
好的, 所以我正在使用Wordpress中的主题, 我试图更改主页上的重定向链接。
转到他们创建的链接, 我需要将其转到其他地方。我相信我应该编辑一个PHP文件(wp-content \ plugins \ trx_addons \ components \ cpt \ services \ services.php文件), 尽管我之前没有做过。


我假设如果我是编码方面的培训, 那么我会更改链接的显示位置。但是-我认为如果在主题模板中执行此操作, 我将如何重定向链接?嗯, 插件..和wordpress …
< ?php /** * The style "default" of the Services * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.4 */$args = get_query_var('trx_addons_args_sc_services'); $number = get_query_var('trx_addons_args_item_number'); $meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'trx_addons_options', true); $link = get_permalink(); if (empty($args['id'])) $args['id'] = 'sc_services_'.str_replace('.', '', mt_rand()); if (empty($args['featured'])) $args['featured'] = 'image'; if (empty($args['featured_position'])) $args['featured_position'] = 'top'; $svg_present = false; $price_showed = false; if (!empty($args['slider'])) { ?> < div class="slider-slide swiper-slide"> < ?php } else if ($args['columns'] > 1) { ?> < div class="< ?php echo esc_attr(trx_addons_get_column_class(1, $args['columns'])); ?> "> < ?php } ?> < div class="sc_services_item< ?php echo isset($args['hide_excerpt']) & & $args['hide_excerpt'] ? ' without_content' : ' with_content'; trx_addons_show_layout($args['featured']=='image' ? ' with_image' : ($args['featured']=='icon' ? ' with_icon' : ($args['featured']=='number' ? ' with_number' : ''))); echo ' sc_services_item_featured_'.esc_attr($args['featured']!='none' ? $args['featured_position'] : 'none'); ?> "< ?php if (!empty($args['popup'])) { ?> data-post_id="< ?php echo esc_attr(get_the_ID()); ?> "< ?php ?> data-post_type="< ?php echo esc_attr(TRX_ADDONS_CPT_SERVICES_PT); ?> "< ?php } ?> > < ?php // Featured image or icon if ($args['featured'] != 'none') { if ( has_post_thumbnail() & & $args['featured']=='image') { trx_addons_get_template_part('templates/tpl.featured.php', 'trx_addons_args_featured', apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_args_featured', array( 'class' => 'sc_services_item_thumb', 'hover' => 'zoomin', 'thumb_size' => apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_thumb_size', trx_addons_get_thumb_size($args['columns'] > = 2 ? 'medium' : 'med'), 'services-default'), 'post_info' => !empty($meta['price']) ? '< span class="sc_services_item_price"> '.esc_html($meta['price']).'< /span> ' : '' ), 'services-default' ) ); $price_showed = true; } else if ($args['featured']=='icon' & & !empty($meta['icon'])) { $svg = $img = ''; if (trx_addons_is_url($meta['icon'])) { $img = $meta['icon']; $meta['icon'] = basename($meta['icon']); } else if (!empty($args['icons_animation']) & & $args['icons_animation'] > 0 & & ($svg = trx_addons_get_file_dir('css/icons.svg/'.trx_addons_esc($meta['icon']).'.svg')) != '') $svg_present = true; ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($link); ?>" id="< ?php echo esc_attr($args['id'].'_'.trim($meta['icon']).'_'.trim($number)); ?> " class="sc_services_item_icon < ?php echo !empty($svg) ? 'sc_icon_type_svg' : (!empty($img) ? 'sc_icon_type_img' : esc_attr($meta['icon']) ); ?> "< ?php if (!empty($meta['icon_color'])) { echo ' style="color:'.esc_attr($meta['icon_color']).'"'; } ?> > < ?php if (!empty($svg)) { trx_addons_show_layout(trx_addons_get_svg_from_file($svg)); } else if (!empty($img)) { $attr = trx_addons_getimagesize($img); ?> < img class="sc_icon_as_image" src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($img); ?>" alt="< ?php esc_attr__('image', 'jude'); ?> "< ?php echo (!empty($attr[3]) ? ' '.trim($attr[3]) : ''); ?> > < ?php } ?> < /a> < ?php } else { ?> < span class="sc_services_item_number"> < ?php printf("%02d", $number); ?> < /span> < ?php } } ?> < div class="sc_services_item_info"> < div class="sc_services_item_header"> < h4 class="sc_services_item_title< ?php if (!$price_showed & & !empty($meta['price'])) echo ' with_price'; ?> "> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($link); ?>"> < ?php the_title(); // Price if (!$price_showed & & !empty($meta['price'])) { ?> < div class="sc_services_item_price"> < ?php echo esc_html($meta['price']); ?> < /div> < ?php } ?> < /a> < /h4> < !-- < div class="sc_services_item_subtitle"> < ?php trx_addons_show_layout(trx_addons_get_post_terms(', ', get_the_ID(), TRX_ADDONS_CPT_SERVICES_TAXONOMY)); ?> < /div> --> < div class="sc_services_item_button sc_item_button"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($link); ?>" class="< ?php echo esc_attr(apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_sc_item_link_classes', 'sc_button sc_button_default sc_button_size_small sc_button_hover_slide_top', 'sc_services', $args)); ?> "> < ?php esc_html_e('Book now', 'jude'); ?> < /a> < /div> < /div> < ?php if (!isset($args['hide_excerpt']) || $args['hide_excerpt']==0) { ?> < div class="sc_services_item_content"> < ?php the_excerpt(); ?> < /div> < !-- < div class="sc_services_item_button sc_item_button"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($link); ?>" class="< ?php echo esc_attr(apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_sc_item_link_classes', 'sc_button sc_button_simple', 'sc_services', $args)); ?> "> < ?php esc_html_e('Learn more', 'jude'); ?> < /a> < /div> --> < ?php } ?> < /div> < /div> < ?php if (!empty($args['slider']) || $args['columns'] > 1) { ?> < /div> < ?php } if (trx_addons_is_on(trx_addons_get_option('debug_mode')) & & $svg_present) { wp_enqueue_script( 'vivus', trx_addons_get_file_url(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_SHORTCODES . 'icons/vivus.js'), array('jquery'), null, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'trx_addons-sc_icons', trx_addons_get_file_url(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_SHORTCODES . 'icons/icons.js'), array('jquery'), null, true ); } ?>

#1 该位负责该模板中的链接:
< a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url($link); ?>" class="< ?php echo esc_attr(apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_sc_item_link_classes', 'sc_button sc_button_default sc_button_size_small sc_button_hover_slide_top', 'sc_services', $args)); ?> "> < ?php esc_html_e('Book now', 'jude'); ?> < /a>

你可以看到有一个PHP变量< ?php echo esc_url($ link); 。 ?> 进入href, 即链接所在的位置。如果你将其更改为

【WordPress主题中的PHP链接更改】… 你可能已经解决了问题, 但是因为它是主题, 所以如果你更新主题, 则将丢失此更改
