神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例


  • 1. 预训练模型
  • 2. 测试代码
  • 3. 运行代码
  • 4. 问题

神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例

1. 预训练模型 下载YOLO7姿势识别预训练模型(点击下载),将下载的yolov7-w6-pose.pt放到YOLO7项目根目录下。
神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例

2. 测试代码 在项目跟目录下,新建文件pos_reg.py,并输入如下代码:
# 姿势识别# 导入类库 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import cv2 from torchvision import transforms import numpy as np from utils.datasets import letterbox from utils.general import non_max_suppression_kpt from utils.plots import output_to_keypoint, plot_skeleton_kpts# 加载模型 device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") weigths = torch.load('yolov7-w6-pose.pt') model = weigths['model'] model = model.half().to(device) _ = model.eval()# 读取图片 image = cv2.imread('./person.jpg') image = letterbox(image, 960, stride=64, auto=True)[0] image_ = image.copy() image = transforms.ToTensor()(image) image = torch.tensor(np.array([image.numpy()])) image = image.to(device) image = image.half()# 姿势识别 output, _ = model(image)# 输出结果 output = non_max_suppression_kpt(output, 0.25, 0.65, nc=model.yaml['nc'], nkpt=model.yaml['nkpt'], kpt_label=True) output = output_to_keypoint(output) nimg = image[0].permute(1, 2, 0) * 255 nimg = nimg.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) nimg = cv2.cvtColor(nimg, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) for idx in range(output.shape[0]): plot_skeleton_kpts(nimg, output[idx, 7:].T, 3)# 保存结果 cv2.imwrite("pos_reg.jpg",nimg)

3. 运行代码 找一张图片放到项目根目录下(示例图片下载),命名为person.jpg。打开并运行pos_reg.py,运行完成后会输出pos_reg.jpg,即姿势识别后的图片。
神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例

神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例

4. 问题 【神经网络|YOLO7 姿势识别实例】如果提示错误:RuntimeError: Can’t call numpy() on Tensor that requires grad. Use tensor.detach().numpy() instead.,则需修改utils/plots.py的442行和443行,将将cpu().numpy()修改为cpu().detach().numpy():
def output_to_keypoint(output): # Convert model output to target format [batch_id, class_id, x, y, w, h, conf] targets = [] for i, o in enumerate(output): kpts = o[:,6:] o = o[:,:6] # 将cpu().numpy()修改为cpu().detach().numpy() for index, (*box, conf, cls) in enumerate(o.cpu().detach().numpy()): targets.append([i, cls, *list(*xyxy2xywh(np.array(box)[None])), conf, *list(kpts.cpu().detach().numpy()[index])]) return np.array(targets)
