

  • Go时间示例
  • Go时间示例2
Go对时间操作有很好的支持。 Unix纪元时间用作时间操纵的参考。
我们可以使用时间包中提供的Date方法来构建时间对象。该软件包包含诸如year(), month(), day(), location()等方法。
package mainimport "fmt" import "time"func main() { p := fmt.Println present := time.Now()// current time p(present) DOB := time.Date(1993, 02, 28, 9, 04, 39, 213 , time.Local) fmt.Println(DOB) fmt.Println(DOB.Year()) fmt.Println(DOB.Month()) fmt.Println(DOB.Day()) fmt.Println(DOB.Hour()) fmt.Println(DOB.Minute()) fmt.Println(DOB.Second()) fmt.Println(DOB.Nanosecond()) fmt.Println(DOB.Location()) fmt.Println(DOB.Weekday()) fmt.Println(DOB.Before(present)) fmt.Println(DOB.After(present)) fmt.Println(DOB.Equal(present)) diff := present.Sub(DOB) fmt.Println(diff) fmt.Println(diff.Hours()) fmt.Println(diff.Minutes()) fmt.Println(diff.Seconds()) fmt.Println(diff.Nanoseconds()) fmt.Println(DOB.Add(diff)) fmt.Println(DOB.Add(-diff)) }

2017-10-04 17:10:13.474931994 +0530 IST m=+0.000334969 1993-02-28 09:04:39.000000213 +0530 IST 1993 February 28 9 4 39 213 Local Sunday true false false 215624h5m34.474931781s 215624.09290970326 1.2937445574582197e+07 7.762467344749318e+08 776246734474931781 2017-10-04 17:10:13.474931994 +0530 IST 1968-07-25 00:59:04.525068432 +0530 ISTProcess finished with exit code 0

package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { present := time.Now() fmt.Println("Today : ", present.Format("Mon, Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm")) someTime := time.Date(2017, time.March, 30, 11, 30, 55, 123456, time.Local) // compare time with time.Equal() sameTime := someTime.Equal(present) fmt.Println("someTime equals to now ? : ", sameTime) // calculate the time different between today // and long time ago diff := present.Sub(someTime) // convert diff to days days := int(diff.Hours() / 24) fmt.Printf("30th March 2017 was %d days ago \n", days) }

Today :Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 5:15pm someTime equals to now ? :false 30th March 2017 was 188 days ago
