在F#中, 可以显式抛出异常。你可以引发自定义异常。你还可以使用Exception的预定义方法(例如Failwith和InvalidArgs)引发异常。 Failwith关键字生成System.Exception异常。它具有Failure关键字来引用异常。让我们来看一个例子。
let TestAgeValidation age=tryif (age<
18) then failwith "Sorry, Age must be greater than 18"with| Failure(e) ->
printfn "%s" e;
printf "Rest of the code"TestAgeValidation 10
Sorry, Age must be greater than 18Rest of the code
let TestInvalidArgument age = if(age<
18) theninvalidArg "TestInvalidArgument" ("Sorry, Age must be greater than 18")TestInvalidArgument 10
System.ArgumentException: Sorry, Age must be greater than 18