
我需要创建一个wordpress循环, 其中第一个帖子将是col-md-12, 接下来的4个帖子将是col-md-6

< div class= "col-md-12"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div>

< div class= "col-md-12"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div> < div class= "col-md-6"> < /div>

< ?php if ( have_posts() ) { $counter = 0; while ( have_posts() ) {if(($counter%5) == 0 ){?> < div class= "col-md-12"> call the loop tags of the curent post to show data that you want < /div> < ?php } else{?> < div class= "col-md-6"> call the loop tags of the curent post to show data that you want < /div> < ?php }$counter++; } // end while } // end if ?>

< ?php $wp =new WP_Query(array('posts_per_page'=> 10)); if ( $wp-> have_posts() ) { $counter = 0; while ( $wp-> have_posts() ) {if(($counter%5) == 0 ){?> < div class= "col-md-12"> call the loop tags of the curent post to show data that you want < /div> < ?php } else{?> < div class= "col-md-6"> call the loop tags of the curent post to show data that you want < /div> < ?php }$counter++; } // end while } // end if ?>

【具有不同bootstrap列的WordPress循环】你必须调用$ wp之类的所有标签, 例如:the_title(), the_content(), 但不是必须的
< ?php if ( have_posts() ) { $counter = 0; while ( have_posts() ) { $colClass = ($counter%5) == 0 ) ? "col-md-12" : "col-md-6"; echo '< div class= "' . $colClass . '"> '; // Post data echo '< /div> '; $counter++; } // end while } // end if ?>
