

File types

去掉 .pdf 是一个 shell 脚本,运行时用到了 uudecode,需要 sudo apt install sharutils

┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file Flag Flag: current ar archive┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ ar -p Flag > flag1┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag1 flag1: cpio archive┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ cpio -idmv < flag1 flag 2 blocks┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ bunzip2 flag bunzip2: Can't guess original name for flag -- using flag.out┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag.out flag.out: gzip compressed data, was "flag", last modified: Tue Mar 15 06:50:49 2022, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 326┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ gzip -d flag.out┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag.out flag.out: lzip compressed data, version: 1┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ unzip flag.out┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: LZ4 compressed data (v1.4+)┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ lz4 -d flag.lz4 Decoding file flag flag.lz4: decoded 263 bytes┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: LZMA compressed data, non-streamed, size 252┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ lzma -d flag.lzma┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: lzop compressed data - version 1.040, LZO1X-1, os: Unix┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ lzop -dv flag.lzo decompressing flag.lzo into flag┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: lzip compressed data, version: 1┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ unzip flag.out┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: XZ compressed data, checksum CRC64┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ xz -d flag.xz┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ file flag flag: ASCII text┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ cat flag 7069636f4354467b66316c656e406d335f6d406e3170756c407431306e5f 6630725f3062326375723137795f37353137353362307d0a┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types] └─$ cat flag | hex --decode picoCTF{f1len@m3_m@n1pul@t10n_f0r_0b2cur17y_751753b0}

Lookey here

Packets Primer


Redaction gone wrong

Sleuthkit Intro
┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Sleuthkit Intro] └─$ mmls -B disk.img DOS Partition Table Offset Sector: 0 Units are in 512-byte sectorsSlotStartEndLengthSizeDescription 000:Meta0000000000000000000000000000010512BPrimary Table (#0) 001:-------0000000000000000204700000020481024KUnallocated 002:000:0000000002048000020479900002027520099MLinux (0x83)┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Sleuthkit Intro] └─$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 52279 What is the size of the Linux partition in the given disk image? Length in sectors: 202752 202752 Great work! picoCTF{mm15_f7w!}

Sleuthkit Apprentice
取证题,搞半天,用了 AXIOM Process


┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Eavesdrop] └─$ openssl des3 -d -salt -in file.des3 -out file.txt -k supersecretpassword123 *** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used. Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Eavesdrop] └─$ cat file.txt picoCTF{nc_73115_411_aefc6100}

Operation Oni
先提取出.ssh 文件

┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh] └─$ ssh -i key_file -p 57455 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net Warning: Identity file key_file not accessible: No such file or directory. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Permissions 0644 for '/home/sparks/.ssh/id_ed25519' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. Load key "/home/sparks/.ssh/id_ed25519": bad permissions ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net's password:

┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh] └─$ sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh] └─$ sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519.pub┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh] └─$ ssh -i key_file -p 57455 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net Warning: Identity file key_file not accessible: No such file or directory. Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-1017-aws x86_64) * Documentation:https://help.ubuntu.com * Management:https://landscape.canonical.com * Support:https://ubuntu.com/advantageThis system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are not required on a system that users do not log into.To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law.ctf-player@challenge:~$ ll -bash: ll: command not found ctf-player@challenge:~$ ls flag.txt ctf-player@challenge:~$ cat flag.txt picoCTF{k3y_5l3u7h_d6570e30}

补充一下 mnt 下的不能改权限
┌──(root?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Oni/已保存文件] └─# sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519.pub┌──(root?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Oni/已保存文件] └─# ll total 0 -rwxrwxrwx 1 sparks sparks 111 Mar 27 22:02 id_ed25519.pub

-i 参数应该后面接私钥文件的,之前是歪打正着了
┌──(root?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/tmp] └─# chmod 600 sshkey┌──(root?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/tmp] └─# ssh -i sshkey -p 55145 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-1017-aws x86_64) * Documentation:https://help.ubuntu.com * Management:https://landscape.canonical.com * Support:https://ubuntu.com/advantageThis system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are not required on a system that users do not log into.To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command. Last login: Sun Mar 27 14:12:00 2022 from ctf-player@challenge:~$

binwalk 没有发现什么东西,有 Zlib 是正常现象
┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/St3g0] └─$ file pico.flag.png pico.flag.png: PNG image data, 585 x 172, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced ┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/St3g0] └─$ binwalk pico.flag.pngDECIMALHEXADECIMALDESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00x0PNG image, 585 x 172, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced 410x29Zlib compressed data, default compression

然后使用 Stegsolve,发现发现 flag,原理不清楚

Operation Orchid

┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Orchid/已保存文件] └─$ openssl aes256 -d -in flag.txt.enc -out flag.txt enter aes-256-cbc decryption password: *** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used. Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better. bad decrypt 140269673760128:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:../crypto/evp/evp_enc.c:615:┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Orchid/已保存文件] └─$ cat flag.txt picoCTF{h4un71ng_p457_186cf0da}

时间测信道攻击,比较 pin 时是一个字符一个字符比较的,可以比较时间获取 pin
┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/SideChannel] └─$ time (echo 48390513 | ./pin_checker) Please enter your 8-digit PIN code: 8 Checking PIN... Access granted. You may use your PIN to log into the master server.real1.15s user1.06s sys0.02s cpu94%┌──(sparks?LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/SideChannel] └─$ time (echo 00000000 | ./pin_checker) Please enter your 8-digit PIN code: 8 Checking PIN... Access denied.real0.23s user0.14s sys0.00s cpu62%

真密码 48390513 的用时,比假密码要大 00000000 ,本人不才,用手调出来的,不会 Shell 交互,时间比较总是莫名其妙的出问题,不懂了。。。
import subprocess import timeans = "00000000" # character = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' character = '0123456789' for index in range(8):minTime = 0 anschar = ''for ch in character: ans = ans[:index] + ch + ans[index + 1:] command = 'echo {} | ./pin_checker'.format(ans) start = time.time() for i in range(1): ex = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, executable='zsh', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) ex.communicate() ex.wait() end = time.time() if (end - start) > minTime: minTime = (end - start) anschar = chans = ans[:index] + anschar + ans[index + 1:] print(ans[:index + 1])# 48390513

Torrent Analyze
