
先推荐最近的好书《show your work》作者也会是我接下来要持续跟踪的牛牛了。比如《steal like anartist》.show your work中好词好句不断,也犹豫以后随笔是用中文还是英文,这都随意了,写才是最重要的。晨间笔记的形式也有可能转为在这里写了。作者,一个诗人,艺术家,昭示着艺术家的时代正滚滚而来,面对着AI的恐慌,,也慢慢明白笔记也可以用来说服自己。坚定信念。
接下来膜拜的是Seth Godin的博客,朗读着,内心澎湃啊。(productive=busy?)NO!!忙的定义:该检视你在做被别人要求的事情吗?perhaps it involves slowing down enough to feel the fear. The fear that we might only hear in the quiet moments, in the gaps between crises.
The fear is a necessary part of actually being productive in doing creative work.
忍不住,再来他的第二段:Your big break。 为了下面这句话的理解,我还转到处查例句,怕我理解错误。so, read after me:
The most important lesson is this: If you spend too much time looking for your next big break, you'll be stealing your opportunity to do your best work. Which is the the most important break of all.
【深夜阅读】最后,直接送我到高潮的就是公众号:改变自己的推文《转换职业跑道的终极指南》,瞬间高潮,持续痉挛。James Altucher,又一个爱分享,无保留的真诚的人。一堆title:manager, entrepreneurd, podcaster……当中我最喜欢一个:bestselling author,意味又有好书看了。因为持续痉挛了,累了,写不动了,我又是个话说一半留一半的人,东西总写不长,不说逻辑说调性的娃。so……深夜,睡屁睡,起来嗨。
