LINQ GroupBy()方法


  • LINQ GroupBy()方法的语法
  • 方法语法中的LINQ GroupBy()的示例
  • 查询语法中的LINQ GroupBy()示例
【LINQ GroupBy()方法】在LINQ中, GroupBy运算符用于根据键的指定值对列表/集合项进行分组, 并返回IGrouping < 键, 值> 的集合。 LINQ中的GroupBy方法与SQL group by语句相同。
LINQ GroupBy()方法的语法 这是使用LINQ GroupBy()方法根据键的指定值对元素进行分组的语法。
var student1 = objStudent.GroupBy(x => x.Location);

通过以上语法, 我们将根据学生的位置对集合的” objStudent” 项进行分组。
方法语法中的LINQ GroupBy()的示例 这是在方法语法中使用LINQ GroupBy()的示例。
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApp1{class Programme2{static void Main(string[] args){//Create an object 'objStudent' of the list of the studentList< Student> objStudent = new List< Student> (){new Student() { Name = "Ak Tyagi", Gender = "Male", Location="Chennai" }, new Student() { Name = "Rohini", Gender = "Female", Location="Chennai" }, new Student() { Name = "Praveen", Gender = "Male", Location="Bangalore" }, new Student() { Name = "Sateesh", Gender = "Male", Location ="Vizag"}, new Student() { Name = "Madhav", Gender = "Male", Location="Nagpur"}}; // here with the help of GrouBy we will fetch the student on the base of locationvar student1 = objStudent.GroupBy(x => x.Location); foreach (var sitem in student1){// WriteLine() function here count the number of studentConsole.WriteLine(sitem.Key, sitem.Count()); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var stud in sitem){//Console.WriteLine(stud.Name + "\t" + stud.Location) show the information of the student on the base of the locationConsole.WriteLine(stud.Name + "\t" + stud.Location); }Console.WriteLine(); }Console.ReadLine(); }}//Student class containing the name of the student, gender and location of the studentclass Student{public string Name { get; set; }public string Gender { get; set; }public string Location { get; set; }}}

在上面的示例中, 我们根据学生的位置将” objStudent” 中的项目集合分组。
LINQ GroupBy()方法

查询语法中的LINQ GroupBy()示例 这是使用LINQ GroupBy()运算符的示例。
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApp1{class Programme2{static void Main(string[] args){//create an object objStudent of the Student List and add some informationList< Student> objStudent = new List< Student> (){new Student() { Name = "Vinay Tyagi", Gender = "Male", Location="Chennai" }, new Student() { Name = "Rohini", Gender = "Female", Location="Chennai" }, new Student() { Name = "Praveen", Gender = "Male", Location="Bangalore" }, new Student() { Name = "Sateesh Alavala", Gender = "Male", Location ="Vizag"}, new Student() { Name = "Madhav Sai", Gender = "Male", Location="Nagpur"}}; //apply the linq queries to group the information of the student according to the location/*linq queries starts from, from take a variable 'std' in objStudent(object of the Student List) group 'std'(declared variable) by std.Location*/var student = from std in objStudentgroup std by std.Location; //foreach loop iterate over all the information of the studentforeach (var sitem in student){Console.WriteLine(sitem.Key, sitem.Count()); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var stud in sitem){/*Console.WriteLine(stud.Name + "\t" + stud.Location) show the information of the student on the base of the location*/Console.WriteLine(stud.Name + "\t" + stud.Location); }Console.WriteLine(); }Console.ReadLine(); }}class Student{public string Name { get; set; }public string Gender { get; set; }public string Location { get; set; }}}

LINQ GroupBy()方法

