
1.加号运算符重载 作用:实现两个自定义数据类型相加的运算

#include using namespace std; class person { public: person(int a,int b) { this->m_a = a; this->m_b = b; } int m_a; int m_b; person operator+ (const person& p)//成员函数实现+运算符重载 { person temp(0, 0); //有参构造存在的情况下不会去调用无参构造 temp.m_a = m_a + p.m_a; temp.m_b = m_b + p.m_b; return temp; } }; person operator+(const person& p1, const person& p2)//全局函数实现运算符重载 { person temp(0, 0); temp.m_a = p1.m_a + p2.m_a; temp.m_b = p2.m_b + p1.m_b; return temp; } //运算符重载也可以发生函数重载,运算符重载也可以看成是实现了一个函数 person operator+(const person& p1, int num)//使新建的对象属性是在p1的基础上每个属性都+num { person temp(0, 0); temp.m_a = p1.m_a + num; temp.m_b = p1.m_b + num; return temp; } int main() { //person p1(10, 20); //person p2(30, 40); 成员函数实现重载的本质是 p3=p2.operator+(p1) //person p3 = p1 + p2; //不定义运算符+怎么做的话,编译不通过 //cout << p3.m_a << "" << p3.m_b << endl; person p3(-1, -5); person p4(15, 25); person p5 = p3 + p4; cout << p5.m_a << "" << p5.m_b << endl; //全局函数实现重载的本质是operator+(p3,p4) person p6 = p3 + 10; //本质是 p6 =operator+ (p3,10); cout << p6.m_a << " " << p6.m_b << endl; }

还需要知道 内置的数据类型的表达式的运算符是不可能修改的,比如说定义函数是1+1=0,这是不可能的。
2.左移运算符重载 【c++|c++运算符重载】作用:可以输出自定义数据类型
#include using namespace std; class person { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, person& p); public: person(int a,int b) { this->m_a = a; this->m_b = b; } private: int m_a; int m_b; }; //成员函数实现不了我们想要的左移运算符重载,因为 p<

3.递增递减运算符重载 是为了控制在对象内让哪些成员去进行++或–操作
#include using namespace std; class myinteger { public: //前置递增运算符重载 myinteger& operator++() { m_num++; return *this; //返回引用是为了对一直对一个数据进行递增操作 } myinteger operator++(int)//使用占位参数来区分前置还是后置 { myinteger temp; temp = *this; //记录当前本身的值,让它返回,之后再将它+1; m_num++; return temp; } myinteger() { m_num = 0; } int m_num; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, myinteger myint) { cout << myint.m_num << endl; return cout; }class Mydouble { public: Mydouble() { m_value = https://www.it610.com/article/5; } Mydouble& operator--()//前置减减 { m_value--; return *this; } Mydouble operator--(int)//后置减减 { Mydouble temp; temp = *this; m_value--; return temp; } double m_value; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, Mydouble mydouble) { cout << mydouble.m_value << endl; return cout; }int main() { myinteger int1; ++int1; //想让对象里面的值+1,或者当对象里面有许多属性时,控制具体哪些属性+1,这就是++运算符重载的主要作用 cout << int1 << endl; cout << int1++; cout << int1; Mydouble double1; double1--; cout << double1; --double1; cout << double1; }

4.赋值运算符重载 编译器提供的赋值是浅拷贝操作,当有数据在堆区的时候就会出现错误,这个详解可在构造函数那篇文章里面看到
#include using namespace std; class person { public: int m_height; int* m_age; person(int age, int height) { m_age = new int(age); m_height = height; } person& operator=(const person& p1)//返回自身是为了让它能够进行连等赋值操作p1=p2=p3; { if (m_age == NULL) { delete(m_age); m_age = NULL; } m_age = new int(*p1.m_age); m_height = m_height; return *this; } }; int main() { person p1(18, 168); person p2 = p1; cout << *p2.m_age <<""<< p2.m_height; return 0; }

5.关系运算符重载 为了比较两个自定义数据类型的大小
#include using namespace std; class person { public: person(int age, int height) { m_age = age; m_height = height; } int m_age; int m_height; bool operator==(person& p1)//bool代数 { if (this->m_age == p1.m_age && this->m_height == p1.m_height) return true; else { return false; } } }; int main() { person p1(18, 170); person p2(18, 170); if (p1 == p2) { cout << "p1 and p2 is equal" << endl; } else { cout << "p1 and p2 is unequal" << endl; } }
