ASP.NET Application Life Cycle

幼敏悟过人,读书辄成诵。这篇文章主要讲述ASP.NET Application Life Cycle相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
The table in this topic details the steps performed while an XAF ASP.NET application is running.
NoteCurrently, only the steps that are performed until the main page is shown are detailed.

StageDescriptionWays to Interfere
Application is requested See  ASP.NET Application Creation and Initialization.  
An end-user is authenticated See  User Authentication using a Logon Window in ASP.NET Applications  and  User Authentication Without a Logon Window in ASP.NET Applications.  
Start-up Pop-up Window Show Actions are executed. A collection of Pop-up Window Show Actions is populated by the Actions that are registered as start-up Actions in modules used by the application. For instance, the  ChangePasswordOnLogon  represents a start-up Action. A pop-up window is displayed for each Action after an end-user has executed or canceled the previous Action. To register an Action as a start-up, override the  GetStartupActions  method in your module class. Return a list of Pop-up Window Show Actions in this method (see  PopupWindowShowAction).
Start-up window is shown See  Show the Main Page in ASP.NET Applications.  
  ASP.NET Application Creation and Initialization 
This topic details the steps performed after an end-user has requested an XAF ASP.NET application, until the moment the main XAF objects, like the  WebApplication, are created and initialized.
In the following image, you can see that the entire process of the application initialization can be divided into five steps.
ASP.NET Application Life Cycle


The table below describes all these steps in detail.
StageDescriptionWays to Interfere
A Web Application is created At the beginning of a request that begins a new session, an instance of the  WebApplicationclass is created. This is performed by the  Global.Session_Start  method, automatically generated in your ASP.NET application project.  
Initial Application Initialization A newly created application is initialized. The settings that are specified in the configuration file‘s  appSettings  section are read to the application:  
  The  XafApplication.TablePrefixes  property is set to the value assigned to the  TablePrefixeskey in the configuration file.
If it is not necessary for you to set table prefixes in the configuration file, you can do it in code. To do this, set the  TablePrefixesproperty after an application object has been created, but before its  XafApplication.Setup  method is called.
  The location to be used to store the  Model.User.xafml  file is specified by the  UserModelDiffsLocation  key.
  The location to be used to store the application‘s Log file is specified by the  TraceLogLocation  key.
Application Initialization by the  Designer Then, the application is initialized by the values specified in the  Application Designer. This is performed by the  InitializeComponent  method, automatically called in the WebApplication constructor.  
  The  XafApplication.Modules  collection is populated by the modules added to the  Modulessection in the  Designer. Each module is set up. This means that the current  WebApplication.Instance  is assigned to the  ModuleBase.Application  property.
If you need to add a module that is not registered in the  Toolbox, and thus cannot be added via the  Designer, use one of the following approaches.
Specify the required module name(s) in the application project‘s configuration file. Pass this string as a parameter of the  XafApplication.Setup  method in the  Global.Seesion_Start  method.
Add this module to the module that is contained in your solution. To do this, use the  ModuleBase.RequiredModuleTypes  collection.
To see code samples of both these approaches, refer to the  Ways to Register a Module  topic.
You can perform custom actions with a module, in addition to setting the Application object. To do this, override the module‘s  ModuleBase.Setup  method.
  The  XafApplication.Connection  property is set to the object of the type specified in the  Designer‘s  Connection  section. The connection string is specified in the  Properties  grid, when the  Connection  section is selected.
You can avoid the use of the Designer applying one of the following techniques.
Specify the connection string in the application project‘s configuration file. Assign this string to the  XafApplication.ConnectionStringproperty (see this property‘s description).
Set the  XafApplication.Connection  and/or  XafApplication.ConnectionString  property before the  XafApplication.Setup  method is called.
  The  XafApplication.Security  property is set to the object of the type specified in the  Designer‘s  Security  section. The authentication strategy to be used by the  Security System  is specified in the same section. The User type to be used by the Security System is specified in the  Properties  grid, when the  Security  section is selected.
The  eXpressApp Framework  supplies two security system types:  SecuritySimple  and  SecurityComplex. You can set them using the Application Designer. If you need to use a security of a custom type that implements the  ISecurity  interface, create and assign it to the  XafApplication.Security  property in code, before the  XafApplication.Setup  method is called. If you need to use a custom authentication strategy or a custom User type, initialize them and the  XafApplication.Security  property, before the  XafApplication.Setup  method is invoked.If you don’t initialize a security system via the  Application Designer  or in code, a  SecurityDummy  will be used. This security type allows all operations with all types of objects. That‘s why the presence of the security system is invisible when you run an application.
  The  XafApplication.ApplicationName  property is set to the value that is specified in the  Properties  grid when the  Application  section is selected.
You can assign a custom value to the  XafApplication.ApplicationName  property in code - before the  XafApplication.Setup  method is called.
The application instance is stored in the current Session. An instance of your WebApplication component is assigned to a Session variable named  SessionApplicationVariable. This is performed via the  WebApplication.SetInstance  method invoked in the  Global.Session_Start  method that is automatically generated in your ASP.NET application project. When the Session is abandoned or times out, the WebApplication instance is disposed of.  
Application Initialization by the  Setupmethod The  XafApplication.Setup  method is called. This is performed by the  Global.Session_Startmethod, automatically generated in your ASP.NET application project.
There are several overloads of the  Setup  method. By default, the method without parameters is called. It leaves the properties that are already initialized as they are and proceeds with the initialization process using default values:
You can call the  Setup  method with the required parameters, dependent on what objects you need created in a custom way. However, we recommend that you use the approaches presented above, instead.
  A default Object Space Provider (see  XafApplication.ObjectSpaceProvider) is created using a connection string specified by the  XafApplication.ConnectionString  property.
To create a custom Object Space Provider, subscribe to the  XafApplication.CreateCustomObjectSpaceProvider  event before the  Setupmethod is called. Alternatively, pass the required ObjectSpaceProvider object using the  Setup  method as a parameter.
You can override the  XAFApplication.CreateDefaultObjectSpaceProvider  method in your WebApplication class descendant. This method is called when none of the custom approaches to pass an Object Space Provider are used. This method creates an instance of a built-in  ObjectSpaceProviderThreadSafe  class. You can return an instance of another class that implements the  IObjectSpaceProvider  interface.
  A default Controllers Manager (ControllersManager) is created. This object contains a collection of all the Controllers that are declared in the registered modules.
You can override the  XAFApplication.CreateControllersManager  method in your WebApplication class descendant. This method creates an instance of the built-in  ControllersManager  class. You can return an instance of another class.
  A default Modules Manager (ApplicationModulesManager) is created. This object contains the Modules collection along with the modules to be used by the application. This collection is populated by modules from the  XafApplication.Modules  collection. In addition, the  SystemModule  is added as a default module.
You can override the  XAFApplication.GetDefaultModuleTypes  method in your WebApplication class descendant. This method creates an instance of the built-in  ApplicationModulesManager  class. You can return an instance of another class.
In addition, you can override the  GetDefaultModuleTypes  method to return modules to be added to an application by default, in addition to the System module.
  A default Application Model Differences Store (FileModelStore) is created.
If you need to store Application Model‘s differences in a place that is different from an XafML file, you can create a custom Application Model Differences Store. To do this, subscribe to the  XafApplication.CreateCustomModelDifferenceStore  event before the  Setupmethod is called, or override the  CreateModelDifferenceStoreCore  method in your WebApplication class descendant.
  The Object Space Provider and Controllers Manager are assigned to the application‘s corresponding properties:  XafApplication.ObjectSpaceProvider  and  ControllersManager.
Subscribe to the  XafApplication.SettingUp  event, to customize objects to be assigned to the application object. Use the event handler‘s parameters to access the required objects.
  The modules from the Modules Manager‘s Modules collection are added to the  XafApplication.Modules  collection of the current application, since at this step, the latter collection includes the modules that are only added via the Application Designer.
  The Application Model Manager (ApplicationModelsManager) that manages the creation and initialization of the  Application Model  is instantiated.
  The Application Model is created. Internally, the Application Model has a layered structure. So, at first, the actual layers that comprise the Application Model internals are created:
  The zero layer of the Application Model is created. Initially it is empty. It is filled with data on demand, during an application‘s life cycle.
To extend the Application Model, pass the required model interfaces via the application modules‘  ModuleBase.ExtendModelInterfacesmethods. Alternatively, you can implement the  IModelExtender  interface in  Controllers. To modify existing node generators, implement a generator updater and register it via the  ModuleBase.AddGeneratorUpdaters  method of a module. For details, refer to the  Extend and Customize the Application Model in Code  topic.
  A layer for each module used in the application is created. This layer is filled with data from the  Model.DesignedDiffs.xafml  file that contains Application Model differences made in a particular module.
To modify this layer‘s data, modify the required module‘s XafML file. This can be done, for example, via the  Model Editor.
  A layer for the application project is created. This layer is filled with data from the  Model.xafml  file that contains Application Model differences made in the application project.
To modify this layer‘s data, modify the application project‘s XafML file. This can be done, for example, via the  Model Editor.
  Second, all the created layers are wrapped with the master layer.
The master layer does not contain any information itself. It serves as a proxy to all other layers. Usually, when you access the Application Model, you deal with the master layer.
  The final state of the Application Model is assigned to the  XafApplication.Model  property. Note that in ASP.NET Web XAF applications, the common part of the Application Model is represented by a single instance, shared between the users.
Subscribe to the  XafApplication.SetupComplete  event, to create extra objects (helpers, extractors, etc.) after the application has been entirely initialized.
Note【ASP.NET Application Life Cycle】If the current Session has expired, it is restarted, which leads to the re-creation and re-initialization of the WebApplication object.
