
在GWT StockExchange中, 我们将使用所有基本的小部件, 面板和布局来使用名为Stock Exchange的Google Web Toolkit设计Web应用程序。
这个程序可以用来添加股票市场的内容, 它的价值在一定时间间隔后会改变。将要计算的值是“价格”, 然后是“更改”, 还可以选择删除内容。

  • HTML面板
  • 弹性桌
  • 流量面板
  • 小时
  • StockExchange.gwt.xml GWT模块定义
  • StockExchange.html主机页面
  • StockExchange.css应用程序样式表
  • web.xml Java Web应用程序描述符
  • GWT入口点类
  •,, GWT示例RPC类
  • gwt-servlet.jar GWT服务器运行时库
  • 用于Exchange的StockExchangeTest.java入门测试用例
< !doctype html> < !-- The DOCTYPE declaration above will set the--> < !-- browser's rendering engine into--> < !-- "Standards Mode". Replacing this declaration--> < !-- with a "Quirks Mode" doctype is not supported. --> < html> < head> < meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> < !----> < !-- Consider inlining CSS to reduce the number of requested files --> < !----> < link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=""> < !----> < !-- Any title is fine--> < !----> < title> Stock Exchange< /title> < !----> < !-- This script loads your compiled module.--> < !-- If you add any GWT meta tags, they must--> < !-- be added before this line.--> < !----> < script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""> < /script> < /head> < !----> < !-- The body can have arbitrary html, or--> < !-- you can leave the body empty if you want--> < !-- to create a completely dynamic UI.--> < !----> < body> < h1> Stock Exchange< /h1> < div id="stockList"> < /div> < iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame" tabIndex='-1' style="position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border:0"> < /iframe> < !-- RECOMMENDED if your web app will not function without JavaScript enabled --> < noscript> < div style="width: 22em; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -11em; color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid red; padding: 4px; font-family: sans-serif"> Your web browser must have JavaScript enabledin order for this application to display correctly.< /div> < /noscript> < /body> < /html>

package com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; /** * Entry point classes define < code> onModuleLoad()< /code> . */public class StockExchange implements EntryPoint {private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private FlexTable stocksFlexTable = new FlexTable(); private HorizontalPanel addPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private TextBox newSymbolTextBox = new TextBox(); private Button addStockButton = new Button("Add"); private Label lastUpdatedLabel = new Label(); private ArrayList< String> stocks = new ArrayList< String> (); private static final int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000; // m /*** This is the entry point method.*/ public void onModuleLoad() {stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 0, "Symbol"); stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 1, "Price"); stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 2, "Change"); stocksFlexTable.setText(0, 3, "Remove"); // Assemble Add Stock panel.addPanel.add(newSymbolTextBox); addPanel.add(addStockButton); // Assemble Main panel.mainPanel.add(stocksFlexTable); mainPanel.add(addPanel); mainPanel.add(lastUpdatedLabel); // Associate the Main panel with the HTML host page.RootPanel.get("stockList").add(mainPanel); // Move cursor focus to the input box.newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true); // Setup timer to refresh list automatically.Timer refreshTimer = new Timer() {@Overridepublic void run() {refreshWatchList(); }}; refreshTimer.scheduleRepeating(REFRESH_INTERVAL)// Listen for mouse events on the Add button.addStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {addStock(); }}); // Listen for keyboard events in the input box.newSymbolTextBox.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) {addStock(); }}}); }/*** Add stock to FlexTable. Executed when the user clicks the addStockButton or* presses enter in the newSymbolTextBox.*/private void addStock() {final String symbol = newSymbolTextBox.getText().toUpperCase().trim(); newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true); // Stock code must be between 1 and 10 chars that are numbers, letters, or dots.if (!symbol.matches("^[0-9A-Z\\.]{1, 10}$")) {Window.alert("'" + symbol + "' is not a valid symbol."); newSymbolTextBox.selectAll(); return; }newSymbolTextBox.setText(""); // Don't add the stock if it's already in the table.if (stocks.contains(symbol))return; // Add the stock to the row = stocksFlexTable.getRowCount(); stocks.add(symbol); stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 0, symbol); // Add a button to remove this stock from the table.Button removeStockButton = new Button("x"); removeStockButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {int removedIndex = stocks.indexOf(symbol); stocks.remove(removedIndex); stocksFlexTable.removeRow(removedIndex + 1); }}); stocksFlexTable.setWidget(row, 3, removeStockButton); // Get the stock price.refreshWatchList(); }private void refreshWatchList() {final double MAX_PRICE = 100.0; // $100.00final double MAX_PRICE_CHANGE = 0.02; // +/- 2%StockPrice[] prices = new StockPrice[stocks.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < stocks.size(); i++) {double price = Random.nextDouble() * MAX_PRICE; double change = price * MAX_PRICE_CHANGE* (Random.nextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0); prices[i] = new StockPrice(stocks.get(i), price, change); }updateTable(prices); }private void updateTable(StockPrice[] prices) {for (int i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {updateTable(prices[i]); }// Display timestamp showing last refresh.DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(DateTimeFormat.PredefinedFormat.DATE_TIME_MEDIUM); lastUpdatedLabel.setText("Last update : " + dateFormat.format(new Date())); }private void updateTable(StockPrice price) {// Make sure the stock is still in the stock table.if (!stocks.contains(price.getSymbol())) {return; }int row = stocks.indexOf(price.getSymbol()) + 1; // Format the data in the Price and Change fields.String priceText = NumberFormat.getFormat("#, ##0.00").format(price.getPrice()); NumberFormat changeFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("+#, ##0.00; -#, ##0.00"); String changeText = changeFormat.format(price.getChange()); String changePercentText = changeFormat.format(price.getChangePercent()); // Populate the Price and Change fields with new data.stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 1, priceText); stocksFlexTable.setText(row, 2, changeText + " (" + changePercentText+ "%)"); }}
package com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client; public class StockPrice {private String symbol; private double price; private double change; public StockPrice() {}public StockPrice(String symbol, double price, double change) {this.symbol = symbol; this.price = price; this.change = change; }public String getSymbol() {return this.symbol; }public double getPrice() {return this.price; }public double getChange() {return this.change; }public double getChangePercent() {return 10.0 * this.change / this.price; }public void setSymbol(String symbol) {this.symbol = symbol; }public void setPrice(double price) {this.price = price; }public void setChange(double change) {this.change = change; }}

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < !--When updating your version of GWT, you should also update this DTD reference, so that your app can take advantage of the latest GWT module capabilities.--> < !DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.7.0//EN"""> < module rename-to='stockexchange'> < !-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff.--> < inherits name=''/> < !-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet.You can change--> < !-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting--> < !-- any one of the following lines. --> < inherits name=''/> < !-- < inherits name=''/> --> < !-- < inherits name=''/> --> < !-- < inherits name=''/> --> < !-- Other module inherits--> < !-- Specify the app entry point class.--> < entry-point class='com.gwt.sample.stockexchange.client.StockExchange'/> < !-- Specify the paths for translatable code --> < source path='client'/> < source path='shared'/> < !-- allow Super Dev Mode --> < add-linker name="xsiframe"/> < /module>



