
AdaptiveAvgPool2d()介绍 torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d()接受两个参数,分别为输出特征图的长和宽,其通道数前后不发生变化。

class AdaptiveAvgPool2d(_AdaptiveAvgPoolNd): """Applies a 2D adaptive average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes. The output is of size H x W, for any input size. The number of output features is equal to the number of input planes. Args: output_size: the target output size of the image of the form H x W. Can be a tuple (H, W) or a single H for a square image H x H. H and W can be either a ``int``, or ``None`` which means the size will be the same as that of the input. Examples: >>> # target output size of 5x7 >>> m = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((5,7)) >>> input = torch.randn(1, 64, 8, 9) >>> output = m(input) >>> # target output size of 7x7 (square) >>> m = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(7) >>> input = torch.randn(1, 64, 10, 9) >>> output = m(input) >>> # target output size of 10x7 >>> m = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d((None, 7)) >>> input = torch.randn(1, 64, 10, 9) >>> output = m(input) """ @weak_script_method def forward(self, input): return F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(input, self.output_size)

对于任何输入大小,图像的长宽输出大小为H x W;输出特征的数量等于输入数量(即通道数)。
其中,output_size代表格式为H x W的图像的目标输出大小。
# target output size of 5x7 import torch import torch.nn as nn m = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((5,7)) input = torch.randn(1, 64, 8, 9) output = m(input) output.shape #运行结果:torch.Size([1, 64, 5, 7])

若只输入一个参数即AdaptiveAvgPool2d((H)) 相当于 AdaptiveAvgPool2d((H,H)) 即输出长和宽均为H的图像
# target output size of 7x7 (square) import torch import torch.nn as nn m = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((7)) input = torch.randn(1, 64, 10, 9) output = m(input) output.shape #运行结果:torch.Size([1, 64, 7, 7])

# target output size of 10x7 import torch import torch.nn as nn m = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d((None, 7)) input = torch.randn(1, 64, 10, 9) output = m(input) output.shape #运行结果:torch.Size([1, 64, 10, 7])

# target output size of 80×60 import torch import torch.nn as nn m = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d((80, 60)) input = torch.randn(1, 64, 10, 9) output = m(input) output.shape #运行结果:torch.Size([1, 64, 80, 60])

自己的见解 什么时候使用AdaptiveAvgPool2d()? 我认为在我们构造模型的时候,AdaptiveAvgPool2d()的位置一般在卷积层和全连接层的交汇处,以便确定输出到Linear层的大小。下图为VGG中AdaptiveAvgPool2d()的使用。

AdaptiveAvgPool2d()的参数应该如何选取? AdaptiveAvgPool2d()中H、W的选取与【我们的图的初始大小(长宽)和池化层的数量有关系】,也就是与【经过多个卷积池化操作后的图像长宽】有关,在实验中我发现在参数H、W 比 输入图像的长宽 小 的情况下效果更好。
