如何修复Plesk MySQL”管理员”密码(用户’admin’@’localhost’的访问被拒绝(使用密码:是))


  • 1.下载Plesk管理员用户注入器PHP脚本
  • 2.通过Plesk CLI运行PHP脚本
在手动弄乱服务器上的许多组件, 库和文件后, 我最终搞砸了MySQL的默认凭据。我不知道我为管理员用户设置了哪些凭据, 而且我无法在Plesk和命令行中以admin身份访问MySQL。最初, 因为我不知道admin用户的原始密码存储在/etc/psa/.psa.shadow文件中, 因此你不应该将其弄乱。阅读一会儿之后, 我唯一的麻烦解决方案是重置MySQL服务器的管理员密码, 这可以通过Plesk团队提供的自动脚本轻松实现。
在本文中, 我们将向你介绍如何轻松解决此问题。
1.下载Plesk管理员用户注入器PHP脚本如在Plesk的此官方文章中所指定的, 解决方案是使用/etc/psa/.psa.shadow文件中指定的字符串更新admin用户的密码值。此解决方案适用于特定情况, 其中’ admin’ @’ localhost’ 用户的密码已手动更改。
使用wget或curl(无论你喜欢使用哪种工具)在脚本中下载压缩文件, 然后将其下载到服务器中:
wget https://plesk.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/360042955514/213364309-restore-admin-user.php.tar.gz

该tar包含一个php文件, 即213364309-restore-admin-user.php, 其中包含将在下一步中使用的代码。你可以使用以下命令提取tar的内容:
tar xf 213364309-restore-admin-user.php.tar.gz

另外, 你也可以从本文中获取代码(我们使用了描述文件中的代码), 因此你可以创建php文件(213364309-restore-admin-user.php)并将以下代码粘贴到内部:
< ?php/*** Plesk admin user injector** Restores 'admin'@'localhost' user to the local MySQL/MariaDB server* Refer to https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213364309** Tested with: MySQL 5.1+ (up to 8.0), MariaDB 5.5+ (up to 10.4)* Requires: PHP 5.4+, PHP 7.0+* Maintainer: Aleksandr Bashurov** Copyright 1999-2019. Plesk International GmbH. All rights reserved.*//** * Class that interacts with the init service */class Service{/*** @var string $initEither 'legacy' or 'systemd'*/private $init; /*** @var string $serviceName*/private $serviceName; const KNOWN_SERVICES = ['mysqld', 'mysql', 'mariadb']; /*** @var string|null $serviceWrapper*/private $serviceWrapper; const KNOWN_SERVICE_WRAPPERS = ['/usr/sbin/service', '/sbin/service']; public function __construct(){if (file_exists('/etc/os-release')) {/* This file is required by systemd 43+, so it must be present in any supported OS */$this-> init = 'systemd'; } else {$this-> init = 'legacy'; }$this-> serviceName = $this-> extractServiceName(); Logger::info('Found init ' . $this-> init); }/*** Restarts MySQL server* * @return int exit code of the init management utility*/public function restartServer(){$result = []; $exitCode = 0; Logger::write('Restarting MySQL server'); switch ($this-> init) {case 'systemd':exec('/bin/systemctl restart ' . $this-> serviceName, $result, $exitCode); break; case 'legacy':exec($this-> getServiceWrapperName() . ' ' . $this-> serviceName . ' restart', $result, $exitCode); break; }Logger::info('Restart completed with exit code ' . $exitCode); return $exitCode; }/*** Searches for the service with the provided name in the init* * @throws \Exception if there was no match* * @return string*/private function extractServiceName(){$result = []; switch ($this-> init) {case 'systemd':exec('/bin/systemctl list-units --type service', $result); foreach (self::KNOWN_SERVICES as $name) {foreach ($result as $service) {$nameLength = strlen($name); if (substr(trim($service), 0, 8 + $nameLength) === $name . '.service') {Logger::info('Determined service name: ' . $name); return $name; }}}break; case 'legacy':exec($this-> getServiceWrapperName() . ' --status-all', $result); foreach (self::KNOWN_SERVICES as $name) {foreach ($result as $service) {$nameLength = strlen($name); /* This is due to the 'mysql'/'mysqld' */if (substr(ltrim($service), 0, $nameLength + 1) === $name . ' ') {Logger::info('Determined service name: ' . $name); return $name; }}}break; }throw new \Exception('Cannot determine MySQL service name'); }/*** Checks SysV/upstart wrapper location* * @throws \Exception is none of the default locations is correct* * @return string*/private function getServiceWrapperName(){if ($this-> serviceWrapper === null) {foreach (self::KNOWN_SERVICE_WRAPPERS as $wrapper) {Logger::debug('Trying legacy wrapper in ' . $wrapper); if (file_exists($wrapper)) {Logger::info('Found legacy wrapper in ' . $wrapper); $this-> serviceWrapper = $wrapper; return $wrapper; }}throw new \Exception('Could not determine service management wrapper name'); }return $this-> serviceWrapper; }}class Connection{/*** @var mysqli $instance*/private $instance; /*** @var ServerConfigurator $configurator*/private $configurator; /*** @param ServerConfigurator $configuratorInstance of the configurator* * @throws \Exception if connection could not be established for some reason*/public function __construct($configurator){$this-> configurator = $configurator; $password = $this-> configurator-> getPassword(); $mysql = mysqli_init(); if ($mysql-> options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10) === false) {throw new \Exception('Failed to configure connection timeout!'); }/* @ here is for Plesk with upgraded MySQL/MariaDB instances */if (false === @$mysql-> real_connect(Configuration::getHostname(), Configuration::getUsername(), $password, 'mysql', 3306, $this-> configurator-> getSocket())) {throw new \Exception('Connection to Plesk database failed: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); }if (!$mysql-> set_charset('UTF8')) {throw new \Exception('Failed to set charset to UTF8: ' . $mysql-> error); }$this-> instance = $mysql; }/*** Checks if the current user has the 'GRANT ALL' privilege on all tables* * @return bool*/public function hasAllPrivileges(){$grantQuery = $this-> instance-> query('SHOW GRANTS'); if (! $grantQuery instanceof \mysqli_result) {return false; }$grants = $grantQuery-> fetch_all()[0][0]; $grantQuery-> free(); return substr($grants, 0, 27) === 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*'; }/*** Returns internal mysqli instance* * @return \mysqli*/public function getConnection(){return $this-> instance; }}class Server{/*** @var ServerConfigurator $configurator*/private $configurator; /*** @var Service $service*/private $service; /*** @var int[]|null $versionFor example, [5, 5]*/private $version; /*** @var string|null $flavorEither 'MariaDB', or 'MySQL'*/private $flavor; /*** @param ServerConfigurator $configurator* @param Service$service*/public function __construct($configurator, $service){$this-> configurator = $configurator; $this-> service = $service; }/*** Creates the 'admin'@'localhost' user in the database* * @return void*/public function injectAdmin(){Logger::write('Disabling ACL tables in configuration'); $this-> configurator-> setSkipGrants(true); $this-> service-> restartServer(); try {$connection = new Connection($this-> configurator); $this-> guessVersionAndFlavor($connection); Logger::debug('Determined server version: '. $this-> version[0] . '.'. $this-> version[1]); Logger::debug('Determined server flavor: ' . $this-> flavor); $this-> runQueries($this-> generateSqlQueries(), $connection); } catch (\Exception $e) {Logger::error('Could not inject admin user: ' . $e-> getMessage()); } finally {Logger::write('Restoring previous configuration'); $this-> configurator-> setSkipGrants(false); $this-> service-> restartServer(); }}/*** Tries to guess what MySQL version and flavor we have* * @param Connection $handleMySQL connection wrapper instance* * @return void*/private function guessVersionAndFlavor($handle){$connection = $handle-> getConnection(); $versionQuery = $connection-> query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "version"'); $versionValue = http://www.srcmini.com/$versionQuery-> fetch_all()[0][1]; $versionQuery-> free(); $versionArray = explode('.', $versionValue); $this-> version = [intval($versionArray[0]), intval($versionArray[1]), ]; if (strpos(strtolower($versionValue), 'mariadb') !== false) {$this-> flavor = 'MariaDB'; return; }/* Continue checking whether it's MariaDB by looking for AriaDB */$flavorQuery = $connection-> query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "aria%"'); if ($flavorQuery-> num_rows > 0) {$this-> flavor = 'MariaDB'; $flavorQuery-> free(); return; }$this-> flavor = 'MySQL'; }/*** Runs an array of provided queries* * @param string[] $queriesSQL queries generated by generateSqlQueries* @param Connection $handleMySQL connection wrapper instance* * @return void*/private function runQueries($queries, $handle){$connection = $handle-> getConnection(); Logger::write('Reloading ACL tables'); $connection-> query('FLUSH PRIVILEGES'); foreach ($queries as $query) {Logger::write('Executing query: `' . $query . '`'); $connection-> query($query); }}/*** Builds an SQL query to add the user to the list** @return string[]Array with commands that should be executed*/private function generateSqlQueries(){$user = Configuration::getUsername(); $host = Configuration::getHostname(); $password = $this-> configurator-> getPassword(); /* MySQL after 5.7 enforces plugin authentication */if ($this-> flavor === 'MySQL'& & $this-> version[0] === 5& & $this-> version[1] > = 7) {return [$this-> getDeleteQuery($user, $host), $this-> getModernMysqlCreateUser($user, $host, $password), $this-> getGrantQuery($user, $host), ]; }/* Other versions do not, though */return [$this-> getDeleteQuery($user, $host), $this-> getCreateUser($user, $host, $password), $this-> getGrantQuery($user, $host), ]; }/*** Creates a generic DELETE query** @param string $nameMySQL username* @param string $hostMySQL user's hostname** @return string*/private function getDeleteQuery($name, $host){return "DROP USER \"{$name}\"@\"{$host}\"; "; }/*** Creates a generic GRANT ALL query* * @param string $userMySQL username* @param string $hostMySQL user's hostname* * @return string*/private function getGrantQuery($user, $host){return "GRANT ALL ON *.* TO \"{$user}\"@\"{$host}\" WITH GRANT OPTION"; }/*** Creates a legacy CREATE USER query (MariaDB 5.5 to 10.4, MySQL 5.1 to 5.6)* * @param string $userMySQL username* @param string $hostMySQL user's hostname* @param string $passwordTarget user password* * @return string*/private function getCreateUser($user, $host, $password){return "CREATE USER \"{$user}\"@\"{$host}\" IDENTIFIED BY \"{$password}\""; }/*** Creates a modern (plugin-aware) CREATE USER query compatible with MySQL 5.7 and above* * @param string $userMySQL username* @param string $hostMySQL user's hostname* @param string $passwordTarget user password* * @return string*/private function getModernMysqlCreateUser($user, $host, $password){return "CREATE USER \"{$user}\"@\"{$host}\" IDENTIFIED WITH \"mysql_native_password\" BY \"{$password}\""; }}class ServerConfigurator{/*** @var string $socketSocket file location*/private $socket; /*** @var string $configFileMain config file location*/private $configFile; const DEFAULT_LOCATIONS = ['/etc/my.cnf', '/etc/mysql/my.cnf']; /*** @var string[] $configContentConfig file contents*/private $configContent; /*** @var string[] $configBackupOriginal config backup*/private $configBackup; /*** @var string $passwordDatabase admin password*/private $password; public function __construct(){$this-> socket = $this-> findSocket(); Logger::debug('Found socket: ' . $this-> socket); $this-> configFile = $this-> findConfig(); Logger::debug('Found configuration file: ' . $this-> configFile); $this-> configContent = $this-> configBackup = $this-> loadConfig(); $this-> password = $this-> loadPassword(); }/*** Modifies configuration to remove authentication from the server* * @param bool $enable* * @return void*/public function setSkipGrants($enable){if ($enable) {$this-> injectOverride(); } else {$this-> revertConfig(); }}/*** Extracts Plesk 'admin'@'localhost' password** @return string*/public function getPassword(){return $this-> password; }/*** Extracts MySQL socket location** @return string*/public function getSocket(){return $this-> socket; }/*** Checks MySQL socket location in Plesk configuration file* * @throws \Exception if the value could not be found* * @return string*/private function findSocket(){$psaConfig = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents('/etc/psa/psa.conf')); $socketList = array_filter($psaConfig, function ($line) {return substr(trim($line), 0, 12) === 'MYSQL_SOCKET'; }); if (count($socketList) === 0) {throw new \Exception('Configuration file `/etc/psa/psa.conf` does not have a socket file specified'); }$socketEntry = array_values($socketList)[0]; return trim(explode(' ', $socketEntry)[1]); }/*** Searches for the main MySQL configuration file* * @throws \Exception if none of the default locations matched* * @return string*/private function findConfig(){foreach(self::DEFAULT_LOCATIONS as $location) {if (file_exists($location)) {return $location; }}throw new \Exception('Could not find main configuration file for the database server!'); }/*** Loads admin password from the filesystem* * @throws \Exception if the file with password does not exist* * @return string*/private function loadPassword(){if (!file_exists('/etc/psa/.psa.shadow')) {throw new \Exception('Could not locate /etc/psa/.psa.shadow file'); }return file_get_contents('/etc/psa/.psa.shadow'); }/*** Reads the configuration file* * @return string[]*/private function loadConfig(){return explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents($this-> configFile)); }/*** Injects skip-grant-tables and skip-networking to the config* * @return void*/private function injectOverride(){$sectionPosition = array_search('[mysqld]', $this-> configContent); if ($sectionPosition === false) {$this-> configContent = array_merge($this-> configContent, ['', '[mysqld]', 'skip-grant-tables', 'skip-networking', ]); } else {array_splice($this-> configContent, $sectionPosition + 1, 0, ['skip-grant-tables', 'skip-networking', ]); }$this-> storeConfig($this-> configContent); }/*** Saves configuration back to the file* * @param string[] $configTarget configuration* * @return void*/private function storeConfig($config){file_put_contents($this-> configFile, implode(PHP_EOL, $config)); }/*** Reverts configuration to the one used before script was executed* * @return void*/private function revertConfig(){$this-> storeConfig($this-> configBackup); }}final class Configuration{/*** @var int $verbosity*/private static $verbosity = 0; /*** @var string $username*/private static $username = 'admin'; /*** @var string $hostname*/private static $hostname = 'localhost'; /*** Changes verbosity for the Logger** @param int $newLevel** @return void*/public static function setVerbosity($newLevel){if (!is_int($newLevel)) {throw new \Exception("Type Error: expected integer, received " . gettype($newLevel)); }static::$verbosity = $newLevel; }/*** Changes target username** @param string $username** @return void*/public static function setUsername($username){static::$username = $username; }/*** Changes target hostname** @param string $hostname** @return void*/public static function setHostname($hostname){static::$hostname = $hostname; }/*** Extracts current verbosity level** @return int*/public static function getVerbosity(){return static::$verbosity; }/*** Fetches target username for the restoration* * @return string*/public static function getUsername(){return static::$username; }/*** Fetches target hostname for the restoration* * @return string*/public static function getHostname(){return static::$hostname; }}final class Logger{private function __construct() {}/*** Logs if the global verbosity level is debug** @param string $value* * @return void*/public static function debug($value){if (Configuration::getVerbosity() > = 2) {fwrite(STDERR, 'DEBUG: ' . $value . PHP_EOL); }}/*** Logs if the global verbosity level is verbose** @param string $value* * @return void*/public static function info($value){if (Configuration::getVerbosity() > = 1) {fwrite(STDOUT, 'INFO: ' . $value . PHP_EOL); }}/*** Logs to the console stderr** @param string $value* * @return void*/public static function error($value){fwrite(STDERR, '!ERROR: ' . $value . PHP_EOL); }/*** Logs to the console stdout** @param string $value* * @return void*/public static function write($value){fwrite(STDOUT, $value . PHP_EOL); }}/** * @return void */function helpCommand(){$script_name = basename(__FILE__); Logger::write(< < < HELP$script_name: Inject Plesk administrator user into the MySQL serverVersion: 1.0Usage:$script_name -v -d -yOptions:-vEnables verbose output-dEnables debug output-yDisables user pre-check-hShows this help messageHELP); }/** * Parses args and returns an associative array * * @return (bool|int)[] */function saneOpts(){$options = getopt('vdh'); if ($options === false) {return []; }return ['verbosityLevel' => (array_key_exists('d', $options) ? 2 : (array_key_exists('v', $options) ? 1 : (0))), 'helpMessage' => array_key_exists('h', $options), 'ignorePrecheck' => array_key_exists('y', $options), ]; }/** * Checks that basic requirements are met * * @throws \Exception if user does not have root access * @throws \Exception if script is executed on Windows * * @return void */function checkRequirements(){if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {/* On Windows, */throw new \Exception('This script must not be run on Windows'); }if (posix_geteuid() !== 0) {throw new \Exception('This script must be executed with root privileges'); }}/** * Checks that user does not actually exist or has improper rights * * @param ServerConfigurator $config * * @return boolshould the script be executed */function checkUser($config){try {$connection = new Connection($config); return !$connection-> hasAllPrivileges(); } catch (\Exception $e) {return true; }}/** * Main function of the script * * @return void */function main(){$script_name = basename(__FILE__); $options = saneOpts(); if ($options['helpMessage']) {helpCommand(); exit(0); }checkRequirements(); Configuration::setVerbosity($options['verbosityLevel']); $dbConf = new ServerConfigurator(); $service = new Service(); Logger::write('Checking if administrator exists'); if (checkUser($dbConf) === false & & $options['ignorePrecheck'] === false) {Logger::error('User \'admin\'@\'localhost\' already exists on the system and has required privileges.'. 'Run the script with \'-y\' option to skip this check'); exit (1); }$server = new Server($dbConf, $service); $server-> injectAdmin(); Logger::write('Execution has completed'); }main();

现在你已经拥有将要使用的PHP脚本, 你可以继续下一步。
2.通过Plesk CLI运行PHP脚本现在, 你只需要做的就是使用plesk php命令运行PHP脚本, 并提供filepath作为参数:
// Run PHP file through plesk in the command lineplesk php 213364309-restore-admin-user.php

运行脚本后, 如果一切运行正常, 你现在应该可以在MySQL中以admin身份登录, 例如通过命令行:
MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -u admin

【如何修复Plesk MySQL” 管理员” 密码(用户’ admin’ @’ localhost’ 的访问被拒绝(使用密码:是))】编码愉快??!
