
简介 Faker一款基于Python的测试数据生成工具,无论是用于初始化数据库,创建XML文件,或是生成压测数据,Faker都是不错的选择。
使用方法 使用pip安装:

pip install Faker

from faker import Factory fake = Factory.create() fake.name() fake.address() fake.text()

for _ in range(10): print(fake.name()) --------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Python27\python.exe "D:/Python Projects/paydayloan/aaa.py" Leslie Mckinney Thomas White Anna Mcdowell William Allen MD Kelly House Mrs. Yolanda Myers Whitney Richard Erika Davis Ethan Harper Monique Terry

本地化 faker可以同时指定所在区域与语言生成你想要的测试数据,如:
from faker import Factory fake = Factory.create('zh_CN') for _ in range(10): print(fake.name()) -------------------------------------------------------------- C:\Python27\python.exe "D:/Python Projects/paydayloan/aaa.py" 卜林 苗桂英 童柳 归婷 蔺春梅 屠淑珍 滕桂花 延健 陆丹 田玉珍

命令行使用方法 如果不想写代码,也可直接通过命令行来生成数据,把生成的数据复制粘贴即可:
faker [-h] [--version] [-o output] [-l {bg_BG,cs_CZ,...,zh_CN,zh_TW}] [-r REPEAT] [-s SEP] [-i {module.containing.custom_provider othermodule.containing.custom_provider}] [fake] [fake argument [fake argument ...]]faker: is the script when installed in your environment, in development you could use python -m faker instead -h, --help: shows a help message --version: shows the program's version number -o FILENAME: redirects the output to the specified filename -l {bg_BG,cs_CZ,...,zh_CN,zh_TW}: allows use of a localized provider -r REPEAT: will generate a specified number of outputs -s SEP: will generate the specified separator after each generated output -i {my.custom_provider other.custom_provider} list of additional custom providers to use. Note that is the import path of the module containing your Provider class, not the custom Provider class itself. fake: is the name of the fake to generate an output for, such as name, address, or text [fake argument ...]: optional arguments to pass to the fake (e.g. the profile fake takes an optional list of comma separated field names as the first argument)

[root@localhost ~]# faker address 29763 Bailey Unions Suite 613 Wayneville, OH 64319-6008[root@localhost ~]# faker -l zh_CN name 卞云[root@localhost ~]# faker -r=3 -s="; " name Latasha Copeland; Luis Nguyen; Carlos Macdonald;

引用外部的provider 每个属性的生成器(如:'name', 'address', 'lorem') 都有各自的provider,faker可以引用外部的provider来丰富所生成的数据。
from faker import Faker fake = Faker()# 首先import provider from faker.providers import BaseProvider# 创建一个新的类 class MyProvider(BaseProvider): def foo(self): return 'bar'#把新provider加到fake实例中 fake.add_provider(MyProvider)# 使用新provider: fake.foo() > 'bar'

【Faker--一种测试数据生成工具】Faker中还有许多其他方法没有在这里提及到, 可以自行查看其文档。
