

  1. 封装Toast
package com.onepilltest; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.Toast; import com.onepilltest.util.KeyboardUtils; import com.onepilltest.util.StatusBarUtil; /** * 封装Activity用于管理所有Activity */public abstract class BaseActivity extends Activity {/***是否显示标题栏*/ privateboolean isshowtitle = true; /***是否显示标题栏*/ privateboolean isshowstate = true; /***封装toast对象**/ private static Toast toast; /***获取TAG的activity名称**/ protected final String TAG = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(intiLayout()); //初始化状态栏 { //当FitsSystemWindows设置 true 时,会在屏幕最上方预留出状态栏高度的 padding StatusBarUtil.setRootViewFitsSystemWindows(this,true); //设置状态栏透明 StatusBarUtil.setTranslucentStatus(this); //一般的手机的状态栏文字和图标都是白色的, 可如果你的应用也是纯白色的, 或导致状态栏文字看不清 //所以如果你是这种情况,请使用以下代码, 设置状态使用深色文字图标风格, 否则你可以选择性注释掉这个if内容 if (!StatusBarUtil.setStatusBarDarkTheme(this, true)) { //如果不支持设置深色风格 为了兼容总不能让状态栏白白的看不清, 于是设置一个状态栏颜色为半透明, //这样半透明+白=灰, 状态栏的文字能看得清 StatusBarUtil.setStatusBarColor(this,0x55000000); } } //初始化控件 initView(); //设置数据 initData(); }/** * 设置布局 * * @return */ public abstract int intiLayout(); /** * 初始化布局 */ public abstract void initView(); /** * 设置数据 */ public abstract void initData(); public static String Help(){ String str = " --> " ; str += " 丨------------------------------ " ; str += " 丨设置屏幕横竖屏切换:setScreenRoate(Boolean screenRoate) true竖屏false横屏" +" " ; str += " 丨显示长toast:toastLong(String msg) String msg" +" " ; str += " 丨显示短toast:toastShort(String msg)" +" " ; str += " 丨页面跳转:startActivity(Class< ?> clz)" +" " ; str += " 丨携带数据的页面跳转:startActivity(Class< ?> clz, Bundle bundle)" +" " ; str += " 丨* * *设置EditView和Activity的互动* * *" +" " ; str += " 丨传入EditText的Id:重写hideSoftByEditViewIds()" +" " ; str += " 丨传入要过滤的View:filterViewByIds()" +" " ; str += " 丨* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" +" " ; str += " 丨----------------------------- " ; Log.e(" BaseActivity_Help" ,str); return str; }/** * 设置屏幕横竖屏切换 * @param screenRoate true竖屏false横屏 */ private void setScreenRoate(Boolean screenRoate) { if (screenRoate) { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); //设置竖屏模式 } else { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); } }/** * 显示长toast * @param msg */ public void toastLong(String msg){ if (null == toast) { toast = new Toast(this); toast.setDuration(Toast.LENGTH_LONG); toast.setText(msg);; } else { toast.setText(msg);; } }/** * 显示短toast * @param msg */ public void toastShort(String msg){ if (null == toast) { toast = new Toast(this); toast.setDuration(Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); toast.setText(msg);; } else { toast.setText(msg);; } }/** * [页面跳转] * @param clz */ public void startActivity(Class< ?> clz) { startActivity(clz, null); }/** * [携带数据的页面跳转] * * @param clz * @param bundle */ public void startActivity(Class< ?> clz, Bundle bundle) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(this, clz); if (bundle != null) { intent.putExtras(bundle); } startActivity(intent); }/** * [含有Bundle通过Class打开编辑界面] * * @param cls * @param bundle * @param requestCode */ public void startActivityForResult(Class< ?> cls, Bundle bundle, int requestCode) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(this, cls); if (bundle != null) { intent.putExtras(bundle); } startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode); }/** * 以下是关于软键盘的处理 *//** * 清除editText的焦点 * * @param v焦点所在View * @param ids 输入框 */ public void clearViewFocus(View v, int... ids) { if (null != v & & null != ids & & ids.length > 0) { for (int id : ids) { if (v.getId() == id) { v.clearFocus(); break; } } } }/** * 隐藏键盘 * * @param v焦点所在View * @param ids 输入框 * @return true代表焦点在edit上 */ public boolean isFocusEditText(View v, int... ids) { if (v instanceof EditText) { EditText et = (EditText) v; for (int id : ids) { if (et.getId() == id) { return true; } } } return false; }//是否触摸在指定view上面,对某个控件过滤 public boolean isTouchView(View[] views, MotionEvent ev) { if (views == null || views.length == 0) { return false; } int[] location = new int[2]; for (View view : views) { view.getLocationOnScreen(location); int x = location[0]; int y = location[1]; if (ev.getX() > x & & ev.getX() < (x + view.getWidth()) & & ev.getY() > y & & ev.getY() < (y + view.getHeight())) { return true; } } return false; }@Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (isTouchView(filterViewByIds(), ev)) { return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } if (hideSoftByEditViewIds() == null || hideSoftByEditViewIds().length == 0) { return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } View v = getCurrentFocus(); if (isFocusEditText(v, hideSoftByEditViewIds())) { KeyboardUtils.hideInputForce(this); clearViewFocus(v, hideSoftByEditViewIds()); } } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); }/** * 传入EditText的Id * 没有传入的EditText不做处理 * * @return id 数组 */ public int[] hideSoftByEditViewIds() { return null; }/** * 传入要过滤的View * 过滤之后点击将不会有隐藏软键盘的操作 * * @return id 数组 */ public View[] filterViewByIds() { return null; }/*实现案例===============================================================================================*///@Override //public int[] hideSoftByEditViewIds() { //int[] ids = {,}; //return ids; //} // //@Override //public View[] filterViewByIds() { //View[] views = {mEtCompanyName, mEtAddress}; //return views; //}}

package com.onepilltest.util; import; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.EditText; import com.onepilltest.BaseActivity; import com.onepilltest.R; import static android.content.Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE; /** * @author sunyaxi * @date 2016/11/17. */ public class KeyboardUtils {/** * 动态隐藏软键盘 */ public static void hideSoftInput(Activity activity) { View view = activity.getWindow().peekDecorView(); if (view != null) { InputMethodManager inputManger = (InputMethodManager) activity .getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); inputManger.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0); } }/** * 动态隐藏软键盘 */ public static void hideSoftInput(Context context, View view) { view.clearFocus(); InputMethodManager inputManger = (InputMethodManager) context .getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); inputManger.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0); }/** * 动态显示软键盘 */ public static void showSoftInput(Context context, EditText edit) { edit.setFocusable(true); edit.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); edit.requestFocus(); InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) context .getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); inputManager.showSoftInput(edit, 0); }/** * 切换键盘显示与否状态 */ public static void toggleSoftInput(Context context, EditText edit) { edit.setFocusable(true); edit.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); edit.requestFocus(); InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) context .getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); inputManager.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0); }/** * 点击屏幕空白区域隐藏软键盘(方法1) * 在onTouch中处理,未获焦点则隐藏 * 参照以下注释代码 */ public static void clickBlankArea2HideSoftInput0() { Log.i(" tips" , " U should copy the following code." ); /* @Override public boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event){ if (null != this.getCurrentFocus()) { InputMethodManager mInputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); return mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(this.getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0); } return super.onTouchEvent(event); } */ }/** * 点击屏幕空白区域隐藏软键盘(方法2) * 根据EditText所在坐标和用户点击的坐标相对比,来判断是否隐藏键盘 * 需重写dispatchTouchEvent * 参照以下注释代码 */ public static void clickBlankArea2HideSoftInput1() { Log.i(" tips" , " U should copy the following code." ); /* @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { View v = getCurrentFocus(); if (isShouldHideKeyboard(v, ev)) { hideKeyboard(v.getWindowToken()); } } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } // 根据EditText所在坐标和用户点击的坐标相对比,来判断是否隐藏键盘 private boolean isShouldHideKeyboard(View v, MotionEvent event) { if (v != null & & (v instanceof EditText)) { int[] l = {0, 0}; v.getLocationInWindow(l); int left = l[0], top = l[1], bottom = top + v.getHeight(), right = left + v.getWidth(); return !(event.getX() > left & & event.getX() < right & & event.getY() > top & & event.getY() < bottom); } return false; } // 获取InputMethodManager,隐藏软键盘 private void hideKeyboard(IBinder token) { if (token != null) { InputMethodManager im = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); im.hideSoftInputFromWindow(token, InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS); } } */ }/** * des:隐藏软键盘,这种方式参数为activity * * @param activity */ public static void hideInputForce(Activity activity) { if (activity == null || activity.getCurrentFocus() == null) return; ((InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)) .hideSoftInputFromWindow(activity.getCurrentFocus() .getWindowToken(), InputMethodManager.HIDE_NOT_ALWAYS); } }

【Android(自定义BaseActivity基类)】public class SettingActivity extends BaseActivity {
