
我想直接从模板中使用PHP函数或短代码在WordPress安装中调用小部件。我需要直接从模板调用此插件, 但是没有短代码或PHP调用:

< ?php /* Plugin Name: WP Recent Tags Plugin URI: http://www.mashget.com/2008/09/18/wp-recent-tags-for-wordpress/ Description: Show the recent tags. Author: Andrew Zhang Version: 0.1.1 Author URI: http://www.mashget.com */ if(!class_exists('RecentTags')): class RecentTags { var $plugin_name="WP Recent Tags"; var $plugin_version="0.1.1"; var $plugin_uri="http://www.mashget.com"; var $wptTable; var $post_tag_update_count_callback; var $tagcount_update_log=array(); var $rtOptions; function RecentTags() { global $wpdb; $this-> wptTable=$wpdb-> prefix . 'wpt_recent_tagcount'; $this-> rtOptions=get_option('widget_recent_tags'); if(!$this-> rtOptions) { $this-> rtOptions=$this-> get_def_options(); } $taxonomy = get_taxonomy('post_tag'); if (!empty($taxonomy-> update_count_callback) ) { $this-> post_tag_update_count_callback=$taxonomy-> update_count_callback; $taxonomy-> update_count_callback=array(& $this, 'post_tag_update_count'); add_action('wp_insert_post', array(& $this, 'check_tagcount_update_log'), PHP_INT_MAX, 2); } if($this-> rtOptions['style_css_enabled']) { add_action('wp_head', array(& $this, 'generate_rtstyle')); }add_action('delete_term', array(& $this, 'deletetagstat')); add_action('widgets_init', array(& $this, 'register_wrt_widget' )); add_action('admin_menu', array(& $this, 'add_options_page')); }function get_def_options() { return array( 'title'=> 'Recent Tags', 'postsnum'=> 10, 'tagsnum'=> 15, 'style'=> 'cloud', "style_css_enabled" => "1", "cloud_style_css" => "ul.recent-tags li { display:inline; border:0; } ul.recent-tags li a { font-weight:400; line-height:120%; margin:0 0.5em 0 0; } ul.recent-tags li .S3 { font-size:13pt; } ul.recent-tags li .S2 { font-size:11pt; } ul.recent-tags li .S1 { font-size:8pt; } ", "list_style_css" => "ul.recent-tags li { border:0; } ul.recent-tags li a { font-weight:400; line-height:120%; margin:0 0.5em 0 0; } ", ); }function add_options_page() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { add_options_page( $this-> plugin_name, $this-> plugin_name, 8, basename(__FILE__), array(& $this, 'wp_recent_tags_options_subpanel')); } }function wp_recent_tags_options_subpanel() { if($_POST["wp_rt_submit"]) { $wp_settings = array ( "style_css_enabled" => $_POST['style_css_enabled']? "1":false, "cloud_style_css" => $_POST['cloud_style_css'], "list_style_css" => $_POST['list_style_css'], ); $wp_settings=array_merge($this-> rtOptions, $wp_settings); update_option("widget_recent_tags", $wp_settings); echo '< div id="message" class="updated fade"> < p> Options Updated< /p> < /div> '; } else if($_POST["wp_rt_load_default"]) { $def=$this-> get_def_options(); $wp_settings = array ( "cloud_style_css" => $def["cloud_style_css"], "list_style_css" => $def["list_style_css"], ); $wp_settings=array_merge($this-> rtOptions, $wp_settings); update_option("widget_recent_tags", $wp_settings); echo '< div id="message" class="updated fade"> < p> Options Reset< /p> < /div> '; } else { $wp_settings=$this-> rtOptions; } ?> < div class="wrap"> < form action="< ?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?page=recent-tags.php" method="post"> < h2> < ?php echo $this-> plugin_name; ?> Options< /h2> < table class="form-table"> < tr valign="top"> < td> < input name="style_css_enabled" type="checkbox" id="style_css_enabled" value="http://www.srcmini.com/1" < ?php checked('1', ($wp_settings["style_css_enabled"]==="1")); ?> /> < label for=style_css_enabled> < strong> Output style in the page< /strong> < /label> (Or you may want to put these in your own css) < p> < a name="rt-cloud"> < /a> < label> For Cloud< /label> < br/> < textarea name="cloud_style_css" rows="5" cols="80"> < ?php echo str_replace("\t", "", $wp_settings["cloud_style_css"]); ?> < /textarea> < /p> < p> < a name="rt-list"> < /a> < label> For List< /label> < br/> < textarea name="list_style_css" rows="5" cols="80"> < ?php echo str_replace("\t", "", $wp_settings["list_style_css"]); ?> < /textarea> < /p> < /td> < /tr> < /table> < p class="submit"> < input type="submit" name="wp_rt_load_default" value="http://www.srcmini.com/Reset to Default Options & raquo;" class="button" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure to reset options?')" /> < input type="submit" name="wp_rt_submit" value="http://www.srcmini.com/Save Options & raquo;" class="button" style="margin-left:15px; " /> < /p> < /form> < /div> < ?php }function register_wrt_widget() { if (!function_exists( 'register_sidebar_widget' ))return; register_sidebar_widget($this-> plugin_name, array(& $this, 'generate_wrt_widget' )); register_widget_control($this-> plugin_name, array(& $this, 'wrt_widget_control' ) ); }function wrt_widget_control() { $options = $newoptions = $this-> rtOptions; if (isset($_POST['recent-tags-title'])) { $newoptions['title'] =(stripslashes($_POST['recent-tags-title'])); $newoptions['postsnum']=intval($_POST['recent-tags-rcposts-num']); $newoptions['tagsnum']=intval($_POST['recent-tags-maxtags-num']); $newoptions['style']=($_POST['recent-tags-style']); } if ( $options != $newoptions ) { if($newoptions['postsnum'] > $options['postsnum']) { $this-> preRtdata(intval($newoptions['postsnum'])); } $options = $newoptions; update_option('widget_recent_tags', $options); }$title = attribute_escape($options['title'] ); $postsnum = $options['postsnum']; $tagsnum =$options['tagsnum']; if(!class_exists("WidgetCache")) { ?> < p> < i> You might use < a href='http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-widget-cache/' target='_blank'> WP Widget Cache< /a> to improve performance< /i> < /p> < ?php } ?> < p> < label for="recent-tags-title"> Title: < input type="text" id="recent-tags-title" name="recent-tags-title" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $title ?>" style="width: 200px; "/> < /label> < /p> < p> < label for="recent-tags-maxtags-num"> Number of tags to show: < input type="text" size="2" id="recent-tags-maxtags-num" name="recent-tags-maxtags-num" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $tagsnum ?>"style="text-align:center; "/> < /label> < /p> < p> < label for="recent-tags-rcposts-num"> Show the tags in recent < input type="text" size="2" id="recent-tags-rcposts-num" name="recent-tags-rcposts-num" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $postsnum ?>" style="text-align:center; "/> posts < /label> (< a href="http://www.mashget.com/2008/09/18/wp-recent-tags-for-wordpress/#recent" target="_blank"> ?< /a> ) < /p> < p> Output style: < label for="recent-tags-style-cloud"> < input type="radio" id="recent-tags-style-cloud" name="recent-tags-style" value="http://www.srcmini.com/cloud" < ?php checked('1', $options['style']=="cloud"); ?> /> Cloud < /label> (< a href='http://www.srcmini.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=recent-tags.php#rt-cloud' target='_blank'> css< /a> ) < label for="recent-tags-style-list"> < input type="radio" id="recent-tags-style-list" name="recent-tags-style" value="http://www.srcmini.com/list" < ?php checked('1', $options['style']=="list"); ?> /> List < /label> (< a href='http://www.srcmini.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=recent-tags.php#rt-list' target='_blank'> css< /a> ) < /p> < ?php }function generate_rtstyle() { echo "< !--$this-> plugin_name $this-> plugin_version ($this-> plugin_uri) Begin --> \n"; echo "< style> \n"; echo str_replace("\t", "", $this-> rtOptions[$this-> rtOptions['style']."_style_css"]); echo "< /style> \n"; echo "< !--$this-> plugin_name End --> \n"; }function generate_wrt_widget($args) { extract($args); { $options = $this-> rtOptions; $title = $options['title']; $postsnum =intval($options['postsnum']); $tagsnum = intval($options['tagsnum']); if(!($postsnum> 0& & $tagsnum> 0))return; echo "< !--$this-> plugin_name $this-> plugin_version ($this-> plugin_uri) Begin --> \n"; echo $before_widget; echo $before_title.$title. $after_title; $sdate=$this-> getRecentPostDate($postsnum); echo "< ul class='recent-tags'> "; if($options['style']=='cloud') { $rts=$this-> getRecentTagCloud($tagsnum, $sdate, 3); foreach ($rts as $lpterm) { ?> < li> < a class="S< ?php echo $lpterm['slevel']; ?> " href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $lpterm['link']; ?> " title="View all posts tagged with < ?php echo $lpterm['name']; ?> "> < ?php echo $lpterm['name']; ?> < /a> < /li> < ?php } echo "< /ul> "; } else { $rts=$this-> getRecentTagNameLinks($tagsnum, $sdate); echo "< ul class='recent-tags'> "; foreach ($rts as $lpterm) { ?> < li> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $lpterm['link']; ?> " title="View all posts tagged with < ?php echo $lpterm['name']; ?> "> < ?php echo $lpterm['name']; ?> < /a> < /li> < ?php } } echo "< /ul> "; echo $after_widget; echo "< !--$this-> plugin_name End --> \n"; } }function post_tag_update_count($terms) { global $wpdb; $msg=""; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if(!$this-> tagcount_update_log[$term]) { $this-> tagcount_update_log[$term]=array(); $rec=$wpdb-> get_row($wpdb-> prepare("SELECT count, term_id FROM $wpdb-> term_taxonomy WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term )); if(!$rec) continue; $oldcount=$rec-> count; $term_id=$rec-> term_id; } else { $oldcount=$this-> tagcount_update_log[$term]['oldcount']; $term_id=$this-> tagcount_update_log[$term]['term_id']; }$newcount = $wpdb-> get_var($wpdb-> prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb-> term_relationships, $wpdb-> posts WHERE $wpdb-> posts.ID = $wpdb-> term_relationships.object_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term ) ); //$wpdb-> update($wpdb-> term_taxonomy, compact( 'count' ), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term )); $this-> tagcount_update_log[$term]=array( 'oldcount'=> intval($oldcount), 'newcount'=> intval($newcount), 'term_id'=> intval($term_id) ); } //call_user_func($this-> post_tag_update_count_callback, $terms); }function check_tagcount_update_log($post_id=0, $post=null) { if(!($post_id > 0))return; if(!$post || 'publish' != $post-> post_status)return; global $wpdb; foreach ($this-> tagcount_update_log as $term_taxonomy_id=> $termArr) { if($termArr['oldcount']!=$termArr['newcount']) { $v=$wpdb-> update($wpdb-> term_taxonomy, array('count'=> $termArr['newcount']), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term_taxonomy_id )); //file_put_contents(dirname(__File__)."/".$term_taxonomy_id, var_export($termArr, true)); $this-> updatetagstat($termArr['term_id'], $termArr['newcount']-$termArr['oldcount']); } } $this-> tagcount_update_log=array(); }function updatetagstat($term_id=0, $countchange=0, $timestamp=null) { $term_id=intval($term_id); $countchange=intval($countchange); global $wpdb; if(!($term_id> 0) || $countchange==0 ) return; if(!$timestamp)$timestamp=time(); if(!is_int($timestamp))$timestamp=strtotime($timestamp); $today = date("Ymd", $timestamp); $tomorrow =date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $timestamp), date("d", $timestamp)+1, date("Y", $timestamp))); $sql="select wpt_id, count from $this-> wptTable where term_id='$term_id' and inc_date> ='$today' and inc_date< '$tomorrow'"; $rec=$wpdb-> get_row($sql); $sql=""; if($rec) { $recid=$rec-> wpt_id; if($countchange < 0) { if($countchange < -$rec-> count) { $countchange = -$rec-> count; } } $sql="update $this-> wptTable set count=count + ($countchange) where wpt_id ='$recid'"; } else if($countchange > 0) { $sql="insert into $this-> wptTable (term_id, count, inc_date) values ('$term_id', '$countchange', '$today')"; } if($sql)$wpdb-> query($sql); }function deletetagstat($term=0, $tt_id=0, $taxonomy=0) { global $wpdb; if(!($term > 0))return; $sql="delete from $this-> wptTable where term_id='$term'"; $wpdb-> query($sql); }function install() { global $wpdb; $wptTable=$this-> wptTable; if($wpdb-> get_var("show tables like '$wptTable'") != $wptTable) {$sql="CREATE TABLE {$wptTable} ( wpt_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, term_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, count BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED default '0', inc_date DATETIME NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY(wpt_id), INDEX inc_date (inc_date), INDEX term_id (term_id) )"; $wpdb-> query($sql); $this-> preRtdata(10); //file_put_contents(dirname(__File__)."/active", $wpdb-> query($sql)); } }function preRtdata($num) { if($num< =0)return; set_time_limit(0); global $wpdb; $termArr=$this-> getTagsInRecentPosts($num); $lastTerm=$termArr[sizeof($termArr)-1]; $sql="Delete from $this-> wptTable where inc_date < '{$lastTerm['date']}'"; $wpdb-> query($sql); foreach ($termArr as $term) { $this-> updatetagstat($term['term_id'], 1, $term['date']); } }function getRecentTags($limit, $days) { global $wpdb; $where=""; if( is_int($days) & & $days > 0) { $mday =date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-$days, date("Y"))); $where=" WHERE inc_date > = '$mday' "; } else if( is_object($days) & & $days-> post_date) { $days=strtotime($days-> post_date); $mday=date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $days), date("d", $days), date("Y", $days))); $where=" WHERE inc_date > = '$mday' "; } $sql= "SELECT sum(count) as sum , t.term_id, name FROM $this-> wptTable As s INNER JOIN $wpdb-> terms As t on s.term_id=t.term_id $where GROUP BY term_id ORDER BY sum DESC LIMIT 0, $limit"; $terms = $wpdb-> get_results($sql); return $terms; }function getRecentTagNameLinks($limit, $days) { $res=array(); $terms=$this-> getRecentTags($limit, $days); foreach ($terms as $term) { $res[] = array( "id"=> $term-> term_id, "name"=> $term-> name, "link"=> clean_url(get_tag_link($term-> term_id)), "sum"=> $term-> sum ); } return $res; }function cmplp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["name"], $b["name"]); }function getRecentTagCloud($limit, $days, $levelcount) { $lpterms=$this-> getRecentTagNameLinks($limit, $days); $lpsize=sizeof($lpterms); $lpStep=floor($lpsize/$levelcount); $lpfp=0; $lplevel=$levelcount; $minsum=intval($lpterms[$lpsize-1]['sum'])-1; $maxsum=intval($lpterms[0]['sum']); foreach ($lpterms as $key => $lpterm) { $lpterms[$key]['slevel']=ceil(((floatval($lpterm['sum']))-$minsum)/($maxsum-$minsum)*$levelcount); $lpterms[$key]['level']=$lplevel; $lpfp++; if($lpfp == $lpStep) { $lplevel--; $lpfp=0; } }usort($lpterms, array(& $this, 'cmplp' )); return $lpterms; }function cleartagstat($days) { global $wpdb; $mday =date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d")-$days, date("Y"))); $sql = "delete FROM $this-> wptTable WHERE inc_date < '$mday' "; return $wpdb-> query($sql); }function getRecentPostDate($num) { global $wpdb, $tableposts; $q = "SELECT post_date FROM $tableposts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date DESC limit $num, 1"; $res= $wpdb-> get_results($q); return $res[0]; }function getTagsInRecentPosts($num) { global $wpdb, $tableposts; $q = "SELECT ID, post_date FROM $tableposts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date DESC limit $num"; $res= $wpdb-> get_results($q); $termIdArr=array(); foreach ($res as $post) { $tags = get_the_tags($post-> ID); if ($tags & & is_array($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $termIdArr[]= array( "term_id"=> $tag-> term_id, "date"=> $post-> post_date ); } } } return $termIdArr; } } endif; $recentTags= & new RecentTags(); register_activation_hook(__File__, array($recentTags, "install")); ?>

#1你应该调用此函数:generate_wrt_widget($ args)。
【WP如何使用PHP调用小部件】$ args应该加载你需要的选项, 你可以在函数的代码上看到可以在其中加载的变量。
