android|android studio自动生成的混淆笔记

# Add two of the following rules to your Proguard configuration file. # Alternatively, you can annotate classes and class members with keep the class and specified members from being removed or renamed 保持类和指定成员不被删除或重命名 -keep class cn.qssq666.robot.selfplugin.IPluginHolder { *; }# keep the specified class members from being removed or renamed # only if the class is preserved保持类和指定成员不被删除或重命名 只有这个被保护?? -keepclassmembers class cn.qssq666.robot.selfplugin.IPluginHolder { *; }# keep the class and specified members from being renamed only仅保持当该类不被重命名, -keepnames classcn.qssq666.robot.selfplugin.IPluginHolder { *; }# keep the specified class members from being renamed only 只保持指定的类成员不再被重命名 -keepclassmembernames class cn.qssq666.robot.selfplugin.IPluginHolder { *; }
