
我更新了客户网站上正在使用的主题, 现在出现了原始的默认标题, 并在所有页面上显示页面的名称。这看起来很sc脚, 并且干扰了网站的整体布局, 我希望将其删除。

< ?php /*** @package Dusk_To_Dawn*/ ?> < !DOCTYPE html> < !--[if IE 8]> < html id="ie8" < ?php language_attributes(); ?> > < ![endif]--> < !--[if !(IE 8)]> < !--> < html < ?php language_attributes(); ?> > < !--< ![endif]--> < head> < meta charset="< ?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?> " /> < title> < ?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?> < /title> < link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" /> < link rel="pingback" href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php bloginfo('pingback_url' ); ?> " /> < !--[if lt IE 9]> < script src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /js/html5.js" type="text/javascript"> < /script> < ![endif]--> < ?php wp_head(); ?> < /head> < body < ?php body_class(); ?> > < div id="super-super-wrapper"> < div id="super-wrapper"> < div id="wrapper"> < ?php do_action( 'before' ); ?> < div id="page" class="hfeed"> < header id="branding" role="banner"> < hgroup> < h1 id="site-title"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo home_url('/' ); ?> " title="< ?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?> " rel="home"> < ?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?> < /a> < /h1> < h2 id="site-description"> < ?php bloginfo( 'description' ); ?> < /h2> < /hgroup> < /header> < !-- #branding --> < div id="main" class="clear-fix"> < ?php // Do we have a header image around? if ( '' != get_header_image() ) : ?> < div id="header-image"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo home_url('/' ); ?> "> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php header_image(); ?>" width="< ?php echo get_custom_header()-> width; ?> " height="< ?php echo get_custom_header()-> height; ?> " /> < /a> < /div> < ?php endif; ?>

< ?php /*** Sample implementation of the Custom Header feature* http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Headers** You can add an optional custom header image to header.php like so ...< ?php $header_image = get_header_image(); if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) { ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url( home_url('/' ) ); ?> " title="< ?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?> " rel="home"> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php header_image(); ?>" width="< ?php echo get_custom_header()-> width; ?> " height="< ?php echo get_custom_header()-> height; ?> " /> < /a> < ?php } // if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) ?> * * @package Dusk To Dawn */ /** * Setup the WordPress core custom header feature. * * @uses dusk_to_dawn_header_style() * @uses dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_style() * @uses dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_image() * * @package Dusk To Dawn */ function dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_setup() { add_theme_support( 'custom-header', apply_filters( 'dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_args', array( 'default-image' => '', 'default-text-color' => '497ca7', 'width' => 870, 'height' => 220, 'wp-head-callback' => 'dusk_to_dawn_header_style', 'admin-head-callback' => 'dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_style', 'admin-preview-callback' => 'dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_image', ) ) ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_setup' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'dusk_to_dawn_header_style' ) ) : /** * Styles the header image and text displayed on the blog * * @see dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_setup(). */ function dusk_to_dawn_header_style() { $header_text_color = get_header_textcolor(); // If no custom options for text are set, let's bail // get_header_textcolor() options: HEADER_TEXTCOLOR is default, hide text (returns 'blank') or any hex value if ( HEADER_TEXTCOLOR == $header_text_color ) return; // If we get this far, we have custom styles. Let's do this. ?> < style type="text/css"> < ?php // Has the text been hidden?if ( 'blank' == $header_text_color ) :?> #branding hgroup, #site-title, #site-description {position: absolute; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); /* IE6, IE7 */clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); }#page {padding: 132px 0 0 0; }< ?php// If the user has set a custom color for the text use thatelse :?> #site-title a {color: #< ?php echo $header_text_color; ?> ; }< ?php endif; ?> < /style> < ?php } endif; // dusk_to_dawn_header_styleif ( ! function_exists( 'dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_style' ) ) : /*** Styles the header image displayed on the Appearance > Header admin panel.** @see dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_setup().*/ function dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_style() { ?> < style type="text/css"> #headimg { width: < ?php echo get_custom_header()-> width; ?> px; height: < ?php echo get_custom_header()-> height; ?> px; }#heading, #headimg h1, #headimg #desc { display: none; }< /style> < ?php } endif; // dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_styleif ( ! function_exists( 'dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_image' ) ) : /*** Custom header image markup displayed on the Appearance > Header admin panel.** @see dusk_to_dawn_custom_header_setup().*/ function dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_image() {$header_image = get_header_image(); ?> < div id="headimg"> < ?php if ( ! empty( $header_image ) ) : ?> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url( $header_image ); ?>" /> < ?php endif; ?> < /div> < ?php } endif; // dusk_to_dawn_admin_header_image

#1我认为你的问题不在header.php文件中。如果它是你要隐藏的条目标题, 则可以在其他PHP文件中找到它的打印位置, 然后删除该行代码。
或者, 你可以仅在styles.css中的条目标题类上使用display:none。
范例:h1 .entry-title {display:none; }
#2【如何从WordPress主题中删除默认标题()】代替get_header(); 函数, 你可以调用自定义头文件。这将删除默认标头并添加标头, 就像创建名为custom-header.php的新标头文件一样
< ?php echo get_header('custom'); ?>
