codeforces Convention

模拟 二分

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题面 【codeforces Convention】Cows from all over the world are arriving at the local airport to attend the convention and eat grass. Specifically, there are N cows arriving at the airport (1≤N≤105) and cow i arrives at time ti (0≤ti≤109). Farmer John has arranged M (1≤M≤105) buses to transport the cows from the airport. Each bus can hold up to C cows in it (1≤C≤N). Farmer John is waiting with the buses at the airport and would like to assign the arriving cows to the buses. A bus can leave at the time when the last cow on it arrives. Farmer John wants to be a good host and so does not want to keep the arriving cows waiting at the airport too long. What is the smallest possible value of the maximum waiting time of any one arriving cow if Farmer John coordinates his buses optimally? A cow’s waiting time is the difference between her arrival time and the departure of her assigned bus.
It is guaranteed that MC≥N.
The first line contains three space separated integers N, M, and C. The next line contains N space separated integers representing the arrival time of each cow.
Please write one line containing the optimal minimum maximum waiting time for any one arriving cow.
6 3 2
1 1 10 14 4 3
题意 就是N牛M车 一车最多载C牛
分析 一开始想着的是模拟,觉得一头牛要么上上一辆车,要么再上一辆新车。后来wa了,结束后dl说是二分。自己试试果然如此。
#include using namespace std; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; typedef long long ll; int n,m,c; ll t[100005]; bool cmp(ll x){ int i,cnt=1,first; for(first=i=0; ix) { first=i; cnt++; continue; } if(i-first+1==c && i!=n-1){ first=i+1; cnt++; continue; } } //printf("cnt %d\n",cnt); if(cnt>m) return false; //过小 return true; //可能过大 } int main(){ int i; scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&c); for(i=0; i
