
2018.11.22 ‘Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald’: Apocalypse too soon
Q1: “magizoologist”是一种什么职业?
Who studies, rescues and nurses magical creature.
Q2: 文中的“loose grip”如何理解?
Q3: 作者对这部电影的评价是怎样的呢?
Apocalypse too soon.

2018.11.23 Apple and Samsung fined for deliberately slowing down phones
Q1: 如何理解“计划报废”?
planned obsolescence
Operating system updates for older phones slowed them down, thereby encouraging the purchase of new phones.
Operating system updates “caused serious malfunctions and significantly reduced performance, thus accelerating phones’ substitution”.
Q2: “反托拉斯”是什么意思?用英语如何表达?
Q3: 你觉得罚款对于规范苹果和三星公司的企业行为有效吗?
For the requirement of marketing, I think they will be mindful for those things, but not sure that they won't do it again.

2018.11.24 Get comfy! How curling up on the sofa became the height of fashion
Q1: 你能总结出多少关于服饰的词汇?
sweatpants 运动裤
sofa dressing 沙发装
hoodie 帽衫
tracksuit 运动套装
T- shirt
leggings 打底裤
trackies 裤子
nightdress 睡衣
loungewear 家常便服
innerwear 内衣
outerwear 外衣
Q2: “cop-out”, “off-duty”, “off-limits” 分别是什么意思?
cop-out 逃避世界
off-duty 下班
off-limits 禁止入内的
Q3: 这种新时尚风潮背后的原因有哪些?
Credit Kendall Jenner and Rihanna, with their XXXXL hoodies, and Hailey Baldwin in a tracksuit at the airport.
Thanks to theInstagram, the topic of bathroom selfie and#iwokeuplikethishumblebrags, nowhere is off-limits from the feed.

2018.11.25 Two news anchors at China's state-run news agency aren't human
Q1: 形容词“stilted”如何理解?
stilted speech 生硬的语音
Q2: 你认为“AI 主播”最大的优点是什么?
News never sleep, and AI anchors also can work "24 hours a day".
Q3: 你会如何概括《华盛顿邮报》对于“AI 主播”的评价?
They try to compare Siri and Alexa with CHINA's AI anchors, shows that they are not approve our scientific and technical payoffs.
They judge that although the AI-anchors are inexhaustible and perform some basic human expressions, they're void of decision-making and processing skills and cannot offer the emotional element given by a real journalist.

2018.11.26 The new abnormal: California faces the most destructive fire in its history
Q1: 你能总结出多少和“火”相关的单词和表达?
fire 火
inferno 人间炼狱,火海
flame 火焰
wildfire 野火
fuel 燃料
mega-fire 大火,烈火
blaze 大火,烈火
spark 火花
incinerate 焚毁
ignite 点燃
flammable 易燃的
combustible 易燃的
【2018.11.22-2018.12.06流利阅读Notes】reduce (sth.) to ash/ashes 化为灰烬
put out 扑灭
Q2: “inferno”和“hell”有什么区别?
hell 与heaven 对应,不存在于真实世界
inferno 指存在于世上的人间炼狱,多被用于描述像地狱一样的火灾场面
Q3: 加州大火频发和人类的行为有何联系?
Before western settlers arrived, fires used to happen often and naturally, which made less fuel available for future fires. For the past century fires have tended to be quickly suppressed. This has led to a build-up of dry brush, and makes the average wildfire much likelier to turn into a raging mega-fire.

2018.11.27 A newly discovered tea plant is caffeine-free
Q1: 新发现的不含咖啡因的茶叶叫什么?
Q2: “发烧友”用英语怎么表达?
Q3: 目前研究人员正面临着什么样的问题?
The researchers are faced with the problem of how to protect Hongyacha in its natural habitat while further studies are carried out.

2018.11.28 Becoming a young tycoon? I can only dream...
Q1: “走上人生巅峰”用英文怎么说?
make it to the top
Q2: “nigh on”是什么意思?
nigh on impossible 几乎不可能
Q3: 作者认为年轻人不需要太气馁的原因是什么?
Author reckon that young people needn’t be too demoralised because most of us will live longer. And for the long game, we should rethink our priorities.

2018.11.29 Defense lawyer suggests a thong equals consent—and Ireland erupts
Q1: 你能找出文中一对形容社会性质的反义词吗?
conservative society 保守社会
liberal society 自由社会
Q2: 文中有两个表示“引起、引发”的动词,分别是哪两个呢?
Q3: 为什么爱尔兰社会对这次审判如此愤慨?
Because the legal system allows that women's wearing decide the consent. It means that women's status in the law not yet avaliable.

2018.11.30 How people think that self-driving cars should behave in an accident?
Q1: “preference”是什么意思?
Q2: 人们最明显的倾向是优先救哪几类人?
People prferring to save children.
Q3: 罪犯的优先级如何?
Criminals were seen as literally subhuman—ranking below dogs in the public’s priority list, but above cats.

2018.12.01 Coping with the 100-year-life society
Q1: 你能在文中找到几个“老龄化”的英文表达?
Q2: 文中的“turns silver”该如何理解?
Q3: 为什么日本的老龄化问题如此严重?
Firstly, young people are unwilling to have children.
Secondly, with the improvement of medical level, life expectancy of the elderly is increasing.

2018.12.02 ‘Toxic’ is Oxford’s word of the year. No, we’re not gaslighting you.
Q1: “toxic”和“poisonous”有何区别?
toxic 学术用语,有毒的物质
poisonous 有毒,邪恶,恶毒
Q2: “gaslighting”该如何理解?
Q3: 你认为 2018 年的年度词是什么?
laughing/laugh one's head off

2018.12.03 Technology can help solve the problem of bad, absent teachers in poor-country schools
Q1: 什么是“联合国千年发展目标”?
The UN’s Millennium Development Goals included the ambition that by 2015 all the world’s children would complete primary school.
Q2: 如何理解“亚撒哈拉”地区?
Q3: “panacea”除了“万能之计”,还有什么意思?

2018.12.04 Why suicide is falling around the world
Q1: 文章总结了哪些自杀率下降的原因?
Urbanisation and greater freedom have helped.
As people move to cities and the grip of tradition loosens, women have more choice about whom they marry or live with, making life more bearable.
Leaving the village helps in another way, too. Because farming involves killing things, rural folk are likelier to have the means to kill themselves—guns, pesticides—to hand.
Q2: 名词 means 在文中作单数还是复数?
Q3: 词组 a suicide postponed 如何理解?

2018.12.05 Bali resort bans smartphones from poolside to enforce relaxation
Q1: 这家度假村为什么颁布手机禁令?
To forcibly untetherpeople from the global addiction of smartphones when on holiday.
Q2: “nomophobia”指的是什么?
phobia 恐惧症
Q3: “force”和“enforce”的区别是什么?
force 强迫
enforce 被迫
en- 处于……状态中

2018.12.06 EU agrees ‘best possible’ Brexit deal, urges Britons to back May
Q1: 你能总结出几个表示“协议”的词?
Q2: 欧盟领导人签订的条约包括什么内容?
Including British withdrawal in March and an outline of a future EU-UK trade pact.
Q3: 为什么说这份脱欧协议是“the best possible Brexit deal”?
Firstly, maybe they would not get other better deal.
Secondly, the "only possible deal" offering control of UK borders and budgets while maintaining close alignment with EU regulations that was good for business and the security of Britain and Europe.

