LINQ group连接


  • LINQ Group Join的语法
  • LINQ group连接的例子
在LINQ中, 带有’ into’ 表达式的Join子句称为组联接。在LINQ中, 组联接产生对象元素的序列, 该序列基于左集合和右集合中的匹配元素。
如果没有从右集合与左集合中找到匹配的元素, 则join子句将返回一个空数组。在LINQ中, 组联接等效于内部等联接, 除了将元素组织成组的结果。
LINQ Group Join的语法 根据我们的要求, 使用LINQ Group Join从给定集合中获取匹配元素的语法。
var result = from d in objDept join e in objEmp on d.DepId equals e.DeptId into empDept select new { DepartmentName = d.DepName, Employees = from emp2 in empDept orderby emp2.Name select emp2 };

根据上面的语法, 我们使用了带有” into” 表达式的Join子句来从集合中获取匹配的元素。
LINQ group连接的例子 这是LINQ Group Join的示例, 可根据所需条件从集合中获取匹配的元素。
using System; using System. Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System. Linq; using System. Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Programme2 { static void Main(string[] args) { `//Create an object 'objDept1' and add some values in the list of the 'Department' List< Department> objDept1 = new List< Department> (){ //insert the data in the Department class new Department{DepId=1, DepName="Software"}, new Department{DepId=2, DepName="Finance"}, new Department{DepId=3, DepName="Health"} }; //Create an object 'objEmp1' and add some values in the list of the 'Employee' List< Employee> objEmp1 = new List< Employee> () { //add the data in the Employee class new Employee { EmpId=1, Name = "Devansh", DeptId=1 }, new Employee { EmpId=2, Name = "Shubham", DeptId=1 }, new Employee { EmpId=3, Name = "Aman", DeptId=2 }, new Employee { EmpId=4, Name = "Raman", DeptId =2}, new Employee { EmpId=5, Name = "Madhav"} }; //used the linq queries to group the elements of both the table by using the join clause based on the name of the department var result = from d in objDept1 join e in objEmp1 on d.DepId equals e.DeptId into empDept select new { DepartmentName = d.DepName, Employees = from emp2 in empDept orderby emp2.Name select emp2 }; int totalItems = 0; foreach (var empGroup in result) { Console.WriteLine(empGroup.DepartmentName); foreach (var item in empGroup.Employees) { totalItems++; Console.WriteLine("{0}", item.Name); } } Console.ReadLine(); } } //create the class Department and Employee having the different information class Department { public int DepId { get; set; } public string DepName { get; set; } } class Employee { public int EmpId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int DeptId { get; set; } } }

在上面的示例中, 我们将Join子句与’ into’ 表达式一起使用, 并且根据部门名称对元素进行分组。
【LINQ group连接】输出
LINQ group连接

