mapUnderscoreToCamelCase: true
mapperLocations: mybatis/*Mapper.xml
@Mapper public interface MrInfoMapper { /** * 根据条件查询MR信息 * @param param * @return */ public List< Map< String, Object> > findByCondition(Map< String, Object> param); /** * 获取页面展示数据 * @param param * @return */ // @Select("< script> " + "SELECT" + " group_concat(id) id," + " max(mi.mr) mr," + " mi.intf_file," // + " max(mi.area) area," + " max(mi.rversion) rversion," + " concat(" // + " ifnull(case when mi.ce=‘Y‘ then ‘CE ‘ end,‘‘)," // + " ifnull(case when mi.ne=‘Y‘ then ‘NE ‘ end,‘‘)," // + " ifnull(case when mi.ptn=‘Y‘ then ‘PTN ‘ end,‘‘)," // + " ifnull(case when mi.rtn=‘Y‘ then ‘RTN ‘ end,‘‘)," // + " ifnull(case when mi.trans=‘Y‘ then ‘TRANS ‘ end,‘‘)" + ") products," // + " group_concat(distinct mi.change_type) change_type," + " max(mi.table_flag) table_flag" + " FROM " // + " tb_mr_info mi " + "WHERE" + " mi.intf_file IS NOT NULL" + " AND mi.table_flag = #{searchDate} " // + "< if test="productList != null "> " + "< foreach item="item" collection="productList" > " // + " and ${item}=‘Y‘" + "< /foreach> " + "< /if> " + "GROUP BY" + " mi.intf_file" + "< /script> ") public List< HashMap< String, String> > findDisplayData(Map< String, Object> param);
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < !DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> < mapper namespace="com.huawei.nos.nosimsys.dao.MrInfoMapper"> < select id="findByCondition" parameterType="map" resultType="map"> SELECT * FROM tb_mr_info tmi WHERE 1=1 AND tmi.table_flag=#{searchDate} < if test="productList != null and productList != ‘‘"> < foreach collection="productList" item="item"> and ${item}=‘Y‘ < /foreach> < /if> < /select>
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