如何使用Electron Framework执行.bat文件,接收数据和错误


  • 批量
  • Electron
  • 执行批处理文件
为了完成此任务, 我们将使用Node.js的child_process类。在child_process中, 我们将使用spawn函数, 该函数允许我们在后台执行进程并添加不同的事件侦听器。在这里阅读更多关于spawn函数的信息。
批量 【如何使用Electron Framework执行.bat文件,接收数据和错误】在本文中, 我们假设你对批处理有一定的了解, 但是你需要知道, 要将批处理中的信息发送到我们的Electron App, 你需要使用echo来输出要发送的文本。
所有通过echo打印的文本都将通过child_process的stdout.on(” data” )事件检索。
echo This text will be sent as Uint8Array for being processed later by your Electron App REM Note that you can send 2 types of data (normal and error)REM To send normal data echo Hello world 2> & 1REM To send error data (but don't stop the execution) echo This text should ouput an error 1> & 2

要处理Electron的on(” exit” )事件并批量发送其他退出代码, 请使用以下行(根据你的需要更改数字):

Electron 如前所述, 从stderr和stdout检索的数据将具有Uint8Array格式, 因此我们需要将Uint8Array转换为字符串Javascript(如果需要数组格式, 则不要对其进行转换)。要转换, 请使用以下行
var myReceivedData = http://www.srcmini.com/; // This will be the Uint8Array Data var strData = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, myReceivedData); // The array is now human readable text

注意:上一个代码段适用于普通数据。如果你的数据量很大, 则可能需要更改数据的转换方式, 请在此处详细了解如何将Uint8Array转换为字符串。
现在我们已经了解了基础知识, 让我们执行该批处理!
执行批处理文件 对于此示例, 我们的批处理文件将为以下文件(为Windowselectronexample.bat编写):
@echo offREM The name of the file that will be created set filename=electronfileexample.txt REM the path where the file will be created set filepath=c:\ REM the content of the file set content=Hello, this is the content of my file created with batch REM the full path (path+filename) set fullpath=%filepath%%filename%echo Sending a "JSON" String echo {"filename":"%filename%", "content":"%content%", "fullpath":"%fullpath%"}REM Text to send to stdout (data) REM Note that you can append 2> & 1 to the normal stdout REM echo This text will be sent to my Electron Project REM or REM echo This text will be sent to my Electron Project 2> & 1REM Text to send to stderr (error) 1> & 2 REM echo This text should ouput an error 1> & 2echo An error message passing by, nothing important :) Just ignore me 1> & 2IF EXIST %filepath%%filename% ( echo File already exists EXIT /B 1 ) ELSE ( @echo Creating file in %fullpath% ( echo %content% ) > %filepath%%filename% )REM Check if the file was created, if exists send code 2 REM if the file doesn't exist then send code 3 (error while creating) IF EXIST %filepath%%filename% ( EXIT /B 2 ) ELSE ( EXIT /B 3 )

一个简单的代码片段, 它将检查c:/路径中是否存在文件, 如果存在, 则发送一条消息, 指出” 文件已存在” , 否则创建文件并发送消息” 在c:/electronfileexample.txt中创建文件” 。然后检查它是否存在, 如果存在, 则用代码2完成执行, 如果不存在, 则用代码3退出。
使用Electron(使用Node.js), 你将需要创建一个子进程。与Python不同, node.js是异步的, 这意味着它无需等待script.bat完成。而是调用script.bat打印数据或存在时先前定义的函数。
现在要使用javascript处理批处理, 请使用以下代码:
"use strict"; // The path to the .bat file var myBatFilePath = "C:\\Users\\SDkCarlos\\Desktop\\electrontest.bat"; const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const bat = spawn('cmd.exe', ['/c', myBatFilePath]); // Handle normal output bat.stdout.on('data', (data) => { // As said before, convert the Uint8Array to a readable string. var str = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data); console.info(str); }); // Handle error output bat.stderr.on('data', (data) => { // As said before, convert the Uint8Array to a readable string. var str = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, data); console.error(str); }); // Handle on exit event bat.on('exit', (code) => { var preText = `Child exited with code ${code} : `; switch(code){ case 0: console.info(preText+"Something unknown happened executing the batch."); break; case 1: console.info(preText+"The file already exists"); break; case 2: console.info(preText+"The file doesn't exists and now is created"); break; case 3: console.info(preText+"An error ocurred while creating the file"); break; } });

控制台的输出应类似于(没有HTML标记, 只能看到右侧的控制台):
如何使用Electron Framework执行.bat文件,接收数据和错误

你可以在此处的官方ourcodeworldElectron示例存储库” electron-batch-childprocess” 中看到之前的示例。玩得开心
