
context和批量更新 1. 思路回顾,避免混淆 1.1. createDOM 和 虚拟DOM

  • createDOM是创建真实的DOM元素,创建后通过element.dom = dom关联,最终由parentNode的方法挂载到页面。
  • 虚拟DOM代码中用element表示,用于dom-diff比较和更新逻辑,总体设计原则:
1.2. 类组件创建举例






1.3. 类组件更新举例






1.4. dom-diff与element类型
  • (ELEMENT大写是nativeDOM类型,element小写包含ELEMENT``Class``Function类型)
【前端框架|react15-源码演化-context和批量更新(六)】1, 错误想法:


2, 为什么错误?


3, childrenClass类型和Function类型什么时候被最终解析成ELEMENT类型的?



2. context代码实现 2.1. src/index.js
import React, { Component } from './react'; import ReactDOM from './react-dom'; let ThemeContext = React.createContext(null); let root = document.querySelector('#root'); class FunctionHeader extends Component { static contextType = ThemeContext; render() { return (
header {/* {this.context.color == 'green' ? : null} */} {this.context.color === 'red' ? : null}
) } } class FunctionTitle extends Component { static contextType = ThemeContext; render() { return (
) } } class FunctionMain extends Component { render() { return ( { (value) => (
) }
) } } class FunctionContent extends Component { render() { return ( { (value) => (
) }
) } } class FunctionPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { color: 'red' }; } changeColor = (color) => { this.setState({ color }); } render() { let contextVal = { changeColor: this.changeColor, color: this.state.color }; return (
) } } ReactDOM.render(, root);

2.2. src/react/index.js
import { TEXT, ELEMENT, CLASS_COMPONENT, FUNCTION_COMPONENT, BOOLEAN } from './constants'; import { ReactElement } from './vdom'; import { Component } from './component'; import { flatten, onlyOne } from './utils'; //利用数组 rest,方便children直接拿到数组 function createElement(type, config = {}, ...children) { delete config.__source; //dev环境下变量,不考虑该变量 delete config.__self; //dev环境下变量,不考虑该变量 let { key, ref, ...props } = config; let $$typeof = null; if (typeof type === 'string') {//span div button $$typeof = ELEMENT; //是一个原生的DOM类型 /** * 这里要注意,用真实React在测试时,你会发现: * let e1 = React.createElement('abc'); * console.log(e1); // $$typeof 仍然是 react.element类型,type: 'abc' */ } else if (typeof type === 'function' && type.prototype.isReactComponent) { $$typeof = CLASS_COMPONENT; if (type.defaultProps) { const defaultProps = type.defaultProps; for (let propName in defaultProps) { if (props[propName] === undefined) { props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]; } } } } else if (typeof type === 'function') { $$typeof = FUNCTION_COMPONENT; } else { console.error(`Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: ${typeof type}.`); } /** * 打平children,[['div']] => ['div'],递归打平的逻辑是什么呢? * 因为jsx会被babel解析成AST语法树,生成的每个虚拟DOM,都会调用React.createElement。 * 因此就相当于 React.createElement('div',{id:'parent'},React.createElement('div',{id:'child'})); * 所以,在React.createElement中打平children就实现了递归打平。 */ children = flatten(children); /** * !!! 叶子节点为字符串或数字时,需要包装成对象,这样才能指向dom节点,并根据dom更新内容 * 见 src/react/vdom.js updateElement方法 * 经过这样的改造后,element的输出结构,将跟官方有区别 */ props.children = children.filter(item => item != null).map(item => { let ret; if (typeof item === 'object' || typeof item === 'function') { ret = item; } else { if (typeof item === 'boolean') { ret = ({ $$typeof: BOOLEAN, type: BOOLEAN, content: item }); } else { ret = ({ $$typeof: TEXT, type: TEXT, content: item }); } } return ret; }); return ReactElement($$typeof, type, key, ref, props); } function createRef() { return { current: null }; } function createContext(defaultValue) { Provider.value = https://www.it610.com/article/defaultValue; //利用函数组件的特性 function Provider(props) { Provider.value = props.value; return props.children; } function Consumer(props) { //children是一个回调函数,返回虚拟DOM return onlyOne(props.children)(Provider.value); } return { Provider, Consumer }; } export { Component } const React = { createContext, createRef, createElement, Component } export default React;

2.3. src/react/vdom.js
import { TEXT, ELEMENT, CLASS_COMPONENT, FUNCTION_COMPONENT, MOVE, REMOVE, INSERT, BOOLEAN } from './constants'; import { setProps, onlyOne, flatten, patchProps } from './utils'; let updateDepth = 0; //递归深度 let diffQueue = []; //补丁包,比较移动、添加、删除的节点 export function compareTwoElements(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement) { oldRenderElement = onlyOne(oldRenderElement); newRenderElement = onlyOne(newRenderElement); let currentDOM = oldRenderElement.dom; //取出老的DOM节点(此处,element.dom = dom; 已经做过预埋设计) let currentElement = oldRenderElement; if (newRenderElement == null) { currentDOM.parentNode.removeChild(currentDOM); //新的虚拟DOM为null,删掉老节点 currentDOM = null; } else if (oldRenderElement.type != newRenderElement.type) { // span div function class let newDOM = createDOM(newRenderElement); //类型不同,新节点替换老节点 currentDOM.parentNode.replaceChild(newDOM, currentDOM); currentElement = newRenderElement; } else { //新老节点都存在,类型一样。进行 dom-diff 深度比较,比较他们的属性和子节点,并尽可能复用老节点 updateElement(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement); } return currentElement; } // *** 如果是`函数组件`或`类组件`,`oldElement`就是`oldRenderElement` // renderElement 是函数组件执行后 或 类组件调用render后返回的虚拟DOM,虚拟DOM是由React.createElement创建的 function updateElement(oldElement, newElement) { /** * !!!给 src/react/index.js 做比对,如果是字符串或者数字,仍需要获取dom,并根据dom内容更新 */ let currentDOM = newElement.dom = oldElement.dom; if (oldElement.$$typeof === TEXT && newElement.$$typeof === TEXT) { if (oldElement.content !== newElement.content) { currentDOM.textContent = newElement.content; } } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === ELEMENT) {// div span p //先更新父节点的属性,再比较更新子节点(返回来也可以) updateDOMProperties(currentDOM, oldElement.props, newElement.props); updateChildrenElements(currentDOM, oldElement.props.children, newElement.props.children); //把newElement.props赋给oldElement.props,不仅要更新dom上的attribute,还是要同步props oldElement.props = newElement.props; } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === FUNCTION_COMPONENT) {// 函数组件 updateFunctionComponent(oldElement, newElement); } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === CLASS_COMPONENT) {// 类组件 updateClassComponent(oldElement, newElement); } } function updateChildrenElements(dom, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements) { updateDepth++; //每递归新一层,updateDepth++ diff(dom, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements); updateDepth--; //每diff完一层,返回上一级,updateDepth-- if (updateDepth === 0) {//当updateDepth为0,说明到了最上层,执行补丁包 patch(diffQueue); //执行补丁 diffQueue.length = 0; } } //注意 MOVE 的逻辑:删除原节点,再插入到新的位置,因此需要缓存老DOM function patch(diffQueue) { let deleteMap = {}; //缓存老的dom let deleteChildren = []; //要删除的子节点 for (let i = 0; i < diffQueue.length; i++) { const difference = diffQueue[i]; let { type, fromIndex, toIndex, componentInstance } = difference; if (type === MOVE || type === REMOVE) {//移动或删除 let oldChildDOM = difference.parentNode.childNodes[fromIndex]; //老的DOM节点 if (type === MOVE) {//移动则缓存 deleteMap[fromIndex] = oldChildDOM; //缓存老的DOM,方便复用 } deleteChildren.push({ childDOM: oldChildDOM, componentInstance }); } } //把移动和删除的节点,执行删除操作。因为移动的真实DOM已经缓存,所以还可以拿到 deleteChildren.forEach(({ childDOM, componentInstance }) => { childDOM.parentNode.removeChild(childDOM); // 如果componentInstance存在,说明是类组件,如果卸载则执行 componentInstanceWillUnmount if (componentInstance && componentInstance.componentWillUnmount) { componentInstance.componentWillUnmount(); } }); for (let i = 0; i < diffQueue.length; i++) { //diff函数处理完毕后 //MOVE具有fromIndex,toIndex //INSERT具有toIndex,dom //REMOVE具有fromIndex let { type, fromIndex, toIndex, parentNode, dom } = diffQueue[i]; if (type === INSERT) { insertChildAt(parentNode, dom, toIndex); } else if (type === MOVE) { insertChildAt(parentNode, deleteMap[fromIndex], toIndex); } } //释放资源 deleteMap = {}; deleteChildren.length = 0; } //向index索引位置插入元素 function insertChildAt(parentNode, newChildDOM, index) { let oldChild = parentNode.children[index]; //拿到老的节点 oldChild ? parentNode.insertBefore(newChildDOM, oldChild) : parentNode.appendChild(newChildDOM); } function diff(parentNode, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements) { let oldChildrenElementsMap = getChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElements); let newChildrenElementsMap = getNewChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElementsMap, newChildrenElements); let lastIndex = 0; //由于深度优先,所有子节点在diffQueue中的位置,比父节点位置靠前 for (let i = 0; i < newChildrenElements.length; i++) { const newChildElement = newChildrenElements[i]; if (newChildElement) { let newKey = newChildElement.key || i.toString(); let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[newKey]; if (newChildElement === oldChildElement) {//同一个对象,在构建newChildrenElementsMap时确定 if (oldChildElement._mountIndex < lastIndex) { diffQueue.push({ parentNode,//记录父节点 type: MOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, toIndex: i }); } lastIndex = Math.max(oldChildElement._mountIndex, lastIndex); } else {//如果类型不相等,插入新元素(后边该key对应的老元素将被迭代,并会标记为删除) diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: INSERT, toIndex: i, dom: createDOM(newChildElement) }); } newChildElement._mountIndex = i; //新的节点,下次更新时,将变成老节点,需要_mountIndex } } //迭代老节点,如果新节点map中不包含老key,或者key相同type不同,则将老节点标记为删除 for (const oldKey in oldChildrenElementsMap) { let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[oldKey]; if (newChildrenElementsMap.hasOwnProperty(oldKey)) {//新老key相同 let newChildElement = newChildrenElementsMap[oldKey]; //如果key相同,type相同,在getNewChildrenElementsMap方法中,就确保了newChildElement === oldChildElement //当然,也可以使用canDeepCompare判断 if (oldChildElement !== newChildElement) {//type不同 diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: REMOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, componentInstance: oldChildElement.componentInstance //如果存在componentInstance,说明是类组件 }); } } else {//新map不包含老key,标记老元素删除 diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: REMOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, componentInstance: oldChildElement.componentInstance //如果不存在,则为undefined }); } } } function getNewChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElementsMap, newChildrenElements) { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < newChildrenElements.length; i++) { const newChildElement = newChildrenElements[i]; if (newChildElement) { let newKey = newChildElement.key || (i + ''); let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[newKey]; // key一样,类型一样 if (canDeepCompare(oldChildElement, newChildElement)) { updateElement(oldChildElement, newChildElement); //更新属性后,递归更新子节点 newChildrenElements[i] = oldChildElement; //复用老的虚拟DOM,老的虚拟DOM的dom属性,指向真实DOM } //新数组上的每个element都映射到map,其中包含了跟oldChildElement相等的元素 map[newKey] = newChildrenElements[i]; } } return map; } //是否可以深度递归比较 function canDeepCompare(oldChildElement, newChildElement) { if (!!oldChildElement && !!newChildElement) { return oldChildElement.type === newChildElement.type; } return false; } // 获取老map function getChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElements) { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < oldChildrenElements.length; i++) { const oldKey = oldChildrenElements[i].key || (i + ''); map[oldKey] = oldChildrenElements[i]; } return map; } function updateDOMProperties(dom, oldProps, newProps) { patchProps(dom, oldProps, newProps); } //类组件element.componentInstance.renderElement.dom=真实DOM function updateClassComponent(oldElement, newElement) { let componentInstance = newElement.componentInstance = oldElement.componentInstance; let updater = componentInstance.$updater; let nextProps = newElement.props; //React.createElement(ClassA,{style:{color:'red'}},...children) => ClassA -> type if (oldElement.type.contextType) { componentInstance.context = oldElement.type.contextType.Provider.value; } if (componentInstance.componentWillReceiveProps) { componentInstance.componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps); } //getDerivedStateFromProps 在 componentWillReceiveProps 后边 //type指class,getDerivedStateFromProps是静态属性 if (newElement.type.getDerivedStateFromProps) { let newState = newElement.type.getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, componentInstance.state); if (newState) { componentInstance.state = { ...componentInstance.state, ...newState }; } } updater.emitUpdate(nextProps); } //函数组件element.renderElement.dom=真实DOM function updateFunctionComponent(oldElement, newElement) { let oldRenderElement = oldElement.renderElement; let newRenderElement = newElement.type(newElement.props); let currentDOM = compareTwoElements(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement); newElement.renderElement = currentDOM; //更新之后,重新挂载 }export function createDOM(element) { if (typeof element !== 'object') { throw Error(`Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('${element}') is not a valid name.`) } /** * !!! element 如果是字符串或者数字,修改成在 createElement时,封装成对象 */ let dom; element = onlyOne(element); // 如果是数组,只取第一个 let { $$typeof } = element; if (!$$typeof) { // 字符串或者数字 dom = document.createTextNode(element); } else if ($$typeof == TEXT) { dom = document.createTextNode(element.content); } else if ($$typeof == ELEMENT) { // 原生DOM节点 dom = createNativeDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == FUNCTION_COMPONENT) { // 函数组件 dom = createFunctionComponentDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == CLASS_COMPONENT) { // 类组件 dom = createClassComponentDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == BOOLEAN) { // boolean dom = document.createTextNode(''); } /** * `element`是ReactElement创建出来的虚拟DOM,让虚拟的DOM的`dom`属性指向真实DOM * 这里是一个预埋设计,或者叫铺垫,通过虚拟DOM能够获取真实DOM */ element.dom = dom; return dom; } // 创建函数组件真实的DOM对象 function createFunctionComponentDOM(element) { //element: $$typeof, type, key, ref, props let { type, props } = element; /** * function FunctionComponent(props) { *return React.createElement('div', { id: 'counter' }, 'hello'); * } */ let renderElement = type(props); // type === FunctionComponent //element 是 React.createElement(FunctionComponent, config, children); 的返回值 //element 是 FunctionComponent 的父级,当然这里不是DOM的父级,只是理解为父级 element.renderElement = renderElement; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let dom = createDOM(renderElement); return dom; // `element.dom = dom; `,可以推导出: element.renderElement.dom=真实DOM } // 创建类组件真实的DOM对象 function createClassComponentDOM(element) { let { type, props, ref } = element; /** * class ClassCounter extends React.Component { *constructor(props) { *super(props); *} *render() { *return React.createElement('div', { id: 'counter' }, 'hello'); *} * } */ let componentInstance = new type(props); if (type.contextType) { componentInstance.context = type.contextType.Provider.value; } if (ref) {//给类组件也增加ref ref.current = componentInstance; } if (componentInstance.componentWillMount) { componentInstance.componentWillMount(); } if (type.getDerivedStateFromProps) { let newState = type.getDerivedStateFromProps(props, componentInstance.state); if (newState) { componentInstance.state = { ...componentInstance.state, ...newState }; } } element.componentInstance = componentInstance; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let renderElement = componentInstance.render(); componentInstance.renderElement = renderElement; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let dom = createDOM(renderElement); renderElement.dom = dom; // 此处需要进行一次挂载,便于配合生命周期 if (componentInstance.componentDidMount) { componentInstance.componentDidMount(); } return dom; // `element.dom = dom; `,可以推导出: element.componentInstance.renderElement.dom=真实DOM } /** let element = React.createElement('button', { id: 'sayHello', onClick }, 'say', React.createElement('span', { onClick: spanClick, style: { color: 'red' } }, 'Hello') ); */ function createNativeDOM(element) { let { type, props, ref } = element; // div button span let dom = document.createElement(type); //真实DOM对象 //1,创建虚拟dom的子节点 createNativeDOMChildren(dom, element); //2,给DOM元素添加属性 setProps(dom, props); if (ref) { ref.current = dom; } return dom; } function createNativeDOMChildren(parentNode, element) { let childrenNodeArr = element.props.children; //已经在React.createElement中打平 if (childrenNodeArr) { for (let i = 0; i < childrenNodeArr.length; i++) { let child = childrenNodeArr[i]; //child会传递给element,预埋设计,跟`element.dom = dom; `逻辑一样,给element添加索引 child._mountIndex = i; let childDOM = createDOM(child); parentNode.appendChild(childDOM); } } }export function ReactElement($$typeof, type, key, ref, props) { let element = { $$typeof, type, key, ref, props }; return element; }

3. 批量更新 3.1. src/index.js
import React from './react'; import ReactDOM from './react-dom'; class Counter extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { number: 0 }; } componentDidMount() { this.setState({ number: this.state.number + 1 }); console.log(this.state.number); this.setState({ number: this.state.number + 1 }); console.log(this.state.number); } render() { let p = React.createElement('p', { style: { color: 'red' } }, this.state.number); return React.createElement('div', { id: 'counter' }, p); } } let element = React.createElement(Counter, {}); ReactDOM.render( element, document.getElementById('root') ); //0 0

3.2. src/react-dom/index.js
import { createDOM } from '../react/vdom'; import { updateQueue } from '../react/component'; function render(element, container) { //1,把虚拟dom变成真实DOM let dom = createDOM(element); //2,挂在真实DOM到container上 container.appendChild(dom); } function unstable_batchedUpdates(fn) { updateQueue.isPending = true; //批量更新模式 fn(); updateQueue.isPending = false; updateQueue.batchUpdate(); } export { unstable_batchedUpdates, } export default { render, unstable_batchedUpdates, };

3.3. src/react/vdom.js
import { TEXT, ELEMENT, CLASS_COMPONENT, FUNCTION_COMPONENT, MOVE, REMOVE, INSERT, BOOLEAN } from './constants'; import { setProps, onlyOne, flatten, patchProps } from './utils'; import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from '../react-dom'; let updateDepth = 0; //递归深度 let diffQueue = []; //补丁包,比较移动、添加、删除的节点 export function compareTwoElements(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement) { oldRenderElement = onlyOne(oldRenderElement); newRenderElement = onlyOne(newRenderElement); let currentDOM = oldRenderElement.dom; //取出老的DOM节点(此处,element.dom = dom; 已经做过预埋设计) let currentElement = oldRenderElement; if (newRenderElement == null) { currentDOM.parentNode.removeChild(currentDOM); //新的虚拟DOM为null,删掉老节点 currentDOM = null; } else if (oldRenderElement.type != newRenderElement.type) { // span div function class let newDOM = createDOM(newRenderElement); //类型不同,新节点替换老节点 currentDOM.parentNode.replaceChild(newDOM, currentDOM); currentElement = newRenderElement; } else { //新老节点都存在,类型一样。进行 dom-diff 深度比较,比较他们的属性和子节点,并尽可能复用老节点 updateElement(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement); } return currentElement; } // *** 如果是`函数组件`或`类组件`,`oldElement`就是`oldRenderElement` // renderElement 是函数组件执行后 或 类组件调用render后返回的虚拟DOM,虚拟DOM是由React.createElement创建的 function updateElement(oldElement, newElement) { /** * !!!给 src/react/index.js 做比对,如果是字符串或者数字,仍需要获取dom,并根据dom内容更新 */ let currentDOM = newElement.dom = oldElement.dom; if (oldElement.$$typeof === TEXT && newElement.$$typeof === TEXT) { if (oldElement.content !== newElement.content) { currentDOM.textContent = newElement.content; } } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === ELEMENT) {// div span p //先更新父节点的属性,再比较更新子节点(返回来也可以) updateDOMProperties(currentDOM, oldElement.props, newElement.props); updateChildrenElements(currentDOM, oldElement.props.children, newElement.props.children); //把newElement.props赋给oldElement.props,不仅要更新dom上的attribute,还是要同步props oldElement.props = newElement.props; } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === FUNCTION_COMPONENT) {// 函数组件 updateFunctionComponent(oldElement, newElement); } else if (oldElement.$$typeof === CLASS_COMPONENT) {// 类组件 updateClassComponent(oldElement, newElement); } } function updateChildrenElements(dom, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements) { updateDepth++; //每递归新一层,updateDepth++ diff(dom, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements); updateDepth--; //每diff完一层,返回上一级,updateDepth-- if (updateDepth === 0) {//当updateDepth为0,说明到了最上层,执行补丁包 patch(diffQueue); //执行补丁 diffQueue.length = 0; } } //注意 MOVE 的逻辑:删除原节点,再插入到新的位置,因此需要缓存老DOM function patch(diffQueue) { let deleteMap = {}; //缓存老的dom let deleteChildren = []; //要删除的子节点 for (let i = 0; i < diffQueue.length; i++) { const difference = diffQueue[i]; let { type, fromIndex, toIndex, componentInstance } = difference; if (type === MOVE || type === REMOVE) {//移动或删除 let oldChildDOM = difference.parentNode.childNodes[fromIndex]; //老的DOM节点 if (type === MOVE) {//移动则缓存 deleteMap[fromIndex] = oldChildDOM; //缓存老的DOM,方便复用 } deleteChildren.push({ childDOM: oldChildDOM, componentInstance }); } } //把移动和删除的节点,执行删除操作。因为移动的真实DOM已经缓存,所以还可以拿到 deleteChildren.forEach(({ childDOM, componentInstance }) => { childDOM.parentNode.removeChild(childDOM); // 如果componentInstance存在,说明是类组件,如果卸载则执行 componentInstanceWillUnmount if (componentInstance && componentInstance.componentWillUnmount) { componentInstance.componentWillUnmount(); } }); for (let i = 0; i < diffQueue.length; i++) { //diff函数处理完毕后 //MOVE具有fromIndex,toIndex //INSERT具有toIndex,dom //REMOVE具有fromIndex let { type, fromIndex, toIndex, parentNode, dom } = diffQueue[i]; if (type === INSERT) { insertChildAt(parentNode, dom, toIndex); } else if (type === MOVE) { insertChildAt(parentNode, deleteMap[fromIndex], toIndex); } } //释放资源 deleteMap = {}; deleteChildren.length = 0; } //向index索引位置插入元素 function insertChildAt(parentNode, newChildDOM, index) { let oldChild = parentNode.children[index]; //拿到老的节点 oldChild ? parentNode.insertBefore(newChildDOM, oldChild) : parentNode.appendChild(newChildDOM); } function diff(parentNode, oldChildrenElements, newChildrenElements) { let oldChildrenElementsMap = getChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElements); let newChildrenElementsMap = getNewChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElementsMap, newChildrenElements); let lastIndex = 0; //由于深度优先,所有子节点在diffQueue中的位置,比父节点位置靠前 for (let i = 0; i < newChildrenElements.length; i++) { const newChildElement = newChildrenElements[i]; if (newChildElement) { let newKey = newChildElement.key || i.toString(); let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[newKey]; if (newChildElement === oldChildElement) {//同一个对象,在构建newChildrenElementsMap时确定 if (oldChildElement._mountIndex < lastIndex) { diffQueue.push({ parentNode,//记录父节点 type: MOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, toIndex: i }); } lastIndex = Math.max(oldChildElement._mountIndex, lastIndex); } else {//如果类型不相等,插入新元素(后边该key对应的老元素将被迭代,并会标记为删除) diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: INSERT, toIndex: i, dom: createDOM(newChildElement) }); } newChildElement._mountIndex = i; //新的节点,下次更新时,将变成老节点,需要_mountIndex } } //迭代老节点,如果新节点map中不包含老key,或者key相同type不同,则将老节点标记为删除 for (const oldKey in oldChildrenElementsMap) { let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[oldKey]; if (newChildrenElementsMap.hasOwnProperty(oldKey)) {//新老key相同 let newChildElement = newChildrenElementsMap[oldKey]; //如果key相同,type相同,在getNewChildrenElementsMap方法中,就确保了newChildElement === oldChildElement //当然,也可以使用canDeepCompare判断 if (oldChildElement !== newChildElement) {//type不同 diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: REMOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, componentInstance: oldChildElement.componentInstance //如果存在componentInstance,说明是类组件 }); } } else {//新map不包含老key,标记老元素删除 diffQueue.push({ parentNode, type: REMOVE, fromIndex: oldChildElement._mountIndex, componentInstance: oldChildElement.componentInstance //如果不存在,则为undefined }); } } } function getNewChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElementsMap, newChildrenElements) { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < newChildrenElements.length; i++) { const newChildElement = newChildrenElements[i]; if (newChildElement) { let newKey = newChildElement.key || (i + ''); let oldChildElement = oldChildrenElementsMap[newKey]; // key一样,类型一样 if (canDeepCompare(oldChildElement, newChildElement)) { updateElement(oldChildElement, newChildElement); //更新属性后,递归更新子节点 newChildrenElements[i] = oldChildElement; //复用老的虚拟DOM,老的虚拟DOM的dom属性,指向真实DOM } //新数组上的每个element都映射到map,其中包含了跟oldChildElement相等的元素 map[newKey] = newChildrenElements[i]; } } return map; } //是否可以深度递归比较 function canDeepCompare(oldChildElement, newChildElement) { if (!!oldChildElement && !!newChildElement) { return oldChildElement.type === newChildElement.type; } return false; } // 获取老map function getChildrenElementsMap(oldChildrenElements) { let map = {}; for (let i = 0; i < oldChildrenElements.length; i++) { const oldKey = oldChildrenElements[i].key || (i + ''); map[oldKey] = oldChildrenElements[i]; } return map; } function updateDOMProperties(dom, oldProps, newProps) { patchProps(dom, oldProps, newProps); } //类组件element.componentInstance.renderElement.dom=真实DOM function updateClassComponent(oldElement, newElement) { let componentInstance = newElement.componentInstance = oldElement.componentInstance; let updater = componentInstance.$updater; let nextProps = newElement.props; //React.createElement(ClassA,{style:{color:'red'}},...children) => ClassA -> type if (oldElement.type.contextType) { componentInstance.context = oldElement.type.contextType.Provider.value; } if (componentInstance.componentWillReceiveProps) { componentInstance.componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps); } //getDerivedStateFromProps 在 componentWillReceiveProps 后边 //type指class,getDerivedStateFromProps是静态属性 if (newElement.type.getDerivedStateFromProps) { let newState = newElement.type.getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, componentInstance.state); if (newState) { componentInstance.state = { ...componentInstance.state, ...newState }; } } updater.emitUpdate(nextProps); } //函数组件element.renderElement.dom=真实DOM function updateFunctionComponent(oldElement, newElement) { let oldRenderElement = oldElement.renderElement; let newRenderElement = newElement.type(newElement.props); let currentDOM = compareTwoElements(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement); newElement.renderElement = currentDOM; //更新之后,重新挂载 }export function createDOM(element) { if (typeof element !== 'object') { throw Error(`Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'createElement' on 'Document': The tag name provided ('${element}') is not a valid name.`) } /** * !!! element 如果是字符串或者数字,修改成在 createElement时,封装成对象 */ let dom; element = onlyOne(element); // 如果是数组,只取第一个 let { $$typeof } = element; if (!$$typeof) { // 字符串或者数字 dom = document.createTextNode(element); } else if ($$typeof == TEXT) { dom = document.createTextNode(element.content); } else if ($$typeof == ELEMENT) { // 原生DOM节点 dom = createNativeDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == FUNCTION_COMPONENT) { // 函数组件 dom = createFunctionComponentDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == CLASS_COMPONENT) { // 类组件 dom = createClassComponentDOM(element); } else if ($$typeof == BOOLEAN) { // boolean dom = document.createTextNode(''); } /** * `element`是ReactElement创建出来的虚拟DOM,让虚拟的DOM的`dom`属性指向真实DOM * 这里是一个预埋设计,或者叫铺垫,通过虚拟DOM能够获取真实DOM */ element.dom = dom; return dom; } // 创建函数组件真实的DOM对象 function createFunctionComponentDOM(element) { //element: $$typeof, type, key, ref, props let { type, props } = element; /** * function FunctionComponent(props) { *return React.createElement('div', { id: 'counter' }, 'hello'); * } */ let renderElement = type(props); // type === FunctionComponent //element 是 React.createElement(FunctionComponent, config, children); 的返回值 //element 是 FunctionComponent 的父级,当然这里不是DOM的父级,只是理解为父级 element.renderElement = renderElement; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let dom = createDOM(renderElement); return dom; // `element.dom = dom; `,可以推导出: element.renderElement.dom=真实DOM } // 创建类组件真实的DOM对象 function createClassComponentDOM(element) { let { type, props, ref } = element; /** * class ClassCounter extends React.Component { *constructor(props) { *super(props); *} *render() { *return React.createElement('div', { id: 'counter' }, 'hello'); *} * } */ let componentInstance = new type(props); if (type.contextType) { componentInstance.context = type.contextType.Provider.value; } if (ref) {//给类组件也增加ref ref.current = componentInstance; } if (componentInstance.componentWillMount) { componentInstance.componentWillMount(); } if (type.getDerivedStateFromProps) { let newState = type.getDerivedStateFromProps(props, componentInstance.state); if (newState) { componentInstance.state = { ...componentInstance.state, ...newState }; } } element.componentInstance = componentInstance; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let renderElement = componentInstance.render(); componentInstance.renderElement = renderElement; // 这里也是一个预埋设计 let dom = createDOM(renderElement); renderElement.dom = dom; // 此处需要进行一次挂载,便于配合生命周期 if (componentInstance.componentDidMount) { unstable_batchedUpdates(componentInstance.componentDidMount.bind(componentInstance)); } return dom; // `element.dom = dom; `,可以推导出: element.componentInstance.renderElement.dom=真实DOM } /** let element = React.createElement('button', { id: 'sayHello', onClick }, 'say', React.createElement('span', { onClick: spanClick, style: { color: 'red' } }, 'Hello') ); */ function createNativeDOM(element) { let { type, props, ref } = element; // div button span let dom = document.createElement(type); //真实DOM对象 //1,创建虚拟dom的子节点 createNativeDOMChildren(dom, element); //2,给DOM元素添加属性 setProps(dom, props); if (ref) { ref.current = dom; } return dom; } function createNativeDOMChildren(parentNode, element) { let childrenNodeArr = element.props.children; //已经在React.createElement中打平 if (childrenNodeArr) { for (let i = 0; i < childrenNodeArr.length; i++) { let child = childrenNodeArr[i]; //child会传递给element,预埋设计,跟`element.dom = dom; `逻辑一样,给element添加索引 child._mountIndex = i; let childDOM = createDOM(child); parentNode.appendChild(childDOM); } } }export function ReactElement($$typeof, type, key, ref, props) { let element = { $$typeof, type, key, ref, props }; return element; }

4. props合并
  • 该问题是测试过程中发现的,这里进行一个修复
4.1. src/index.js
import React from './react'; import ReactDOM from './react-dom'; class Todos extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { list: [], text: '' }; } add = () => { if (this.state.text && this.state.text.length > 0) { this.setState({ list: [...this.state.list, this.state.text], text: '' }); } } onChange = (event) => { this.setState({ text: event.target.value }); } onDel = (index) => { this.state.list.splice(index, 1); this.setState({ list: this.state.list }); } render() { var createItem = (itemText, index) => { return React.createElement("li", {}, itemText, React.createElement('button', { onClick: () => this.onDel(index) }, 'X')); }; var lists = this.state.list.map(createItem); let ul = React.createElement("ul", {}, ...lists); var input = React.createElement("input", { onKeyUp: this.onChange }); var button = React.createElement("button", { onClick: this.add }, 'Add') var h1 = React.createElement("h1", {}, this.props.title) return React.createElement('div', {}, h1, input, button, ul); } } let element = React.createElement(Todos, { title: "ToDoList" }); ReactDOM.render( element, document.getElementById('root') );

4.2. src/react/component.js
import { compareTwoElements } from './vdom'; //更新队列 export const updateQueue = { updaters: [],//要执行的updater对象 isPending: false,//是否处于批量更新模式 add(updater) { this.updaters.push(updater); }, //需要调用batchUpdate才更新 batchUpdate() { let { updaters } = this; this.isPending = true; //开始更新 let updater; while (updater = updaters.pop()) { updater.updateComponent(); //更新所有 dirty 组件 } this.isPending = false; //更新完毕 } }; class Updater { constructor(componentInstance) { this.componentInstance = componentInstance; //Updater和类组件1对1关系 this.pendingStates = []; //更新如果批量的,先把状态暂存到数组,最后更新时统一合并 this.nextProps = null; //新的属性对象 } addState(partialState) { this.pendingStates.push(partialState); //把新状态放入数组 this.emitUpdate(); } emitUpdate(nextProps) { this.nextProps = nextProps; //如果有新属性对象 或者 队列处于‘休息’状态,直接更新 if (nextProps || !updateQueue.isPending) { this.updateComponent(); } else {//否则交给队列处理 updateQueue.add(this); } } updateComponent() { let { componentInstance, pendingStates, nextProps } = this; if (nextProps || pendingStates.length > 0) {//长度大于0,有要合并的状态 shouldUpdate(componentInstance, this.getProps(), this.getState()); } } //合并props getProps() { let { componentInstance, nextProps } = this; let { props } = componentInstance; if (!nextProps) nextProps = props; if (!props) props = {}; props = { ...props, ...nextProps }; return props; } //合并及返回新的状态 getState() { let { componentInstance, pendingStates } = this; let { state } = componentInstance; //老组件当前状态 if (pendingStates.length > 0) { //迭代pendingStates,将所有状态合并到state for (let i = 0; i < pendingStates.length; i++) { let nextState = pendingStates[i]; if (typeof nextState === 'function') { state = { ...state, ...nextState.call(componentInstance, state) }; } else { state = { ...state, ...nextState }; } } } pendingStates.length = 0; //合并后清空数组 return state; } } //判断是否要更新 function shouldUpdate(componentInstance, nextProps, nextState) { componentInstance.props = nextProps; //将新props赋给组件 componentInstance.state = nextState; //将新state赋给组件 if ( componentInstance.shouldComponentUpdate && !componentInstance.shouldComponentUpdate( getComponentDefaultProps(componentInstance, nextProps), nextState ) ) { //如果shouldComponentUpdate返回false,则不更新 return false; } componentInstance.forceUpdate(); //让组件强制更新 }class Component { constructor(props) { this.props = props; this.$updater = new Updater(this); //this 就是类组件的实例 this.state = {}; // 当前状态 this.nextProps = null; // 下一个属性对象 } //批量更新 partial,状态可能会被合并 setState(partialState) { this.$updater.addState(partialState); } forceUpdate() {//进行组件更新 let { props, state, renderElement: oldRenderElement } = this; this.props = getComponentDefaultProps(this, props); if (this.componentWillUpdate) { this.componentWillUpdate(props, state); //nextProps,nextState } let { getSnapshotBeforeUpdate } = this; let extraArgs = getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(); let newRenderElement = this.render(); let currentElement = compareTwoElements(oldRenderElement, newRenderElement); this.renderElement = currentElement; if (this.componentDidUpdate) { this.componentDidUpdate(props, state, extraArgs); //prevProps,prevState,extraArgs } } } function getComponentDefaultProps(componentInstance, props) { if (!props) props = {}; let { defaultProps } = componentInstance.__proto__.constructor; if (defaultProps) { for (let propName in defaultProps) { if (props[propName] === undefined) { props[propName] = defaultProps[propName]; } } } return props; } //类组件的本质也是函数(请参考new Class原理),通过`isReactComponent`判断是类组件还是函数组件 Component.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; export { Component }

  • 核心知识产权来自《珠峰架构》,转载请注明《珠峰架构》
  • 小编对知识内容进行了拆分和优化。
