English|Keep CMO Li Dan Resigns

English|Keep CMO Li Dan Resigns

Image Source: Visual China
BEIJING, May 31 (TMTPOST) — Internet fitness service provider Keep has announced internally that the company’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Li Dan has resigned from the company, Sina Tech reported, quoting two sources familiar with the matter.
Li’s decision to leave the company was reportedly because of his intention to spend more time with his family and having a different vision for Keep.
Li joined Keep as CMO in late November 2021, reporting directly to Keep’s founder and CEO Wang Yu.
Before joining Keep, Li had served at renowned enterprises including Tencent and OPPO.
Li was the third C-suite executive that Keep hired in 2021. After joining Keep, Li was in charge of the marketing department. The former marketing head, Zhao Qian, reported to Li.
Li had not been able to fully fit into the work environment at Keep, sources said. It is said that Li’s intention to resign had already been reflected by his change of behavior. “In the recent month, he didn’t show up for meetings that he was supposed to be in. He hasn’t been speaking in internal chat groups either,” a source said.
Keep believes that Li’s resignation will not have an impact on the company. The company pointed out that Li was still in the process of taking over the marketing operation since he joined Keep only recently. In addition, many works have been transferred to the former marketing head Zhao Qian.
【English|Keep CMO Li Dan Resigns】Keep is a Chinese mobile fitness app launched in 2015 by Beijing Calories Technology. The company filed for public listing in Hong Kong on February 26, 2022. As of December 2021, Keep had around 13.1 million monthly active users.
