
VOR :comes from the Latin verb vorare "to eat ",and the ending -ivorous-shows up in words that refers to eaters of certain kinds of food .
carnivorous :meat -eating or flesh-eating .suchas dogs ,the bears ,the raccoons ,the weasels
eg :He'd gotten tired of his vegetarian guinea Pigs and decided he preferred carnivorous pets such as ferrers .
herbivorous :Plant-eating
eg :In spite of their frightening appearance ,maraine iguanas are peaceable berbivorous animals that feed mostly on seaweed .
insectivorous :feeding on insects .such as shrews ,moles and hegehogs .
eg :the rather 12-year -old son kept insectivorous plants in his beroom and fed them live flies .
voracious :having a huge appitite
eg :One of the hardest part of dieting s watching skinny people with voracious appitites consume large ammount of food without gaining weight .

CARN; comes from a Latin word meaning 'flesh "or "meat ".carnitionoriginally meant "the color of flesh ",which was once the only color of the flower we call the carnition.
【2017.1.21,想和你一起学英语】carnage :Great destruction of life (as in a battle ); slaughter
eg ; Countries around the world appealed to all sides of the conflict to stop the carnage of the war in Bosnia .
carnal :having todo with bodily pleasures
the new stories ofthe students on Spring Break tend to focus on the carnal pleasures associated with the annual ritual .
incarnate :Given bodily or actual form ; expecially ,having human body
eg :for the rest of his life ,he would regard his childhood nanny as goodness incarnate
"the devil incarnate ","the evil incarnate "
reincarnation :1.rebirth in new bodies or forms of life2.someone who has been born again with a body after death .
eg :even as a child he stuck everyone as reincarnation of his grandfather ,not in his features but in his manner and personality .
CRED :comes from credere ,the Latin verb meaning "to believe "or "to entrust "We have a good credit rating when institutions trust in our ability to repay a loan ,and we carry credentials so that others will believe that wo are who we say we are .
credence :mental acceptance of something as true or real ; believe
He scoffed and said no one still gives any credence to the story of the loch ness monster
attention :credence is seldom used in connection with faith in a religion or philosophy .instead ,credence is used in reference to reports ,rumors ,and opinions ,tends to used with the word give ,lack ,lend ,and gain .
credible :able to be believed ,reasonable to trust or believe .good enough to be effective .
Because of her past criminal record ,the defense lawyers knew she wouldn't be a credible witness
credulity :readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidene
Thrillers and action miovies ongly suceed if they don't strain our credulity too much .
credo :a statement of the basis beliefs of a religious faith 2.a set of guiding priinciples or beliefs .the same meaning with Apostles' creed and the Nicene Creed
she claims she made her money on Wall Street just by following the old credo "buy low ,sell high "
"I believe that it is better to tell the truth than to lie .i believe that it is better to be free than to be a slave . And i believe that it is better t know than to be ignorant "------H .L Mencken
