
编辑:这是我试图分页的当前代码。它创建一个自定义查询, 不包括最新帖子以及一个类别中的所有帖子。分页在大多数情况下都可以正常工作, 但是问题是分页列表中的最后一个链接将我带到了空白页。

< section class="card-grid card-grid--push"> < main class="container container--wide"> < ?php$current_page = get_query_var('paged'); $current_page = max( 1, $current_page ); $per_page = 3; $offset = ( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page + 1; $post_list = new WP_Query(array( 'cat'=> -15, 'posts_per_page' => $per_page, 'paged'=> $current_page, 'offset'=> $offset, 'orderby'=> 'date', 'order'=> 'DESC', )); if ( $post_list-> have_posts() ): while ( $post_list-> have_posts() ): $post_list-> the_post(); ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" < ?php post_class('card'); ?> > < article class="card__content"> < ?php the_post_thumbnail('th-card'); ?> < div class="card__head"> < span class="category"> < ?php $category = get_the_category(); echo $category[0]-> cat_name; ?> < /span> < h2 class="card__title"> < ?php the_title(); ?> < /h2> < /div> < /article> < /a> < ?php endwhile; ?> < div class="pagination"> < ?php echo paginate_links( array( 'total'=> $post_list-> max_num_pages, 'current' => $current_page, 'type'=> 'list', 'prev_text' => '?', 'next_text' => '?' ) ); ?> < /div> < ?php endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?> < /main>

$current_page = get_query_var('paged'); $current_page = max( 1, $current_page ); $per_page = 12; $offset_start = 1; $offset = ( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page + $offset_start; $post_list = new WP_Query(array( 'cat'=> -15, 'posts_per_page' => $per_page, 'paged'=> $current_page, 'offset'=> $offset, // Starts with the second most recent post. 'orderby'=> 'date', // Makes sure the posts are sorted by date. 'order'=> 'DESC', // And that the most recent ones come first. )); // Manually count the number of pages, because we used a custom OFFSET (i.e. // other than 0), so we can't simply use $post_list-> max_num_pages or even // $post_list-> found_posts without extra work/calculation. $total_rows = max( 0, $post_list-> found_posts - $offset_start ); $total_pages = ceil( $total_rows / $per_page ); if ( $post_list-> have_posts() ): while ( $post_list-> have_posts() ): $post_list-> the_post(); // loop output here endwhile; echo paginate_links( array( 'total'=> $total_pages, 'current' => $current_page, ) ); endif; wp_reset_postdata();

