,请改用YouTube API 教程查看。
相关:  如何在 Python 中提取 YouTube 数据。

pip3 install requests

在浏览器中监控网络流量Python如何提取YouTube评论?现在,为了跟随我,使用 Chrome 或任何其他浏览器进入你选择的任何 YouTube 视频,然后右键单击并选择检查元素并转到网络部分:

注意我"comment"在过滤器输入字段中写的,这将帮助我们过滤掉不需要的 HTTP 请求,例如图像、样式和 Javascript 文件等。

太好了,我们已经成功捕获了一个评论请求,如果你点击它,你会看到实际的请求 URL、方法和远程 IP 地址:

到目前为止很好,记住这里的目标是在 Python 中模拟这个 HTTP 请求,但由于这是一个 POST 请求,我们需要更多的细节,比如 POST 正文和 URL 参数。
Python提取YouTube评论示例介绍 - 如果我们向下滚动到同一部分 ( Headers)的底部,我们将看到查询字符串参数和表单数据,如下所示:

太棒了,所以我们需要action_get_commentspbjctokencontinuation,itctsession_token参数。注意action_get_commentspbj参数的值应为1ctokencontinuation具有相同的值。在下一节中,我们将看到如何使用 Python 从 YouTube 视频页面源代码中提取它们。

用 Python 编写注释提取器现在我们了解了评论加载请求是如何发出的,让我们尝试在 Python 中模拟它,导入必要的模块:
import requests import json import time

由于我们需要从视频页面的内容中解析一些数据(上一节中看到的参数),我们不会使用 HTML 解析器,例如BeautifulSoup,这是因为大部分数据都存在于script标签内的 Javascript 对象中.  因此,以下两个函数将帮助我们搜索内容:
# from https://github.com/egbertbouman/youtube-comment-downloader def search_dict(partial, key): """ A handy function that searches for a specific `key` in a `partial` dictionary/list """ if isinstance(partial, dict): for k, v in partial.items(): if k == key: # found the key, return the value yield v else: # value of the dict may be another dict, so we search there again for o in search_dict(v, key): yield o elif isinstance(partial, list): # if the passed data is a list # iterate over it & search for the key at the items in the list for i in partial: for o in search_dict(i, key): yield o# from https://github.com/egbertbouman/youtube-comment-downloader def find_value(html, key, num_sep_chars=2, separator='"'): # define the start position by the position of the key + # length of key + separator length (usually : and ") start_pos = html.find(key) + len(key) + num_sep_chars # the end position is the position of the separator (such as ") # starting from the start_pos end_pos = html.find(separator, start_pos) # return the content in this range return html[ start_pos:end_pos]

如何在Python中提取YouTube评论?现在不要试图理解它们,它们会在令牌提取过程中帮助我们。现在让我们定义我们的核心函数,它接受一个 YouTube 视频 URL 并以字典列表的形式返回评论:
def get_comments(url): session = requests.Session() # make the request res = session.get(url)

res  有 YouTube 视频网页的 HTTP 响应,现在让我们从返回的 HTML 内容中获取会话令牌:
# extract the XSRF token xsrf_token = find_value(res.text, "XSRF_TOKEN", num_sep_chars=3)

XSRF 令牌是session_token请求中表单数据所需的令牌,如果你查看视频页面的页面源并搜索它,你会在那里找到它:

Python如何提取YouTube评论?下面一行负责提取包含我们需要的所有数据的 Javascript 对象:
# parse the YouTube initial data in the < script> tag data_str = find_value(res.text, 'window[ "ytInitialData"] = ', num_sep_chars=0, separator="\n").rstrip("; ") # convert to Python dictionary instead of plain text string data = https://www.lsbin.com/json.loads(data_str)



Python提取YouTube评论示例介绍:现在data是一个包含所有 YouTube 视频数据的常规 Python 字典,现在我们需要搜索nextContinuationData具有所需参数的字典:
# search for the ctoken & continuation parameter fields for r in search_dict(data, "itemSectionRenderer"): pagination_data = https://www.lsbin.com/next(search_dict(r,"nextContinuationData")) if pagination_data: # if we got something, break out of the loop, # we have the data we need break continuation_tokens = [ (pagination_data[ 'continuation'], pagination_data[ 'clickTrackingParams'])]


所以我们对continuation字段 (  ctoken) 和clickTrackingParamsitct)感兴趣
while continuation_tokens: # keep looping until continuation tokens list is empty (no more comments) continuation, itct = continuation_tokens.pop() # construct params parameter (the ones in the URL) params = { "action_get_comments": 1, "pbj": 1, "ctoken": continuation, "continuation": continuation, "itct": itct, } # construct POST body data, which consists of the XSRF token data = https://www.lsbin.com/{"session_token": xsrf_token, } # construct request headers headers = { "x-youtube-client-name": "1", "x-youtube-client-version": "2.20200731.02.01" } # make the POST request to get the comments data response = session.post("https://www.youtube.com/comment_service_ajax", params=params, data=https://www.lsbin.com/data, headers=headers) # convert to a Python dictionary comments_data = json.loads(response.text) for comment in search_dict(comments_data,"commentRenderer"): # iterate over loaded comments and yield useful info yield { "commentId": comment[ "commentId"], "text": ''.join([ c[ 'text'] for c in comment[ 'contentText'][ 'runs']]), "time": comment[ 'publishedTimeText'][ 'runs'][ 0][ 'text'], "isLiked": comment[ "isLiked"], "likeCount": comment[ "likeCount"], # "replyCount": comment[ "replyCount"], 'author': comment.get('authorText', {}).get('simpleText', ''), 'channel': comment[ 'authorEndpoint'][ 'browseEndpoint'][ 'browseId'], 'votes': comment.get('voteCount', {}).get('simpleText', '0'), 'photo': comment[ 'authorThumbnail'][ 'thumbnails'][ -1][ 'url'], "authorIsChannelOwner": comment[ "authorIsChannelOwner"], } # load continuation tokens for next comments (ctoken & itct) continuation_tokens = [ (next_cdata[ 'continuation'], next_cdata[ 'clickTrackingParams']) for next_cdata in search_dict(comments_data, 'nextContinuationData')] + continuation_tokens # avoid heavy loads with popular videos time.sleep(0.1)

if __name__ == "__main__": from pprint import pprint url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw" for count, comment in enumerate(get_comments(url)): if count == 3: break pprint(comment) print("="*50)

这将提取前 3 条评论并打印出来:
{'author': 'wizard yt', 'authorIsChannelOwner': False, 'channel': 'UCNg8yS4kYFvvkOQFIwR5NqA', 'commentId': 'UgwiWPPBdLMwnBSCPwJ4AaABAg', 'isLiked': False, 'likeCount': 0, 'photo': 'https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJyyoOqaBjwEGRqKzuykxNosYd76Tmj-AFUcgAzB=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo', 'text': 'Sub2sub pls i request you i want 50 subs', 'time': '2 seconds ago', 'votes': '0'} ================================================== {'author': 'Abdou Rockikz', 'authorIsChannelOwner': False, 'channel': 'UCA4FBhVyVNMO5LcRfJKwrEA', 'commentId': 'UgzzD6ngnIFkLX_lnsx4AaABAg', 'isLiked': False, 'likeCount': 0, 'photo': 'https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJxXbUQXU551ZKsiQ2t_DF-4yLmvG-YrDnmArCuNZw=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo', 'text': 'This is a fake comment', 'time': '4 seconds ago', 'votes': '0'} ================================================== {'author': 'NIGHT Devil', 'authorIsChannelOwner': False, 'channel': 'UCA4FBhVyVNMO5LcRfJKwrEA', 'commentId': 'UgxbTzFsW9wrD8qvuxJ4AaABAg', 'isLiked': False, 'likeCount': 0, 'photo': 'https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJxXbUQXU551ZKsiQ2t_DF-4yLmvG-YrDnmArCuNZw=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo', 'text': 'CLICK < hidden> for a video', 'time': '6 seconds ago', 'votes': '0'}

如何在Python中提取YouTube评论?最后,让我们使用argparsemodule 将其转换为任何人都可以使用的命令行工具:
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import os parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Simple YouTube Comment extractor") parser.add_argument("url", help="The YouTube video full URL") parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", type=int, help="Number of maximum comments to extract, helpful for longer videos") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Output JSON file, e.g data.json") # parse passed arguments args = parser.parse_args() limit = args.limit output = args.output url = args.url from pprint import pprint for count, comment in enumerate(get_comments(url)): if limit and count >= limit: # break out of the loop when we exceed limit specified break if output: # write comment as JSON to a file with open(output, "a") as f: # begin writing, adding an opening brackets if count == 0: f.write("[ ") f.write(json.dumps(comment, ensure_ascii=False) + ",") else: pprint(comment) print("="*50) print("total comments extracted:", count) if output: # remove the last comma ',' with open(output, "rb+") as f: f.seek(-1, os.SEEK_END) f.truncate() # add "]" to close the list in the end of the file with open(output, "a") as f: print("]", file=f)

Python如何提取YouTube评论?这是一个命令行工具,它接受 YouTube 视频 URL 作为必需参数,-l或者--limit限制要提取的评论数量和/-o--output指定将在其中写入评论的输出文件JSON,这是一个示例运行:
$ python youtube_comment_extractor.py https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw --limit 50 --output comments50.json

这将从该视频中提取50 条评论并将它们写入comments50.json文件。
注意:  如果本教程的代码不适合你,请改用YouTube API 教程查看    。
总结通过完成本Python提取YouTube评论示例教程,你能够制作一个简单的 YouTube 评论提取器脚本。不过需要注意的是,本教程的一部分代码来自这个存储库。
