警告(在WordPress 4.9.8中为foreach()提供了无效的参数)

我试图在WordPress 4.9.8中运行此代码, 但出现错误:

【警告(在WordPress 4.9.8中为foreach()提供了无效的参数)】警告:在WordPress 4.9.8中为foreach()提供了无效的参数
< ?php // Create an array for post title $post_title = [ "Hello World", "Hello PHP", "Hello WordPress" ]; //Loop through array of postforeach ( $post_titles as $post_title){// Call the $display_title title functions and pass it the post titledisplay_title ( $post_title); }/* Display the title for a post * * @param string $title the title to be displayed */function display_title( $title){ // Echo an h3 tag with the title insideecho "< h3> ". $title ."< /h3> "; }?>



从那里, 你可以通过将变量称为新变量来遍历数组。你当前正在尝试回显数组变量, 而不是回显每个标题。更新了下面的代码。
< ?php // Create an array for post title $post_titles = [ "Hello World", "Hello PHP", "Hello WordPress" ]; //Loop through array of post foreach ( $post_titles as $title){ echo "< h3> ". $title ."< /h3> "; } ?>

如果你只是想在查询循环中获取帖子的标题, 则可以使用:

有关WordPress标题的更多信息, 请访问:https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_title
