
Python提供了多种开发GUI(图形用户界面)的选项。在所有的GUI方法中, Tkinter是最常用的方法。它是Python随附的Tk GUI工具包的标准Python接口。带有tkinter的Python输出了创建GUI应用程序的最快, 最简单的方法。现在, 取决于开发人员的想象力或必要性, 他/她想使用此工具包进行开发的内容。

  • 导入模块– tkinter
  • 创建主窗口(容器)
  • 将任意数量的小部件添加到主窗口。
  • 将事件触发器应用于小部件。
【Python(使用Tkinter的年龄计算器)】让我们创建一个基于GUI的简单” 年龄计算器” 应用程序, 该应用程序可以根据用户给定的日期和出生日期来计算年龄。
# import all functions from the tkinter from tkinter import *# import messagebox class from tkinter from tkinter import messagebox# Function for clearing the # contents of all text entry boxes def clearAll() :# deleting the content from the entry box dayField.delete( 0 , END) monthField.delete( 0 , END) yearField.delete( 0 , END) givenDayField.delete( 0 , END) givenMonthField.delete( 0 , END) givenYearField.delete( 0 , END) rsltDayField.delete( 0 , END) rsltMonthField.delete( 0 , END) rsltYearField.delete( 0 , END)# function for checking error def checkError() :# if any of the entry field is empty # then show an error message and clear # all the entries if (dayField.get() = = " " or monthField.get() == " " or yearField.get() = = " " or givenDayField.get() == " " or givenMonthField.get() = = " " or givenYearField.get() == " ") :# show the error message messagebox.showerror( "Input Error" )# clearAll function calling clearAll()return - 1# function to calculate Age def calculateAge() :# check for error value = if error is occur then return if value = =- 1 : returnelse :# take a value from the respective entry boxes # get method returns current text as string birth_day = int (dayField.get()) birth_month = int (monthField.get()) birth_year = int (yearField.get())given_day = int (givenDayField.get()) given_month = int (givenMonthField.get()) given_year = int (givenYearField.get())# if birth date is greater then given birth_month # then donot count this month and add 30 to the date so # as to subtract the date and get the remaining days month = [ 31 , 28 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 ]if (birth_day> given_day): given_month = given_month - 1 given_day = given_day + month[birth_month - 1 ] # if birth month exceeds given month, then # donot count this year and add 12 to the # month so that we can subtract and find out # the difference if (birth_month> given_month): given_year = given_year - 1 given_month = given_month + 12# calculate day, month, year calculated_day = given_day - birth_day; calculated_month = given_month - birth_month; calculated_year = given_year - birth_year; # calculated day, month, year write back # to the respective entry boxes# insert method inserting the # value in the text entry box.rsltDayField.insert( 10 , str (calculated_day)) rsltMonthField.insert( 10 , str (calculated_month)) rsltYearField.insert( 10 , str (calculated_year))# Driver Code if __name__ = ="__main__" :# Create a GUI window gui = Tk()# Set the background colour of GUI window gui.configure(background = "light green" )# set the name of tkinter GUI window gui.title( "Age Calculator" )# Set the configuration of GUI window gui.geometry( "525x260" )# Create a Date Of Birth : label dob = Label(gui, text = "Date Of Birth" , bg = "blue" )# Create a Given Date : label givenDate = Label(gui, text = "Given Date" , bg = "blue" )# Create a Day : label day = Label(gui, text = "Day" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Month : label month = Label(gui, text = "Month" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Year : label year = Label(gui, text = "Year" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Given Day : label givenDay = Label(gui, text = "Given Day" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Given Month : label givenMonth = Label(gui, text = "Given Month" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Given Year : label givenYear = Label(gui, text = "Given Year" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Years : label rsltYear = Label(gui, text = "Years" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Months : label rsltMonth = Label(gui, text = "Months" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Days : label rsltDay = Label(gui, text = "Days" , bg = "light green" )# Create a Resultant Age Button and attached to calculateAge function resultantAge = Button(gui, text = "Resultant Age" , fg = "Black" , bg = "Red" , command = calculateAge)# Create a Clear All Button and attached to clearAll function clearAllEntry = Button(gui, text = "Clear All" , fg = "Black" , bg = "Red" , command = clearAll)# Create a text entry box for filling or typing the information. dayField = Entry(gui) monthField = Entry(gui) yearField = Entry(gui)givenDayField = Entry(gui) givenMonthField = Entry(gui) givenYearField = Entry(gui)rsltYearField = Entry(gui) rsltMonthField = Entry(gui) rsltDayField = Entry(gui)# grid method is used for placing # the widgets at respective positions # in table like structure . dob.grid(row = 0 , column = 1 )day.grid(row = 1 , column = 0 ) dayField.grid(row = 1 , column = 1 )month.grid(row = 2 , column = 0 ) monthField.grid(row = 2 , column = 1 )year.grid(row = 3 , column = 0 ) yearField.grid(row = 3 , column = 1 )givenDate.grid(row = 0 , column = 4 )givenDay.grid(row = 1 , column = 3 ) givenDayField.grid(row = 1 , column = 4 )givenMonth.grid(row = 2 , column = 3 ) givenMonthField.grid(row = 2 , column = 4 )givenYear.grid(row = 3 , column = 3 ) givenYearField.grid(row = 3 , column = 4 )resultantAge.grid(row = 4 , column = 2 )rsltYear.grid(row = 5 , column = 2 ) rsltYearField.grid(row = 6 , column = 2 )rsltMonth.grid(row = 7 , column = 2 ) rsltMonthField.grid(row = 8 , column = 2 )rsltDay.grid(row = 9 , column = 2 ) rsltDayField.grid(row = 10 , column = 2 )clearAllEntry.grid(row = 12 , column = 2 )# Start the GUI gui.mainloop()



首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
