

  • 二进制字面量示例
  • 二进制字面量示例2
Java在Java 7中添加了新功能Binary Literal。我允许你在二进制数字系统中表示整数类型(字节, 短型, 整型和长型)。要指定二进制字面量, 请将前缀0b或0B添加到整数值。
在下面的示例中, 我们从整数值创建二进制字面量。
public class BinaryLiteralsExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Binary literal in byte type byte b1 = 0b101; // Using b0, The b can be lower or upper case byte b2 = 0B101; // Using B0 System.out.println("----------Binary Literal in Byte----------------"); System.out.println("b1 = "+b1); System.out.println("b2 = "+b2); // Binary literal in short type short s1 = 0b101; // Using b0, The b can be lower or upper case short s2 = 0B101; // Using B0 System.out.println("----------Binary Literal in Short----------------"); System.out.println("s1 = "+s1); System.out.println("s2 = "+s2); // Binary literal in int type int i1 = 0b101; // Using b0, The b can be lower or upper case int i2 = 0B101; // Using B0 System.out.println("----------Binary Literal in Integer----------------"); System.out.println("i1 = "+i1); System.out.println("i2 = "+i2); // Binary literal in long type long l1 = 0b0000011111100001; // Using b0, The b can be lower or upper case long l2 = 0B0000011111100001; // Using B0 System.out.println("----------Binary Literal in Long----------------"); System.out.println("l1 = "+l1); System.out.println("l2 = "+l2); } }

----------Binary Literal in Byte---------------- b1 = 5 b2 = 5 ----------Binary Literal in Short---------------- s1 = 5 s2 = 5 ----------Binary Literal in Integer---------------- i1 = 5 i2 = 5 ----------Binary Literal in Long---------------- l1 = 2017 l2 = 2017

二进制字面量示例2【Java二进制字面量】在此示例中, 我们使用二进制字面量中的下划线并进行操作来创建负二进制。
public class BinaryLiteralsExample { public static void main(String[] args) { byte b1 = 5; // a decimal value // Using binary of 5 byte b2 = 0b101; // using b0, The b can be lower or upper case // Declaring negative binary byte b3 = -0b101; // Using underscore in binary literal byte b4 = 0b101_0; System.out.println("b1 = "+b1); System.out.println("b2 = "+b2); System.out.println("b3 = "+b3); System.out.println("b4 = "+b4); // Check whether binary and decimal are equal System.out.println("is b1 and b2 equal: "+(b1==b2)); // Perform operation on binary value System.out.println("b2 + 1 = "+(b2+1)); // Perform operation on negative binary value System.out.println("b3 + 1 = "+(b3+1)); System.out.println("b4 x 2 = "+(b4*2)); } }

b1 = 5 b2 = 5 b3 = -5 b4 = 10 is b1 and b2 equal: true b2 + 1 = 6 b3 + 1 = -4 b4 x 2 = 20
