Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP

欠伸展肢体,吟咏心自愉。这篇文章主要讲述Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
在做OTA升级包的时候,我编译了好多次都没过。老是IO异常。刚開始以为是我 make 的错误。后来多次检查 Error 发现是我的配置信息写错了,与驱动project师一起检查源代码,
改动配置信息后再次 OTA 成功。顺便记下这个这个过程,避免以后再次犯这种错误
make -jxx otapackage / make -jxx 成功后 make -j24 otapackage

< span style=" font-size:12px; color:#3366ff; " > < strong> [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 4980992 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 4980992 (0x4c0100) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... passSIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)========================================= [android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/recovery-verified.img' is ' 0x4c0100' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img' is ' 0x4c022c' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 4981292 (0x4c022c) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' recovery' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 4980992 (0x4c0100) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 4981292 (0x4c022c) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: [AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) Sign Image ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' with cfg ' vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini' ... [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/ make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory [Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/' .Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (normal)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x5dc00000' [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x5dc00000' (0x0, 0x5dc00000) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 1572864000 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 1572864000 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 1572864000 (0x5dc00000) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------ [AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0x42,0x8c,0x7f,0x4a,0x66,0x2e,0x23,0x9f,0x8e,0xac,0x2c,0x7e,0x37,0xc2,0x5e,0xac,0xd3,0x4,0xa8,0xad,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (sparse)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is ' 0x4faf531c' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is ' 0x4faf531c' (0x0, 0x4faf531c) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 1336890140 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 1336890140 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 1336890140 (0x4faf531c) [SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is ' 0x4faf531c' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img' is ' 0x4faf558c' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 1336890764 (0x4faf558c) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 26 (0x1a) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' system' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 1336890140 (0x4faf531c) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 52412416 (0x31fc000) [SignLib] chunk[1], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[2], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[3], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[4], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[5], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[6], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[7], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[8], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[9], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[10], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[11], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[12], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[13], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[14], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[15], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[16], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[17], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[18], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[19], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[20], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[21], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[22], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[23], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[24], read size 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] chunk[25], read size 26187148 (0x18f958c) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) Sign Image ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' with cfg ' vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini' ... [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/ make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory [Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/' .Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (normal)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x39b00000' [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x39b00000' (0x0, 0x39b00000) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 967835648 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 967835648 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 967835648 (0x39b00000) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0xfc,0x34,0xd2,0x18,0xd0,0x17,0xd,0xb7,0xe4,0x1f,0xad,0xa0,0x11,0xae,0x3f,0xf0,0x32,0x1e,0x2c,0x3f,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (sparse)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is ' 0x10961d8' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is ' 0x10961d8' (0x0, 0x10961d8) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 17392088 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 17392088 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 17392088 (0x10961d8) [SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0x73,0xa6,0xf1,0x55,0x29,0x9b,0xe9,0xb8,0x7a,0x24,0xd9,0x14,0x50,0xef,0x61,0x6f,0x14,0x0,0x4a,0x69,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is ' 0x10961d8' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img' is ' 0x1096448' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 17392712 (0x1096448) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' userdata' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 17392088 (0x10961d8) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 17392712 (0x1096448) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) the trustzone.bin is NOT exsit, please check the mobicore.bin is NOT exsit, please check the tz.img is NOT exsit, please check******************************************** Sign EMMC Images ******************************************** Sign Image ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' with cfg ' vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini' ... [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/ make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory [Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/' .Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' ========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (normal)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is ' 0x200' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is ' 0x200' (0x0, 0x200) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 512 [SignUtil] The last region' s original length is 10240 (0x2800) [SignUtil] Adjust last region' s original length to 512 (0x200) [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 512 [0] next region start is 512 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 511) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 512 (0x200) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------ [AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0x11,0xf8,0x88,0x34,0x58,0x5,0x83,0x8,0x58,0xcd,0x69,0xd5,0xe7,0xd7,0x13,0xf2,0x11,0xb2,0xa5,0x5d,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is ' 0x200' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign' is ' 0x32c' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 812 (0x32c) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' MBR' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 512 (0x200) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 812 (0x32c) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) Sign Image ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' with cfg ' vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini' ... [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/ make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory [Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/' .Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' ========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (normal)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is ' 0x200' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is ' 0x200' (0x0, 0x200) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 512 [SignUtil] The last region' s original length is 10240 (0x2800) [SignUtil] Adjust last region' s original length to 512 (0x200) [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 512 [0] next region start is 512 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 511) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 512 (0x200) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0x86,0xfb,0x36,0xc3,0x55,0xcb,0x63,0x73,0x12,0x2e,0x78,0x52,0xd,0x6b,0x2f,0x9d,0xc7,0xc3,0x34,0x1e,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is ' 0x200' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign' is ' 0x32c' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 812 (0x32c) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' EBR1' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 512 (0x200) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 812 (0x32c) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) Sign Image ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' with cfg ' vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini' ... [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/ make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory [Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/' .Stop. make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image' [Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (normal)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x7e00000' [SignLib] size of ' UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is ' 0x7e00000' (0x0, 0x7e00000) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 132120576 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 132120576 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 132120576 (0x7e00000) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : 0x2,0xe,0xf7,0xb7,0x7b,0x2b,0x82,0xb,0x4e,0x6b,0xd7,0x66,0xc7,0x29,0x5e,0x89,0x9,0x39,0xf3,0xa1,SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (sparse)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is ' 0x606094' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is ' 0x606094' (0x0, 0x606094) [SignUtil] sec_hdr-> img_len = 6316180 [0] min_pos is 0 p_ext_cfg-> verify_offset[0] is 0 [0] region_end is 10240 [0] next region start is 6316180 [SignUtil] Sign region (0-> 10239) ok(v3) [SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num= 0x53535353 [SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name= [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length= 148 (0x94) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset= 64 (0x40) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic= 2071559033 (0x7b797b79) [SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length= 0 (0x0) [SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length= 6316180 (0x606094) [SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------ [AUTHEN] verify signature... pass [SignLib] Hash value : SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)========================================= [Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014 =========================================[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)... [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D [SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E [AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes [AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes signed already (0x53535353) [SignLib] Signed file path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img' [SignLib] FB SIG path is ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img.sig' [SignLib] empty customer name ' NULL' [SignLib] VERIFY_COUNT=1 [SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0 [SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240 [SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576 [SignLib] CFG_VERSION=4 [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is ' 0x606094' [SignLib] size of ' out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img' is ' 0x606304' [SignLib] sec.magic_num= 0x46424642 [SignLib] sec.cust_name= [SignLib] sec.img_ver= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] sec.img_len= 6316804 (0x606304) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num= 1178748482 (0x46424642) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver= 2 (0x2) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count= 1 (0x1) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size= 52428800 (0x3200000) [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name= ' cache' [SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 6316180 (0x606094) [SignLib] chunk[0], read size 6316804 (0x606304) [AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW [AUTHEN] sign image ... pass[AUTHEN] output signature: ------------------------------------[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG) remove unused *sig files make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382' #### make completed successfully (58 seconds) ####++++ boot ++++building image from target_files BOOT...++++ recovery ++++building image from target_files RECOVERY...++++ recovery_bthdr ++++building image from target_files RECOVERY...++++ system ++++creating system.img... -s /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/system /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img ext4 system 1572864000 -T 1458016704 -C /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/META/filesystem_config.txt -B /tmp/ /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -C /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/META/filesystem_config.txt -B /tmp/ -l 1572864000 -a system /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/system loaded 2171 fs_config entries Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 1572864000 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 8000 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 6000 Label: Blocks: 384000 Block groups: 12 Reserved block group size: 95 Created filesystem with 2181/96000 inodes and 332292/384000 blocks Running:simg2img /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img /tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img Running:e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img: 2181/96000 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 332292/384000 blocks++++ userdata ++++creating userdata.img... -s /tmp/tmpsxLSyZ/data /tmp/tmps13YqK ext4 data 967835648 -T 1458016704 /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -l 967835648 -a data /tmp/tmps13YqK /tmp/tmpsxLSyZ/data Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 967835648 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 7392 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 3692 Label: Blocks: 236288 Block groups: 8 Reserved block group size: 63 Created filesystem with 11/59136 inodes and 7732/236288 blocks Running:simg2img /tmp/tmps13YqK /tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK Running:e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK: 11/59136 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 7732/236288 blocks++++ cache ++++creating cache.img... -s /tmp/tmpjPGNXe/cache /tmp/tmptyClKq ext4 cache 132120576 -T 1458016704 /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -l 132120576 -a cache /tmp/tmptyClKq /tmp/tmpjPGNXe/cache Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 132120576 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 8064 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 1024 Label: Blocks: 32256 Block groups: 1 Reserved block group size: 7 Created filesystem with 11/8064 inodes and 1542/32256 blocks Running:simg2img /tmp/tmptyClKq /tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq Running:e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information /tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq: 11/8064 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1542/32256 blocks done. Replace boot.img Replace recovery.img Replace recovery_bthdr.img Replace system.img Replace userdata.img Replace cache.img Package OTA: out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/ unzipping target target-files... running:unzip -o -q out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/ -d /tmp/targetfiles-NPHAZL --- target info --- blocksize= (int) 4096 build.prop= (dict) {'' : ' 15' , ' ro.product.cpu.abilist' : ' armeabi-v7a,armeabi' , '' : ' to_upgrade' , ' ril.radiooff.poweroffMD' : ' 0' , '' : ' rmt8382_tb_l' , ' ro.mtk_gps_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' LRX21M' , ' ro.mtk_matv_analog_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' MM-dd-yyyy' , ' ro.product.cpu.abilist32' : ' armeabi-v7a,armeabi' , ' ro.mtk_antibricking_level' : ' 2' , ' dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features' : ' div' , ' ro.mtk_hotknot_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}' , ' ro.mediatek.gemini_support' : ' true' , ' bgw.current3gband' : ' 0' , '' : ' Walton/full_rmt8382_tb_l/rmt8382_tb_l:5.0/LRX21M/1458016593:user/test-keys' , ' ro.mtk_cta_drm_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.manufacturer' : ' Walton' , '' : ' alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}' , ' ro.mtk_nfc_addon_support' : ' 1' , ' ril.telephony.mode' : ' 0' , ' ro.mtk_wappush_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_eap_sim_aka' : ' 1' , '' : ' full_rmt8382_tb_l-user 5.0 LRX21M 1458016593 test-keys' , ' ro.mediatek.version.release' : ' ALPS.L0.MP2.V1.9_RMT8382.TB.L' , ' ro.mtk_multi_patition' : ' 1' , ' sys.ipo.pwrdncap' : ' 2' , ' ro.mtk_mobile_management' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_wfd_sink_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.brand' : ' Walton' , ' ro.mediatek.platform' : ' MT6582' , ' wifi.interface' : ' wlan0' , ' ro.btstack' : ' blueangel' , '' : ' alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}' , '' : ' p2p0' , ' ro.mtk_audenh_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_audio_profiles' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.model' : ' Walpad C' , ' ril.specific.sm_cause' : ' 0' , ' ro.mtk_system_update_support' : ' 1' , ' dalvik.vm.heapsize' : ' 256m' , ' wfd.dummy.enable' : ' 1' , ' persist.sys.timezone' : ' Asia/Dhaka' , ' ro.mtk_fm_recording_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.kernel.zio' : ' 38,108,105,16' , ' ro.mtk_thumbnail_play_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_audio_change_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' ubuntu2015' , ' ro.mtk_send_rr_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_widevine_drm_support' : ' 1' , ' wifi.tethering.interface' : ' ap0' , ' ro.mtk_search_db_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.gemini.smart_sim_switch' : ' false' , ' ro.sys.usb.bicr' : ' yes' , ' ro.mtk_default_data_off' : ' 1' , ' fmradio.driver.enable' : ' 1' , ' ro.sf.hwrotation' : ' 270' , ' ro.mtk_emmc_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.board.platform' : ' mt6582' , ' ro.mtk_oma_drm_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_gemini_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mediatek.project.path' : ' device/rmt/rmt8382_tb_l' , ' ro.product.cpu.abilist64' : ' ' , '' : ' 15' , ' ro.mediatek.chip_ver' : ' S01' , ' drm.service.enabled' : ' true' , ' ro.mtk_fd_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' dsds' , '' : ' 0' , '' : ' 1' , ' rild.libpath' : ' /system/lib/' , '' : ' 5' , ' rild.libargs' : ' -d /dev/ttyC0' , ' ro.mtk_audio_ape_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' 5.0' , '' : ' REL' , ' ro.telephony.sim.count' : ' 2' , ' ro.mtk_omacp_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' user' , ' ro.config.alarm_alert' : ' Osmium.ogg' , ' ro.mediatek.version.branch' : ' L0.MP2' , ' ro.opengles.version' : ' 131072' , '' : ' _Walpad C_SXXX_29122015' , ' ro.mtk_flight_mode_power_off_md' : ' 1' , ' ro.config.ringtone' : ' Rong_Master.wav' , ' ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p' : ' 1' , ' ro.have_aacencode_feature' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_perfservice_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.config.sms_sound' : ' Reha.ogg' , ' ro.mtk_rat_wcdma_preferred' : ' 1' , ' persist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid' : ' -1' , ' ro.carrier' : ' unknown' , ' dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file' : ' /data/anr/traces.txt' , ' ro.product.board' : ' Walton' , ' ro.mtk_besloudness_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}' , ' ro.mtk_motion_track_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.sim_me_lock_mode' : ' 0' , ' ril.flightmode.poweroffMD' : ' 1' , '' : ' Tue Mar 15 12:38:24 CST 2016' , ' ril.current.share_modem' : ' 2' , ' ro.mtk_wmv_playback_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' 5' , '' : ' 0' , ' curlockscreen' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_gemini_enhancement' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_agps_app' : ' 1' , '' : ' 1458016704' , ' ro.sys.usb.charging.only' : ' yes' , ' ro.nfc.port' : ' I2C' , ' persist.gemini.sim_num' : ' 2' , ' mediatek.wlan.chip' : ' mediatek.wlan.module.postfix=_' , '' : ' REL' , ' ro.mtk_phone_voice_recording' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_cta_set' : ' 1' , '' : ' alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}' , ' sys.ipo.disable' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_mtkps_playback_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_wfd_sink_uibc_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.cpu.abi' : ' armeabi-v7a' , ' debug.hwui.render_dirty_regions' : ' false' , ' ro.mtk_voice_ui_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' mtp,mass_storage' , ' ro.mtk_wlan_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' Walpad C' , ' ro.mtk_wapi_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' Android' , ' ro.mtk_wifiwpsp2p_nfc_support' : ' 1' , ' mediatek.wlan.ctia' : ' 0' , ' ro.mtk_cmcc_ft_precheck_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc' : ' 1' , ' ro.wifi.channels' : ' ' , ' ro.mtk_bip_scws' : ' 1' , '' : ' 0' , '' : ' tablet' , ' ro.mtk_beam_plus_support' : ' 1' , ' dalvik.vm.mtk-stack-trace-file' : ' /data/anr/mtk_traces.txt' , ' qemu.hw.mainkeys' : ' 0' , ' ro.mtk_dhcpv6c_wifi' : ' 1' , '' : ' 0' , ' ro.mtk_wfd_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.sys.usb.mtp.whql.enable' : ' 0' , '' : ' 1458016593' , ' ro.mtk_sim_hot_swap' : ' 1' , '' : ' test-keys' , ' ro.mtk_cam_mav_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.sf.lcd_density' : ' 320' , ' ro.mtk_dialer_search_support' : ' 1' , '' : ' 21' , ' ro.mtk_flv_playback_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_enable_md1' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_voice_extension_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.cpu.abi2' : ' armeabi' , '' : ' android5' , ' ro.product.locale.language' : ' en' , ' ro.mtk_bt_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_shared_sdcard' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_passpoint_r1_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.product.device' : ' Walpad C' , ' ro.mediatek.version.sdk' : ' 4' , ' ro.product.locale.region' : ' BD' , ' ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_support' : ' 1' , ' persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2' : '' , ' ro.have_aee_feature' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_ui' : ' 1' , ' ro.mtk_voice_unlock_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.zygote.preload.enable' : ' 0' , ' dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit' : ' 128m' , ' ro.mtk_tetheringipv6_support' : ' 1' , ' ro.config.notification_sound' : ' Elara.ogg' , ' ro.mtk_phone_number_geo' : ' 1' } cache_fs_type= (str) ext4 cache_size= (int) 132120576 default_system_dev_certificate = (str) build/target/product/security/testkey extfs_sparse_flag= (str) -s fs_type= (str) ext4 fstab= (dict) {' /sdcard' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f3d0> , ' /cache' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f190> , ' /boot' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f110> , ' /system' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f450> , ' /recovery' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f350> , ' /data' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f210> , ' /misc' : < common.Partition object at 0x2e4f250> } fstab_version= (int) 2 mkbootimg_args= (str) mtk_header_support= (str) 1 multistage_support= (str) 1 recovery_api_version= (int) 3 recovery_mount_options= (str) ext4=max_batch_time=0,commit=1,data=,barrier=1,errors=panic,nodelalloc selinux_fc= (str) /tmp/targetfiles-NPHAZL/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts system_size= (int) 1572864000 tool_extensions= (str) device/rmt/common update_rename_support= (str) 1 use_set_metadata= (str) 1 userdata_size= (int) 967835648 unable to load device-specific module; assuming none using prebuilt recovery.img from IMAGES... using system.img from target-files Total of 384000 4096-byte output blocks in 2114 input chunks. Generating digraph... Finding vertex sequence... Removing backward edges... 0/0 dependencies (0.00%) were violated; 0 source blocks removed. Reticulating splines... using prebuilt boot.img from IMAGES... [SEC OTA] Adding security version (WriteFullOTAPackage) [SEC OTA] cust directory :Walpad C [SEC OTA] security config :vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/Walpad C/security/recovery/SEC_VER.txt [SEC OTA] security boot sig_ext :out/target/product/Walpad C/signed_bin/sig_info/boot.img.sig Traceback (most recent call last): File " ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files" , line 1903, in < module> main(sys.argv[1:]) File " ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files" , line 1856, in main WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip) File " ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files" , line 759, in WriteFullOTAPackage ota_scatter = open(scatter_path).read() IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' out/target/product/Walpad C/ota_scatter.txt' make: *** [out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/] Error 1#### make failed to build some targets (09:00 (mm:ss)) ####[email? protected]:/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382$ < /strong> < /span>

异常:IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘out/target/product/Walpad C/ota_scatter.txt‘ 
找不到该文件夹。多次编译无果之后,运行 git checkout; git pull; git status 还原,更新,查看更新信息,又一次OTA。发现编译成功了,顿时我就知道是我改错了某个节点
打开我的 ROM 源代码运行 git status ,检索了400多个改过的文件,改动  ro.product.device 为您的OTA指向项目名称就可以

Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP


【Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP】
