
编写一个C程序来显示C变量的内存表示形式, 例如int, float, pointer等。
获取变量的地址和大小。将地址类型转换为char指针。现在循环查找变量的大小, 并在类型转换的指针上打印该值。

#include < stdio.h> typedef unsigned char *byte_pointer; /*show bytes takes byte pointer as an argument and prints memory contents from byte_pointer to byte_pointer + len */ void show_bytes(byte_pointer start, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printf ( " %.2x" , start[i]); printf ( "\n" ); }void show_int( int x) { show_bytes((byte_pointer) & x, sizeof ( int )); }void show_float( float x) { show_bytes((byte_pointer) & x, sizeof ( float )); }void show_pointer( void *x) { show_bytes((byte_pointer) & x, sizeof ( void *)); }/* Drover program to test above functions */ int main() { int i = 1; float f = 1.0; int *p = & i; show_float(f); show_int(i); show_pointer(p); show_int(i); getchar (); return 0; }
