Python-Tkinter Treeview滚动条用法示例

Python提供了几种用于构建GUI和python tkinter是其中之一。这是标准图形用户界面用于Python的库, 可帮助轻松制作GUI应用程序。它提供了一个高效的面向对象的界面tkGUI工具箱。它还具有多个控件, 称为控件, 例如文本框, 滚动条, 按钮等。此外, Tkinter具有一些几何管理方法, 即pack(), grid()和place()这对组织小部件很有帮助。
注意:有关更多信息, 请参阅Python GUI – Tkinter
树形视图滚动条 滚动条使用时Treeview小部件, 则将这种类型的滚动条称为树状视图滚动条。其中, treeview小部件有助于以列的形式在树的右侧显示树中列出的每个项目的多个功能。但是, 可以借助tkinter支持的一些小部件和几何管理方法在python中使用tkinter来实现它。

# Python program to illustrate the usage of # treeview scrollbars using tkinterfrom tkinter import ttk import tkinter as tk# Creating tkinter window window = tk.Tk() window.resizable(width = 1 , height = 1 )# Using treeview widget treev = ttk.Treeview(window, selectmode = 'browse' )# Calling pack method treeview treev.pack(side = 'right' )# Constructing vertical scrollbar # with treeview verscrlbar = ttk.Scrollbar(window, orient = "vertical" , command = treev.yview)# Calling pack method verical # scrollbar verscrlbar.pack(side = 'right' , fill = 'x' )# Configuring treeview treev.configure(xscrollcommand = verscrlbar. set )# Defining number of columns treev[ "columns" ] = ( "1" , "2" , "3" )# Defining heading treev[ 'show' ] = 'headings'# Assigning the width and anchor tothe # respective columns treev.column( "1" , width = 90 , anchor = 'c' ) treev.column( "2" , width = 90 , anchor = 'se' ) treev.column( "3" , width = 90 , anchor = 'se' )# Assigning the heading names to the # respective columns treev.heading( "1" , text = "Name" ) treev.heading( "2" , text = "Sex" ) treev.heading( "3" , text = "Age" )# Inserting the items and their features to the # columns built treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L1", values = ( "Nidhi" , "F" , "25" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L2", values = ( "Nisha" , "F" , "23" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L3", values = ( "Preeti" , "F" , "27" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L4", values = ( "Rahul" , "M" , "20" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L5", values = ( "Sonu" , "F" , "18" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L6", values = ( "Rohit" , "M" , "19" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L7", values = ( "Geeta" , "F" , "25" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L8", values = ( "Ankit" , "M" , "22" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L10", values = ( "Mukul" , "F" , "25" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L11", values = ( "Mohit" , "M" , "16" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L12", values = ( "Vivek" , "M" , "22" )) treev.insert(" ", 'end', text =" L13", values = ( "Suman" , "F" , "30" ))# Calling mainloop window.mainloop()

【Python-Tkinter Treeview滚动条用法示例】在上面的程序中, 我们使用了包()几何管理方法的方法。并且, 我们根据代码的要求仅构建了垂直滚动条, 但是你可以根据你的要求构建这两个条。此外, 此处使用锚点来定义文本的位置。但是, 你也可以使用其他几何管理方法来构造树视图滚动条。
首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
