read appSettings in configuration file by XElement with xmlns

壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。这篇文章主要讲述read appSettings in configuration file by XElement with xmlns相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

public static int GetProgramId(string filePath) { int programId = 0; var element = XElement.Load(filePath); XNamespace xNamespace = element.GetDefaultNamespace(); XName tempXName1 = xNamespace + "appSettings"; var temp = element.Element(tempXName1); XName tempXName2 = xNamespace + "add"; var targetElement = temp?.Elements(tempXName2) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Attribute("key")?.Value ="ProgramID"); if (targetElement == null) { LogUtil.CreateLog(LogLevel.Error, $"Can not find ProgramID in appSettings section in {filePath}"); } else { var valueAttribute = targetElement.Attribute("value"); if (valueAttribute == null) { LogUtil.CreateLog(LogLevel.Error, $"Can not find value attribute in appSettings section with key = ProgramID in {filePath}"); } else { programId = Convert.ToInt32(valueAttribute.Value); } }return programId; }

【read appSettings in configuration file by XElement with xmlns】 
