further和furthermore furthermore的用法

further和furthermore是两个相关的术语,它们有各自的含义,但有时它们又可以互换使用 。今天我们就来聊聊我所查到的furthermore和further的联系和区别,以及其它一些与furthermore同义的词以及它们之间的联系与区别 。

further和furthermore furthermore的用法


1. further和furthermore是否可以互换使用
首先,further和furthermore的主要区别是它们的语法分类 。furthermore是副词,further是动词、形容词和副词 。根据此语法类别,这两个词也具有不同的含义 。因此它们不能总是互换使用 。
在区别它们是否可以互换时,我们指的是它们都是在做副词的时候 。此时,这两个词有关系,但并不相同 。具体而言,furthermore通常情况下可以用further替换,但further并不总是能用furthermore替换 。
对于两个词的含义和用法,网页[1]的作者认为further更关注距离(distance)或者程度(extent),而furthermore表示“除了所说的内容”,而且前后两个语句之间有一定的逻辑关系 。
  • Further refers to 'more distant, place or time', 'greater extent', or 'in addition to what has been said'.

  • Furthermore always means 'in addition to what has been said'.

此外,对于further和furthermore是否可以互换,根据从网页[2]上查阅到的资料,多数观点认为它们是不可以互换的,并给出了一些它们之间用法上的明显区别 。另外,网页[3]上也很好的总结一些两者之间的区别和联系,并总结了一些它们的含义和用法,这些内容也可作参考 。
  • further通常是用于修饰名词的形容词 。在通常情况下,它不会在句子开头出现,它常用于句中,如without further delay 。它与additional同义 。

  • 相比之下,furthermore是一个副词,它不用来修饰,它用于支持或扩展之前的陈述 。它通常在句首出现,如furthermore, they allow pets 。它与in addition同义 。

但也有部分观点认为further和furthermore是可以互换的 。根据在word reference forum[4]上相关的讨论,有以下一些具有代表性并且比较有说服力的观点,我分别列出供大家参考 。
虽然further和furthermore是可以互换的,但并不建议这么做 。建议在一些情况下,用更为精确的词 。另外,furthermore只有一种释义,所以该用furthermore的时候就用它,不要用further去替代furthremore,就让further专注用于其它一些常见的表达中去 。
Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Although some agree that it is perfectly acceptable to use "further" in this way, others strongly disagree. Better to use the more precise word. Besides, "furthermore" has only one meaning, and this is it. Let it do its job and leave "further" free to get on with its other pursuits ("Send me further information." "Help me further my cause." "I can't take this idea any further.")
further和furthermore表达的含义不一样,所用的语境也应该不一样 。furthermore用于承接时表示两者之间存在内在关系 。而further用于补充,所承接的两件事具有渐进关系 。
I have seen the two words many times. But sometimes get confused. Let me make up a context.
1. I have been to America. Furthermore, I have eaten a stone.
2. B's economy will not overtake A in 21st century. B has a deformed economical structure. Further, It seems no political devices will rise up in the foreseeable future to substantially change that situation.
In sentence one, there is inter-relation between the two things. Furthermore is just used to supplement something, whatever it is. In sentence two, there is a progressive relation between them.
In which case futher or furthermore can be rightly put into?
在讨论further和furthermore是否可以互换时,是在further和furthermore具有相同的含义的前提下进行的 。further具有其它含义,而不是更广泛的含义,它更关注距离(distance)或者程度(extent),而不是furthermore中前后两个语句之间的逻辑关系 。
所以如果认为further和furthermore的用法与in addition和moreover相似,那么用further和furthermore都无所谓 。这只是个人选择问题 。但我的选择通常是用furthermore 。后面作者又补充道,further和furthermore之间的选择仅仅是个人写作风格的问题 。
Furthermore has a specific meaning. In the context of this thread and the earlier questions in it, there is no difference in meaning between further and furthermore. Further has other meanings, not broader meaning, but they are distinct from furthermore, being more concerned with distance or extent than with the logical connection between statements that is needed for furthermore. Thus, if your proposed use of furthermore or further is similar in meaning to in addition or moreover, then it does not matter whether you use further or furthermore. It is merely a question of personal choice. My choice would usually be furthermore.
The choice between them is nothing more than a matter of personal writing style.
2. Furthermore, moreover, besides之间的区别
下面是从网页[5]上查阅到的关于三个词之间区别 。
Furthermore: 当仅需在上述原因中增加一个原因时,即可使用furthermore 。
Moreover: 用来添加一个与上述原因不同的原因 。它主要是为了增加多样性 。
Besides: 当我们强调新的理由时用besides 。
下面是从网页[5]上关于三个词之间区别的英文原文表述,原文更清楚的解释了它们之间的区别 。
Furthermore, Moreover, Besides:
Furthermore, is, properly, used, when there is need only to add one more reason, to those, before-mentioned; its intent, is to multiply, and, it has no relation, but to number.
Moreover, is in its right place, when used, to add a reason of a different kind, to those, that went before; its chief office is, to add, with a particular respect, to diversity.
Besides, is used with propriety, when we would strengthen by a new reason, the force of those, that were sufficient of themselves, its principal office is, to enhance by abundance.
For a state to support itself, those, who govern, should be moderate; those who ought to obey, governable; furthermore, the laws should be judicious. There will always be war among men, because, they are naturally ambitious, and are governed by interest; moreover, zeal for religion, makes them rigid. Holy Scripture teaches us the unity of the Godhead, and, reason.
总结:当further和furthermore在用作副词的时候,它们之间虽然可以互换,但一般并不建议这么做 。
【further和furthermore furthermore的用法】
