C|C 时间转换时间戳

【C|C 时间转换时间戳】 #include

void help()
printf("TimeTOTimestamp \"date\" \"date format\"\n");
printf("For example:\n");
printf("TimeTOTimestamp \"20170508\" \"%%Y%%m%%d\"\n");
printf("format infomation:\n");
printf("%%a: Abbreviated weekday name---Thu\n");
printf("%%A: Full weekday name---Thursday\n");
printf("%%b: Abbreviated month name---Aug\n");
printf("%%B: Full month name---August\n");
printf("%%c: Date and Time representation---Thu Aug 23 14:55:01 2001\n");
printf("%%C: Year divided by 100 and truncated to integer(00-99)---20\n");
printf("%%d: Day of month,zero-padded(01-31)---23\n");
printf("%%D: Shor MM/DD/YY,equivalent %%m/%%d/%%y---08/23/01\n");
printf("%%e: Doy of month,space-padded(1-31)---23\n");
printf("%%F: Short YYYY-MM-DD date,equivalent %%Y-%%m-%%d---2001-08-23\n");
printf("%%g: Week base year,last two digits(00-99)---01\n");
printf("%%G: Week base year---2001\n");
printf("%%h: Abbreviated month name(same as %%b)---Aug\n");
printf("%%H: Hour in 24h format(00-23)---14\n");
printf("%%I: Hour in 12h format(01-12)---02\n");
printf("%%j: Day of the year(001-366)---235\n");
printf("%%m: Month as a decimal number(01-12)---08\n");
printf("%%M: Minute(00-59)---55\n");
printf("%%n: New line character(\'\\n\')\n");
printf("%%p: AM or PM designation---PM\n");
printf("%%r: 12-hour clock time---02:55:02 PM\n");
printf("%%R: 24-hour HH:MM time,equivalent %%H:%%M---14:55\n");
printf("%%S: Second(00-59)---02\n");
printf("%%t: Horizental-tab character(\'\\t\')\n");
printf("%%T: ISO 8601 time format(HH:MM:SS),equivalent %%H:%%M:%%S---14:55:02\n");
printf("%%u: ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1(1-7)---4\n");
printf("%%U: Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one(00-53)---33\n");
printf("%%V: IOS 8601 week number(00-53)---34\n");
printf("%%w: Weekday as decimal number with Sunday(0-6)---4\n");
printf("%%W: Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53)---34\n");
printf("%%x: Date representation---08/23/01\n");
printf("%%X: Time representation---14:55:02\n");
printf("%%y: Year,last two digits(00-99)---01\n");
printf("%%Y: Year---2001\n");


int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int ret = 0;
struct tm * tmp_time = (struct tm *)malloc(sizeof(struct tm));
time_t tt;
if (argc < 3){
if (argc == 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1],"--help") == 0) {
goto End;
printf("The program need two parameters!!!\n");
goto End;
printf("The program need two parameters!!!\n");
goto End;
}else if (argc > 3){
printf("The program just need two parameters!!!\n");
goto End;
memset(tmp_time, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
tt = mktime(tmp_time);
if (tmp_time != NULL) {
tmp_time = NULL;
return ret;


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