
图片发自App 2019/03/07星期四晴

Remember, when it comes to surviving or whatever it is, you just have to keep on walking, walking, walking. Never stop walking for one minute, and eventually you'll get where you want to go.
All you need to do is go the right way, find a rabbit, and kill it . But don't chase it, whatever you do, because it will take you in the wrong direction and you'll waste energy getting back on course.
As for gazelles, forget them. You've got to understand that unless you have enough powder and ball-bearings, it's just greedy to want gazelle meat. And don't let yourself be led astray by mirage .
Remember, the desert is like life, it's harsh. Don't expect miracles.All you need to do is keep walking and walking and walking in the direction you've fixed on. If you're determined, you'll definitely get there. Definitely.
Right now, your worst enemy isn't the desert, it's yourself. You're your own worst enemy when you tell yourself to accept your fate!
You can tell yourself you'll never get out of here. You can think your goal is far, far away on the horizon, when actually it's really close. You can start thinking about stuff other than walking,and those thoughts can tie you up in knots(Page 174)

~Xuemo, translated by Nicky Harman.


【1】Golden sentence:
Don't expect miracles.All you need to do is keep walking and walking and walking in the direction you've fixed on.

survive /s?'va?v/
V-T/V-I If a person or living thing survives in a dangerous situation such as an accident or an illness, they do not die. 存活
...the sequence of events that left the eight pupils battling to survive in icy seas for over four hours.

Get back on course:

To get back on course, I relied on one of my stock questions.

But by the third game, she had shaken it off and regrouped to get back on course.

gazelle /ɡ??z?l/
N-COUNT A gazelle is a type of small African or Asian deer. Gazelles move very quickly and gracefully. (非洲或亚洲)羚羊

ball bearing
N-COUNT Ball bearings are small metal balls placed between the moving parts of a machine to make the parts move smoothly. 滚珠轴承

mirage /m??rɑ??/
N-COUNT A mirage is something that you see when it is extremely hot, for example in the desert, and which appears to be quite near but is actually a long way away or does not really exist. 海市蜃楼; 幻境
It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis.

horizon /h??ra?z?n/
N-SING Thehorizon is the line in the far distance where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea. 地平线
In the distance, the dot of a boat appeared on the horizon.

knot /n?t/
N-COUNT If you tie a knot in a piece of string, rope, cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it through a loop and pull it tight. 结
One lace had broken and been tied in a knot.

1.tie his up in knots陷于困境
2.tie her up in knots陷于困境
3.tie yourself up in knots陷于困境 ; 把自己搞糊涂
4.tie oneself up in knots陷入困境
5.tie someone up in knots焦虑不安
【每日英文学习(Light英文空间(16))】6.tie up someone in knots使某人无可奈何
