

  • 1 scapy简介
  • 2 安装和运行scapy
  • 3 查看当前网络配置
    • 3.1 conf概览
    • 3.2 查看网卡及路由
      • 3.2.1 查看网卡
      • 3.2.2 查看路由
      • 3.3.3 查看默认网卡

1 scapy简介 scapy是一个python语言写的,用来操作TCP/IP数据包的库,基本涵盖了wireshark的主要功能,例如抓包、ping、traceroute、嗅探、扫描,但由于其可以按照自己的意愿来拼接和“无中生成”TCP/IP数据包中的内容,因此还可以实现attack的部分功能,并可以移植到任意平台运行。
2 安装和运行scapy scapy官网上有安装教程,不再赘述。建议在venv的虚拟环境下安装Scapy的basic包,不影响主python环境。本文是在windows10+python3.7环境下,安装的scapy2.4.3 basic包。另在windows下使用scapy需要安装npcap软件。




3 查看当前网络配置 venv/Lib/site-packages/scapy/config.py下有一个Conf类,主要存储了scapy最主要的一些配置,比如scapy版本、主题颜色、网卡、路由、是否使用npcap、可以在scapy交互环境中使用哪些命令等。在scapy交互环境中可以直接输入conf来查看相应的内容。
3.1 conf概览
命令 作用
conf 显示conf所有配置
conf.iface 主网卡
conf.route 获取主路由
conf.commands 可在交互环境中使用的命令集合
lsc() 同conf.commands
>>> type(conf) scapy.config.Conf

>>> conf ASN1_default_codec = AS_resolver = L2socket= L3socket= L3socket6= functools.partial(

>>> conf.iface

>>> conf.route NetworkNetmaskGatewayIfaceOutput IPMetric One Virtual Port172.28.33.10210034 Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Loopback Adapter127.0.0.1281 Loopback Adapter127.0.0.1281

可在交互环境中使用的命令conf.commands(或者输入lsc() )
>>> conf.commands IPID_count: Identify IP id values classes in a list of packets arpcachepoison: Poison target's cache with (your MAC,victim's IP) couple arping: Send ARP who-has requests to determine which hosts are up arpleak: Exploit ARP leak flaws, like NetBSD-SA2017-002. bind_layers: Bind 2 layers on some specific fields' values. bridge_and_sniff: Forward traffic between interfaces if1 and if2, sniff and return chexdump: Build a per byte hexadecimal representation computeNIGroupAddr: Compute the NI group Address. Can take a FQDN as input parameter corrupt_bits: Flip a given percentage or number of bits from a string corrupt_bytes: Corrupt a given percentage or number of bytes from a string defrag: defrag(plist) -> ([not fragmented], [defragmented], defragment: defragment(plist) -> plist defragmented as much as possible dhcp_request: Send a DHCP discover request and return the answer dyndns_add: Send a DNS add message to a nameserver for "name" to have a new "rdata" dyndns_del: Send a DNS delete message to a nameserver for "name" etherleak: Exploit Etherleak flaw explore: Function used to discover the Scapy layers and protocols. fletcher16_checkbytes: Calculates the Fletcher-16 checkbytes returned as 2 byte binary-string. fletcher16_checksum : Calculates Fletcher-16 checksum of the given buffer. fragleak: -- fragleak2: -- fragment: Fragment a big IP datagram fuzz: getmacbyip: Return MAC address corresponding to a given IP address getmacbyip6: Returns the MAC address corresponding to an IPv6 address hexdiff: Show differences between 2 binary strings hexdump: Build a tcpdump like hexadecimal view hexedit: Run hexedit on a list of packets, then return the edited packets. hexstr: Build a fancy tcpdump like hex from bytes. import_hexcap: Imports a tcpdump like hexadecimal view is_promisc: Try to guess if target is in Promisc mode. The target is provided by its ip. linehexdump: Build an equivalent view of hexdump() on a single line ls: Listavailable layers, or infos on a given layer class or name. neighsol: Sends and receive an ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation message overlap_frag: Build overlapping fragments to bypass NIPS promiscping: Send ARP who-has requests to determine which hosts are in promiscuous mode rdpcap: Read a pcap or pcapng file and return a packet list report_ports: portscan a target and output a LaTeX table restart: Restarts scapy send: Send packets at layer 3 sendp: Send packets at layer 2 sendpfast: Send packets at layer 2 using tcpreplay for performance sniff: split_layers: Split 2 layers previously bound. sr: Send and receive packets at layer 3 sr1: Send packets at layer 3 and return only the first answer sr1flood: Flood and receive packets at layer 3 and return only the first answer srbt: send and receive using a bluetooth socket srbt1: send and receive 1 packet using a bluetooth socket srflood: Flood and receive packets at layer 3 srloop: Send a packet at layer 3 in loop and print the answer each time srp: Send and receive packets at layer 2 srp1: Send and receive packets at layer 2 and return only the first answer srp1flood: Flood and receive packets at layer 2 and return only the first answer srpflood: Flood and receive packets at layer 2 srploop: Send a packet at layer 2 in loop and print the answer each time tcpdump: Run tcpdump or tshark on a list of packets. tdecode: traceroute: Instant TCP traceroute traceroute6: Instant TCP traceroute using IPv6 traceroute_map: Util function to call traceroute on multiple targets, then tshark: Sniff packets and print them calling pkt.summary(). wireshark: wrpcap: Write a list of packets to a pcap file

3.2 查看网卡及路由 3.2.1 查看网卡
命令 作用
get_windows_if_list() 获取所有网卡
IFACES / ifaces get_windows_if_list() 的全局变量
IFACES.reload() / ifaces.reload() 网卡发生变化时,刷新IFACES
>>> get_windows_if_list() [{'name': '有线网', 'win_index': 27, 'description': 'Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V #2', 'guid': '{XX}', 'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'ipv4_metric': 25, 'ipv6_metric': 25, 'ips': ['fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX', '']}, {'name': 'Npcap Loopback Adapter', 'win_index': 22, 'description': 'Npcap Loopback Adapter', 'guid': '{XX}', 'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'ipv4_metric': 25, 'ipv6_metric': 25, 'ips': ['fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX', '']}, {'name': 'Wifi', 'win_index': 31, 'description': 'Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 #2', 'guid': '{XX}', 'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'ipv4_metric': 25, 'ipv6_metric': 25, 'ips': ['fe80::XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX', '']}]

IFACES = ifaces = NetworkInterfaceDict()#NetworkInterfaceDict的无参构造函数不包含任何有用信息 IFACES.load() #这里是真正加载本地网卡的,因此如果网卡列表发生了变化,需要手工重新调用下ifaces.reload()

>>> ifaces INDEXIFACEIPMAC 27Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # 22Npcap Loopback Adapter127.0.0.100:00:00:00:00:00 18SVN Adapter V1.0169.254.112.118XXX 29Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #3169.254.173.211XXX 6Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #4169.254.192.230XXX 21Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2169.254.227.190XXX 17TAP-Windows Adapter V9169.254.26.68XXX 31Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 #2169.254.62.191XXX 14ZeroTier One Virtual Port172.28.33.102XXX 10VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8192.168.15.1XXX 23VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1192.168.220.1XXX -2[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -3[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -1[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

class NetworkInterfaceDict(UserDict): def reload(self): """Reload interface list""" self.restarted_adapter = False if conf.use_pcap: # Reload from Winpcapy from scapy.arch.pcapdnet import load_winpcapy load_winpcapy() self.load()# reload函数实际上最后也是通过调用load重新加载网卡列表 # Reload conf.iface conf.iface = get_working_if()#reload函数会同时刷新默认网卡,这里目前有点问题,详见3.2.3节

3.2.2 查看路由
命令 作用
read_routes() 查看ipv4路由
Route() 对read_routes()的封装
conf.route Route的全局对象
conf.route.route(dst=“”) 获取去百度的路由,如果dst=None的话返回默认路由
conf.route.resync() 如果网络发生了变化,用来刷新conf.route
>>> read_routes() [(0,//dest 以十进制显示 0,//netmask 以十进制显示 '',//nexthop ,//iface '',//ip 25), //metric (0, 0, '', , '', 10034), (168516352, 4294967040, '', , '', 281)]

class Route: def __init__(self): self.resync()def resync(self): from scapy.arch import read_routes self.invalidate_cache() self.routes = read_routes()

>>> Route() NetworkNetmaskGatewayIfaceOutput IPMetric Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # One Virtual Port172.28.33.10210034 Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V #

conf.route = Route()

3.3.3 查看默认网卡
命令 作用
conf.route.resync() 刷新路由
conf.iface conf.iface = conf.route.route(‘’)[0] ,默认路由对应的网卡
conf.iface被初始化为conf.iface = iface = conf.route.route(None, verbose=0)[0],之后如果网卡发生了变化,需要手动指定
conf.route.resync()#这一步不可少,必须先刷新conf.route conf.route.route(None, verbose=0)[0] # 从conf.route中获取默认路由对应的接口

>>> ifaces INDEXIFACEIPMAC 27Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # 22Npcap Loopback Adapter127.0.0.100:00:00:00:00:00 18SVN Adapter V1.0169.254.112.118XXX 29Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #3169.254.173.211XXX 6Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #4169.254.192.230XXX 21Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) #2169.254.227.190XXX 17TAP-Windows Adapter V9169.254.26.68XXX 31Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 #2169.254.62.191XXX 14ZeroTier One Virtual Port172.28.33.102XXX 10VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8192.168.15.1XXX 23VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1192.168.220.1XXX -2[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -3[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -1[Unknown] NdisWan AdapterNoneff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff >>> conf.iface=ifaces.dev_from_index(27)

scapy有一个函数get_working_if()也可以返回网卡,大多数情况下是正常的,但在有多个route的mask为0.0.0.0时有可能返回错误的结果,原因是该函数调用的路由表中netmask最小的网卡,如下获取到Zerotier虚拟网卡,原因详见win10下scapy get_working_if()不能获得正确的网卡原因分析
>>> Route() NetworkNetmaskGatewayIfaceOutput IPMetric Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # One Virtual Port172.28.33.10210034 Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # Ethernet Connection (5) I219-V # >>> get_working_if()

def get_working_if(): try: iface = min(conf.route.routes, key=lambda x: x[1])[3]#这里有点问题,详见
