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Dec C++和VS编译器创建项目都要创建C++项目: 【C语言|基于单链表的图书管理系统(C语言)】 VS:
Dec c++: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/fd8044fae80db55031137a07.htmlC语言|基于单链表的图书管理系统(C语言)

创建头文件 struct.h 定义数据类型和存储结构

#ifndef __STRUCH_H__ #define __STRUCH_H__#define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 typedef int Status; //Status 是函数返回值类型,其值是函数结果状态代码。 typedef int ElemType; //ElemType 为可定义的数据类型,此设为int类型struct Book { char id[15]; //ISBN char name[20]; //书名 double price; //定价 }; typedef struct LNode { Book data; //结点的数据域 struct LNode* next; //结点的指针域,存储后继节点位置 } LNode, *LinkList; //LinkList为指向结构体LNode的指针类型#endif

创建 function_declare.h 头文件把所有的方法函数声明
#pragma once #ifndef __FUNCTION_H__ #define __FUNCTION_H__//初始化 Status InitList_L(LinkList& L, bool& staMain); Status Updata_books(LinkList& L); Status Read_books(LinkList& L); Status Traverse(LinkList L); Status Cr_List(LinkList& L); Status Sch_List(LinkList& L); Status Cz_List(LinkList L); Status SearchBookPriceRange(LinkList L); Status PriceAscendingSort(LinkList& L); Status ReviseAccordingBookPrice(LinkList& L); Status PriceIncrease(LinkList& L); Status SearchBookPriceBest(LinkList& L); Status DeleteDuplicateBooks(LinkList& L); #endif

创建 file_operation.cpp 源文件读取本程序文件夹目录中名为book的txt文本文件
#include #include #include "struct.h"Status Read_books(LinkList& L) { LNode* r; r = L; FILE* fp; if ((fp = fopen("book.txt", "r")) == NULL) { puts("Fail to open file!\a\n"); return ERROR; } while (!feof(fp)) { LNode* p = new LNode; fscanf(fp, "%s%s%lf\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, &p->data.price); p->next = NULL; r->next = p; r = p; } r->next = NULL; fclose(fp); return OK; }//修改txt文件 Status Updata_books(LinkList& L) { LinkList p = L; FILE* fp; if ((fp = fopen("book.txt", "w+")) == NULL) { puts("Fail to open file!\a\n"); return ERROR; } //数据写入文件 rewind(fp); while (p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; fprintf(fp, "%s %s %.2lf\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, p->data.price); } fclose(fp); printf("Text update succeeded!\n"); }

创建 books_operation.cpp 源文件编写系统的功能
#include #include #include "struct.h" #include #include "function_declare.h"//初始化状态 bool sta = false; //11、遍历 Status Traverse(LinkList L) { LinkList p = L; int sum = 0; printf("The book information is as follows:\n"); while (p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; printf("%s %s %.2f元\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, p->data.price); } return OK; }//1、初始化 Status InitList_L(LinkList& L,bool &staMain) { //算法2.6 单链表的初始化 //构造一个空的单链表L if (sta) { printf("ERROR:Do not repeat initialization!\a\n"); return ERROR; } L = new LNode; //生成新结点作为头结点,用头指针L指向头结点 L->next = NULL; //头结点的指针域置空 Read_books(L); printf("Create table succeeded complete.\n"); Traverse(L); sta = true; staMain = true; return OK; }//2、基于链表存储结构的图书信息表的新图书的入库。 Status Cr_List(LinkList& L) { Book e; int i; LinkList p, s; p = L; if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } int j = 0; //判断是否有头结点,无头节点则创建失败。 printf("Please enter the position you want to insert:"); scanf("%d", &i); while (p && (j < i - 1)) { p = p->next; ++j; } if (!p || j > i - 1) { printf("ERROR:On failure!\a\n"); return ERROR; } printf("Isbn:"); scanf("%s", &e.id); printf("title:"); scanf("%s", &e.name); printf("price:"); scanf("%lf", &e.price); while (p && (j < i - 1)) { p = p->next; ++j; } if (!p || j > i - 1) { printf("ERROR:Incorrect insertion position!\a\n"); return ERROR; } s = new LNode; //s = (LinkList)malloc(sizeof(Book)); //插入时先新建头结点 s->next = NULL; //定义p=L用p代替L进行指针遍历,防止丢失头结点 s->data = https://www.it610.com/article/e; s->next = p->next; p->next = s; Traverse(L); printf("On a successful!\n"); return OK; }//3、基于链表存储结构的图书信息表的旧图书的出库。 Status Sch_List(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR::The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } char name[15]; LinkList q = L; LinkList p = L->next; printf("Enter the isbn number to delete:\n"); scanf("%s", &name); while (p) { if (!strcmp(name, p->data.id)) { q->next = p->next; free(p); p = q->next; Traverse(L); printf("The successful!\n"); return OK; } q = p; p = p->next; } printf("ERROR:There is no book!\a\n"); }//4、基于链表存储结构的图书信息表按书号查找。 Status Cz_List(LinkList L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } char name[15]; LinkList p = L; printf("Enter the isbn you are looking for:\n"); scanf("%s", &name); while (p->next) { if (!strcmp(name, p->next->data.id)) { p = p->next; printf("%s %s %.2f元\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, p->data.price); return OK; } p = p->next; } printf("ERROR:There is no book!\a\n"); return ERROR; }//5、基于链表存储结构的图书信息表按价格区间查找。 Status SearchBookPriceRange(LinkList L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } LinkList p = L; int num = 0; bool exist = false; double min_price; double max_price; printf("The lowest price:"); getchar(); scanf("%lf", &min_price); printf("The highest price:"); getchar(); scanf("%lf", &max_price); while (p->next) { if (p->next->data.price >= min_price && p->next->data.price <= max_price) { printf("%s\t%s\t%.2lf\n", p->next->data.id, p->next->data.name, p->next->data.price); exist = true; } p = p->next; } if (exist == false) { printf("ERROR:Books are not available at this price!\n\a"); return ERROR; } printf("There are %d books altogether.\n", num); return OK; }//6、基于链表存储结构的按图书价格升序排序。 Status PriceAscendingSort(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } LinkList pfirst; LinkList psecond; LinkList pend = NULL; pfirst = L; psecond = L; Book temp; while (pfirst != pend){ while (pfirst->next != pend){ if (pfirst->data.price > pfirst->next->data.price){ temp = pfirst->data; pfirst->data = https://www.it610.com/article/pfirst->next->data; pfirst->next->data = https://www.it610.com/article/temp; } pfirst = pfirst->next; } pend = pfirst; pfirst = L; } Traverse(L); printf("Order to complete.\n"); return OK; }//7、基于链表存储结构的按图书价格修改。Status ReviseAccordingBookPrice(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } LinkList p=L; char name[15]; double price; printf("isbn:"); getchar(); scanf("%s", &name); printf("price:"); getchar(); scanf("%lf", &price); while (p->next) { if (!strcmp(name, p->next->data.id)) { p = p->next; p->data.price = price; printf("%s %s %.2f元\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, p->data.price); printf("Modify the success.\n"); return OK; } p = p->next; } printf("ERROR:Books don't exist!\n\a"); return ERROR; }//8、基于链表存储结构的按图书价格普调。 Status PriceIncrease(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } LinkList p = L->next; int len = 0; double sum_price = 0; double average; while (p) { sum_price += p->data.price; p=p->next; len++; } average = sum_price / len; p = L->next; while (p) { if (average > p->data.price) { p->data.price += (p->data.price * 0.2); } else { p->data.price += (p->data.price * 0.1); } p = p->next; } Traverse(L); printf("The average price: %lf 元\n", average); printf("The price has been raised successfully.\n"); return OK; }//9、基于链表存储结构的按最贵图书查找。 Status SearchBookPriceBest(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } int num = 0; LinkList p = L->next; double expensive = 0; while (p) { expensive = expensive < p->data.price ? p->data.price : expensive; p = p->next; } p = L->next; while (p) { if (p->data.price >= expensive) { printf("%s %s %.2lf\n", p->data.id, p->data.name, p->data.price); num++; } p = p->next; } printf("There are %d books altogether.\n", num); return OK; }//10、基于链表存储结构的图书去重。 Status DeleteDuplicateBooks(LinkList& L) { if (!sta) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); return ERROR; } if (L->next == NULL) { printf("ERROR:The list is empty!\n\a"); return ERROR; } LinkList p; LinkList mark; LinkList q; for (mark = L->next; mark != NULL; mark = mark->next) { q = mark; p = mark->next; while (p) { if (!strcmp(mark->data.id, p->data.id)) { q->next = p->next; free(p); p = q->next; } else { q = p; p = p->next; } } } Traverse(L); printf("Duplicate books have been successfully deleted.\n"); return OK; }

创建主函数 main.cpp 源文件编写界面并执行程序
#include #include #include "struct.h" #include "function_declare.h"int main() { bool staMain = false; LinkList L; int init, choose; printf("Press any key to access the main menu.\n"); getchar(); while (true) { system("cls"); printf("============The main menu=========\n"); printf("0、exit\n"); printf("1、Create a order table.\n"); printf("2、New books are put in storage.\n"); printf("3、Old books go out of stock.\n"); printf("4、Search by isbn.\n"); printf("5、Search by price range.\n"); printf("6、Sort by price in ascending order.\n"); printf("7、Revise according to book price.\n"); printf("8、According to the book price general adjustment.\n"); printf("9、Search by most expensive book.\n"); printf("10、Delete duplicate books.\n"); printf("11、View all books.\n"); printf("12、Updates are saved to text.\n"); printf("\nPlease enter the required function number:"); scanf("%d", &choose); printf("--------------------------------------------------\n"); switch (choose) { case 0: system("cls"); printf("Exiting the system successfully.\n"); system("pause"); return 0; case 1: InitList_L(L,staMain); system("pause"); break; case 2: Cr_List(L); system("pause"); break; case 3: Sch_List(L); system("pause"); break; case 4: Cz_List(L); system("pause"); break; case 5: SearchBookPriceRange(L); system("pause"); break; case 6: PriceAscendingSort(L); system("pause"); break; case 7: ReviseAccordingBookPrice(L); system("pause"); break; case 8: PriceIncrease(L); system("pause"); break; case 9: SearchBookPriceBest(L); system("pause"); break; case 10: DeleteDuplicateBooks(L); system("pause"); break; case 11: if (!staMain) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); system("pause"); } else { Traverse(L); system("pause"); } break; case 12: if (!staMain) { printf("ERROR:The linked list is not initialized!\a\n"); system("pause"); } else { Updata_books(L); system("pause"); } break; default: printf("Error:Command error!\n\a"); system("pause"); break; } } return 0; }

本程序添加了防误操作的代码,防止误输入。 C语言|基于单链表的图书管理系统(C语言)

附上测试文本(放到本项目的目录上即可) 9787512100831 计算机操作系统 35.25
9787811234923 汇编语言程序设计教程 43.55
9787302219972 单片机技术及应用 46.85
9787302257646 程序设计基础 47.52
9787302203513 编译原理 67.35


提示:如果读写文本出现乱码,可能是你的文本编码格式跟编译器对应不上,新建一个新的.txt再尝试。 基于单链表的图书管理系统,与文章配套-C++文档类资源-CSDN下载基于单链表的图书管理系统,与文章配套更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN下载频道.https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_55797565/85083861
