Linux 如何查看ip地址

宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。这篇文章主要讲述Linux 如何查看ip地址相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
What is Ip address?An IP address is the identifier that enables our device to send or receive data packets across the internet. It holds information related to our location and therefore making devices available for two-way communication.
Most internet service providers still use IPv4. It’s based on 32 binary bits, consists of four numbers from 0 to 255, and is separated by dots. For example,
Check Ip address with ip addr commandip addr – Show information for all addresses
ip addr show dev em1 – Display information only for device em1
Get Ip address with ifconfig commandThe “ifconfig” command is another most common command used to view IP related information.
This command will list all the network interfaces along with their details which include interface status, IP address, MTU size, etc.
Find Ip address with ip route commandThe “ip route” command can also be used to find the IP address of a system. In order to find the IP address of a system, use the command as follows:
$ ip route
This command will print out the IP address of our system along with other network details.
【Linux 如何查看ip地址】Linux command: get ip address
