威能热水器为什么老是要补水 威能烧一会就提醒补水

1、青奥会会歌歌词 《everyone》的中英文歌词   Walls are down消除彼此间的隔阂Hopes are rise希望就在眼前Rings of the world unite全世界团结在一起Every child每个孩子Has a wish都有一个心愿To glow like the stars above像天上的繁星一样闪耀光芒Lift our voices as victories blaze为了胜利的焰火高声欢呼This is the day to win with grace今天就让我们展现魅力取得胜利Raise your hand for our generation为了我们这一代高举双手Fly the flags of every nation让世界各国的旗帜迎风飘扬Reaching out for that moment in our lives为了生命中难忘的瞬间 伸出双手Raise your hand for our generation为了我们这一代高举双手Living out your aspiration为了你的理想而奋斗Time to fly way beyond the skies这是你遨游广袤天际的时刻了A world that shines for everyone光芒照耀每个人的世界Be the best做到最好Go all the way勇敢去尝试Friends beyond the race不同种族和肤色的朋友们Cheer the joy为欢乐而喝彩Share the tears共同分享激动的泪水The journey remains our pride旅途中留下我们的骄傲与自豪Raise your hand for our generation为了我们这一代高举双手Fly the flags of every nation让世界各国的旗帜迎风飘扬Reaching out for that moment in our lives 为了生命中难忘的瞬间 伸出双手Raise your hand for our generation 为了我们这一代高举双手Living out your aspiration 为了你的理想而奋斗Time to fly way beyond the skies 这是你遨游广袤天际的时刻了A world that shines for everyone光芒照耀每个人的世界Lift our voices as victories blaze 为了胜利的焰火高声欢呼This is the day the world will shine on for everyone 今天 世界将照亮每个人Raise your hand for our generation 为了我们这一代高举双手Fly the flags of every nation让世界各国的旗帜迎风飘扬Reaching out for that moment in our lives为了生命中难忘的瞬间 伸出双手Raise your hand for our generation为了我们这一代高举双手Living out your aspiration为了你的理想而奋斗Time to fly way beyond the skies这是你遨游广袤天际的时刻了A world that shines for everyone我们的世界 光芒照耀我们每一个人!
【威能热水器为什么老是要补水 威能烧一会就提醒补水】

威能热水器为什么老是要补水 威能烧一会就提醒补水

