数论|AtCoder Beginner Contest 156 C.Rally

AtCoder Beginner Contest 156 C.Rally Problem Statement Akari has n kinds of flowers, one of each kind.
She is going to choose one or more of these flowers to make a bouquet.
However, she hates two numbers a and b, so the number of flowers in the bouquet cannot be a or b.
How many different bouquets are there that Akari can make?
Find the count modulo( 1 0 9 + 7 ) . (10^9+7). (109+7).
Here, two bouquets are considered different when there is a flower that is used in one of the bouquets but not in the other bouquet.

  • All values in input are integers.
  • 2 ≤ n ≤ 1 0 9 2≤n≤10^9 2≤n≤109
  • 1 ≤ a < b ≤ m i n ( n , 2 × 1 0 5 ) 1≤a
Input Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

Output Print the number of bouquets that Akari can make, modulo( 1 0 9 + 7 ) (10^9+7) (109+7). (If there are no such bouquets, print 0.)
Sample Input 1
4 1 3

Sample Output 1

Sample Input 2
1000000000 141421 173205

Sample Output 2

【数论|AtCoder Beginner Contest 156 C.Rally】这题不难,首先推出所有情况为 2 n ? 1 2^n-1 2n?1,减去组合数C n a C_n^a Cna? 和C n b C_n^b Cnb? 即可,套一个卢卡斯定理的模板,注意负数取模的问题,不能直接 ( a n s + m o d ) % m o d (ans+mod)\%mod (ans+mod)%mod,否则会WA,要一直加直到大于0时才取模,具体见代码:
#include using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const ll mod=1e9+7; ll p(ll a, ll n) { if(n == 0) return 1; ll x = p(a, n/2); ll ans = x * x % mod; if(n % 2 == 1) ans = ans *a % mod; return ans%mod; }ll C(ll n,ll m) { if(n < m) return 0; ll res = 1; for(ll i=1; i<=m; i++) { ll a = (n+i-m)%mod; ll b = i%mod; res = res*(a*p(b,mod-2)%mod)%mod; } return res; }ll Lucas(ll n,ll m) { if(m == 0) return 1; return C(n%mod, m%mod) * Lucas(n/mod,m/mod)%mod; }ll n,a,b; int main(){ cin>>n>>a>>b; ll ans=p(2,n)-Lucas(n,a)-Lucas(n,b)-1; while(ans<0) { ans+=mod; } cout<
